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Everything posted by doughphunghus

  1. I don't know if people use the in game chat (vs discord) but if you do, make it so the volume of talking generates noise the zeds can "hear". so if you "whisper" its like stepping on trash, but if you talk normally its more like gunfire. Basically if you wanted to use in game chat for more "realism" (as you can hear people only when close) then when you're going through a POI together talking loud gets zeds going. or for single player, you can *literally* talk into your mic and wake up zeds. also: if you're huddling in the dark in an early game and will die if zeds attack, you have to be quiet (literally) or whisper and hope its not too loud
  2. I tried looking in the XML for anything and didn't find anything. So it might be a .dll mod that might be needed. I can easily be wrong, just maybe C# mod ( the new type I think) might be the path forward.
  3. @winkky Yeah I bet its XMl incompatibilities. The randomizer makes copies of each entity, then essentially has rules on how to randomize each one. If the entity XML changed from a19 -> a20 then it makes sense that it would have issues. I'll se if I can generate some more for the latest a20 stable and experimental so maybe you can get some copies that work better, but other than light testing ( load them all up and spawn a few zeds to make sure they at least run around/attack) I can't be sure it will work 100% great in a20 as all the rules (and values) were designed around a20. Also: yeah, Perl was my first "use for work" language, and it is so backwards compatible (and in version 5.x for ... well, its still in 5.x since 1998? ) that I've used it "almost forever" for anything I want to "get dun quick and fast" but its showing its age a lot when you want to do anything "new and cool". Mods load in alphabetical order by their top level folder name (that are in the "Mods" folder). My first guess is that the Starter Crate's Mod folder starts with "Doughs..." and JaxTeller's mod starts with "JaxTeller..." so the starter create loads first, and there is not yet a 'JaxTeller FiberCutter' loaded for it to add. Try renaming the Jaxteller mod folder to load before mine ( e.g. rename the folder "1-JaxTeller..." or a-JaxTeller..." or similar) or make mine load last ( e.g. rename the starter create mod folder "z-Doughs....")
  4. arrgh! you're right. I wrote it while on my phone and I guess my brain glitched
  5. Thanks for the info, I wasn’t aware of that issue. how it is broken (like what is the chicken doing/not doing?) and what version of the game are you playing it in? The entity randomizer hopefully will get a “rework” for a20. The first version was a quick and dirty “test run” to see if it was even going to work as I wasn’t sure if the game could handle thousands of zombie variants (apparently it can). I hope to either convert it to python (language) or just untangle the code and make it much more user friendly to run. I’ve seen some other mods that have some “randomness” in them for zeds and I’m hoping to study them to see if I can make the randomization “logic” better.
  6. Thanks! I had no idea about that. I've updated it and pushed a new version to github,
  7. I have heard of the “people seeing different weather” issue, so hopefully that gets fixed. The weather configs are in the “weather.xml” file in the “Config” folder in the games directory. The weather is different in a20, in that it’s broken into seperate sections inside each biome. Usually these sections are named “normal”, “fog”, “rain”, and “storm”. Not all biomes have all these sections. Likely the best way to “normalize” the weather for everyone is to get rid of all the sections except “normal” in each biome. Of course, now you’ll never get fog or rain or storms. I have not heard of another fix for this, so maybe my suggestion is not the best one. also: the weather sections in the weather.xml file is not “all the settings” there are some glbal weather settings you normally cannot get to in the xml. The xml is to tweak the global weather
  8. Update: Quick conversions of Khelldons Mods to a20 conversion. They are here: 7D2D-Doughs-Khelldons-Mods-a20 Modlet: Khelldon-ComplexCobble - Made slightly more difficult. Added new Lime item (craft only from stone) to make Mortar. Added Mortar for repairing bricks. Modlet: Khelldon-StarterCrate - Made small changes. More random loot chances, and possibly less items. Removed guaranteed mining helmet
  9. Update: Quick conversions of Khelldons Mods to a20 conversion. They are here: 7D2D-Doughs-Khelldons-Mods-a20 Modlet: Khelldon-RebarCrossBowBolts Modlet: Khelldon-GetNailed Modlet: Khelldon-CustomMenu Modlet: Khelldon-HolyHandGrenade Modlet: Khelldon-AwwNuts
  10. I can’t promise anything on my side (that UI stuff is painful for me , and I have a busy week) but if you can get it working send me what you have and I’ll see if I can make “compatibility patch” mod to mine to load alongside it.
  11. Update: Loot re-balancing and Minor fixes. They are here: 7D2D-Doughs-Mods-a20 Modlet: SousChefOfTheApocalypse - Some loot groups (ovens specifically) were "broken", giving too much loot. Changed "Molding" to "Moldy" for some food. Molding feels too much like "a mold for" and not "growing mold." Apparently the US and European countries also have different usage for "Mold" and "Mould" and they're almost opposites sometimes. "Moldy" at least looks better to me for now. Sorry non US people, its just how we do it Modlet: Nerf-FlashlightsAndLanterns - small loot re-balance Modlet: UI-Hide-TheDayAndTime - added internal commented out XML so you can manually put back just the day OR the time if you want. Seems a bit overkill to make more mods just for this. Modlet: Doughs-YouveGotMail - Serious loot re-balance. Loot contents and items seems to be "better" now. You should no longer be opening a mailbox and getting 10 items on day 1. Hopefully book loot is working now (didn't test too much though so any feedback is welcome). I want items to "be found occasionally" even on day 1 but not "every time I open something" or "never can find". Note: Not using "loot scaling templates" because I don't want you to miss an item ( like book) and not be able to get it just because you're out of the "stone age". I'll likely add this looting effect later once I make "new" a20 updates for this (more items, things to do, recipes, etc) Update: Quick conversions of Khelldons Mods that require low a20 conversion effort. They are here: 7D2D-Doughs-Khelldons-Mods-a20 Modlet: Khelldon-BiggerBuckAndDoe Modlet: Khelldon-BiggerChickenAndBunny Modlet: Khelldon-GetHorny
  12. I think I found another wrinkle, based on what I'm seeing... It *appears* that a loot group has a "count" attribute that defaults? to "all" (maybe, not sure). Anyway, if a lootgroup has 3 lootgroups inside it, it *seems* that the lootgroup says "therefore there will be 1 from each lootgroup put into the container.", so in game you open it and you get 3 items, one from each lootgroup. like "its forced" as if probabilities are not used? I'm sure they are but there's some trick to it. Anyway, I'm noticing that yeah as you said the "lootcontainers are now lootgroups with lootgroups" in the new code (so use existing lootgroup probabilities) but I'm noticing the 'total number of items in a container" appears to be set by this "count" property on the toplevel (likely all of them( lootgroup. So to get the "old school feel" you might also have to be more careful what lootgroup you put new items/groups in. Most of my "You've got mail" mod has custom lootgroups, and I was missing this count on them so every one would just dump its contents (like 4 boxes and 3 letters in a mailbox) in weird ways. Once I acced counts ( and "force_prob = true like you mentioned" it appear to be working like teh old days... perhaps too well actually... I need to test more.... Anyway: thanks for the info! I hadn't really looked too hard at it and didn't notice all the little differences until you mentioned them!
  13. I'm sort of positive ( thought I do not know) that the game doesn't know you're "underground", it just knows "elevation" and "enclosed", and "enclosed" is just " inside a box of blocks (essentially). So I'm not sure how you'd change the darkness based on being in a cave/underground and make it a different darkness when inside a building on the surface. They (currently, with XML) appear to be equivalent. There is an "elevation" statistic but you can be at bedrock and "outdoors' if you're in a canyon. maybe C# coding could do something interesting... The only "fix" I know of today is "inside = total darkness, lights needed". it does look a little washed out when inside a building and sun is in the windows though as I believe when this occurs you can be inside (total darkness) and look out through an open door and the "sunny outside" looks all dark until you step outside. I think its because teh game says "if inside, use this darkness spectrum on the players eyes" vs "illuminate all blocks in the area properly according to illumination". I'm probably wrong about this and its "both" as I've seem some videos about voxel games and lighting and it seems the lighting may be calculated in weird ways because they're voxels and just "surfaces". Another VERY high possibility is that my PC is so old and janky that IF I could turn my graphics up to Ultra suddenly it would work perfectly (light wise). Anyway, I'll put the idea on the back burner if I can get into C# modding for this game as there's another thing they used to? have which is "temperature changes based on elevation" and I think that's a neat idea. higher you go (mountains), the colder it gets, etc. but I feel being "underground" needs to have some special work as.. temp should change but get warmer after going down about 20 blocks... or something, but in desert I imagine it should be cooler... so in my opinion,,, making underground base should be the "encouraged" one to use, temperature wise. When underground you're shielded from the environment... but maybe "too far underground" and its just hot.
  14. @magejoshwell.... I've been trying to figure out the ingredients mod changes to make it work and its not been easy. Basically: This is one of my first mods and I fought and fought to make it work and now I have no idea how I was able to pull it off Anyway, here's what I have so far, which might work for you? its not symmetrical and I cannot got the grey backgrounds to work well at all...and there's a weird line going through the middle I don't know where its coming from...sigh... but anyway, here's what to do to my mod that might work for you (and ignore my notes, I gave up trying to use math to get things nice): controls.xml: <configs> <!-- Remove existing ingredient_row definition. 3 rectangles --> <remove xpath="/controls/ingredient_row" /> <!-- Add new ingredient_row definition. 2 rectangles (removed last one which is a column to the right), 1/2 the width, text made smaller, etc. --> <append xpath="/controls"> <ingredient_row> <!-- wanted = width 807 ORIGINAL width 158+65+2 (border) = 225 225+158 = 383. 383x2 = 603 --> <!-- ORIGINAL width 158+65+2 (border) = 225 , which is about 447/2 ! SO: 807/2 = 403 (rounded up .5) --> <rect name="row" width="403" height="50" controller="IngredientEntry"> <!-- ORIGINAL width 65 (icon) --> <rect depth="2" width="65" height="48"> <!-- These 2 lines are the icon grey background --> <sprite depth="2" name="backgroundMain" sprite="menu_empty3px" pos="-3,2" width="71" height="53" color="[black]" type="sliced" fillcenter="false" /> <sprite color="[lightGrey]" type="sliced" /> <!-- This line is the actual icon --> <sprite depth="2" name="icon" width="56" height="40" atlas="ItemIconAtlas" sprite="{itemicon}" color="{itemicontint}" pos="30,-20" pivot="center" foregroundlayer="true"/> </rect> <!-- ORIGINAL width 158 (icon descripion) ORIGINAL width 158+65+2 (border) = 225 SO: 404-65 = 339 NOTE: 2 places to change below! --> <rect depth="2" width="336" height="48" pos="68,0"> <!-- These 2 lines are the item text grey background --> <sprite depth="2" name="backgroundMain" sprite="menu_empty3px" pos="-3,2" width="255" height="53" color="[black]" type="sliced" fillcenter="false" /> <!-- <sprite color="[lightGrey]" type="sliced" /> --> <!-- This line is teh actual item text--> <label depth="3" name="name" pos="80,-20" width="157" height="26" font_size="19" color="[labelColor]" justify="left" pivot="center" text="{itemname} {haveneedcount}"/> </rect> </rect> </ingredient_row> </append> </configs> windows.xml: <configs> <!-- NEW LINE: widens crafting info panel--> <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='craftingInfoPanel']/@width">807</set> <!-- was 603 --> <!-- NEW LINE: widens crafting info panel--> <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='craftingInfoPanel']/rect[@name='contentCraftingInfo']/sprite[@name='backgroundMain']/@width">807</set> <!-- was 603 --> <!-- Remove existing ingredients rect. Only 1 column, 5 fixed visible ingredients --> <remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='craftingInfoPanel']/rect[@name='contentCraftingInfo']/rect[@name='ingredients']" /> <!-- Add new ingredients rect. 2 columns, 10 fixed visible ingredients --> <insertAfter xpath="/windows/window[@name='craftingInfoPanel']/rect[@name='contentCraftingInfo']/rect[@name='description']" > <!-- ORIGINAL width="447" --> <rect depth="1" pos="153,-95" name="ingredients" width="807" height="264" visible="{showingredients}"> <!-- ORIGINAL width="450" cell_width=227--> <grid rows="5" cols="2" width="800" height="231" cell_height="50" cell_width="336" repeat_content="true" controller="IngredientList" arrangement="vertical"> <ingredient_row/> </grid> </rect> </insertAfter> </configs> here's what it looks like for me:
  15. @magejoshI'm having trouble replicating this issue. can you link to the backpack mod (or the XML you're using) you're trying to make this work with? I tried Khaines 96 slot backpack mod and it fit pretty well, and then I changed the width on it to 807 and nothing changed. It looks like your mod is making it wider than the 96 "modded" one I tried, and the "ingredients" are working but the "background" to them (the grey part with black lines that makes it look like a nice table) is not expanding properly.
  16. @noname835 I'm going to make a **guess** as I cannot test right now, but I believe you should change this line: <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/sprite[@pos='240,-60']/label/@text">^</set> to this: <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/sprite[@pos='240,-60']/label/@text">{timetitle}: {time}</set> If this does not work, let me know!
  17. interesting. I had not thought of that. I haven't messed with the limits of how small something can get....... I'll see if this works. Even if they're "kinda big" (not literal action figure size) it would still be neat. I know there was a mod that had the "put an immovable zombie down as a trophy" so maybe I can pull from that one. Yeah, the add 5 slots mod was a struggle for me. I don't know how people are making the nice UI's (I would love to know how they're doing it) but I was literally making a change, loading the game, shutting it down, making a change, reloading... ugh... That mod has several things you have to mess with to make it even look remotely "normal". I can't promise anything but I'll see if I can make it (or make a second one) compatible with the larger backpack. What is the larger backpack mod you are using? Thanks! Thanks again! I will definitely try this. I really wanted to get this working normally again. I really wish TFP added just a smidge of documentation in the loot.xml to explain what changed and how to convert to their new system, but I didn't examine too closely, just tried to merge it in with some of their named loot probabilities. I have been testing in a game with a lot of other peoples mods and it appears several mods are also "broken" like mine. waaaaaay too much loot (and repetitive loot, same stuff in every similar container) in everything.
  18. That's really nice. I've never done a "rebuild/refurbish" before as usually I'm thinking "build horde base must survive ASAP" so its always intrigued me to take it a bit slower, or at least "go the distance" and make the base a "looks nice" part of the game. I never have a "home" as when I'm done I usually have a mishmashed up POI that looks like the last hour of a garage sale (I don't do symmetrical from scratch builds anymore). usually I drop a mailbox down as a "itz dun!" moment
  19. I had one I was thinking about, you might find it interesting. 1. make the game super hard (chose your difficulty, whatever it needs to be). You can also do a random gen map, but this might make step 2 weird as spawning in TFP maps seems done nicely. I also suggest loading up the “furnishing” mods that add clear glass and nice doors and lights/decor. 2. Then, when you spawn, the first house you see (you have to walk on the road to find any structures) you have to live in for at least 1 horde. You cannot leave it until it’s been “refurbished” and you just try to live in it “as if it were real” meaning: all chests have to go in normal places (not on ceilings or in floors) campfire has to go in a real place (not on wood floor) etc. the refurbishing has to be complete (painting, windows put back) etc. you cannot upgrade everything past it’s natural “house” state (no steel floors, etc). Basically “you thought you could rebuild and live but the zeds caused you to realize you had to leave” 3. Once you complete #2, you are free to play the game as you want, but you are trying to get to the next “thing to “win” which is… 4. Find poi “skyscraper 4” (or whatever that one is called) and completely rebuild it. It’s the one that’s basically a construction site. You have to rebuild “nicely”. You are allowed to not use it as a horde base (can live next to it). Wherever you live, you also have to rebuild and furnish. Rebuilding the skyscraper requires you (mostly) to build around the steel skeleton. You have to finish it up by taking down the crane and the fences and redo the grounds, etc. 5. After the skyscraper is rebuilt, make a horde base out of it. Try to make it “real” meaning no kill pits etc. let the zeds come in through the doors and run up the stairs to get to you, etc. use traps as much as possible. Note: you’re allowed to build the traps and stuff in as you rebuild, or after your choice. Then continue playing as you want. Challenge completed!
  20. Maybe rename it in localization to “Egg and bacons”? Then it would make sense to take only take 1 egg in the recipe I feel this being the beginning of a wonderful mod. ….. ummmm … “50 shades of Bacon” All it contains is 50 recipes for egg and bacons. 1 egg, 1 bacon. 1 egg 2 bacons (etc). And icons for each one showing the *exact* number of bacon strips. you could argue making a copy of the egg and doing the same, but that’s crazy talk. Nobody eats 50 eggs and 1 piece of bacon. #SurvivalRealism (I know nobody calls them bacons. I’m just enjoying the word)
  21. I think they go red because you have debuffs. They go green when you have items on (or buffs) that raise the perk level. I’m not sure how they get debuffed though.
  22. @paulj_3: if you like “more harrowing ambiance” I have a few more mods that add to it. I’m on my phone so I’ll just type a close enough name: - darker inside: this mod makes it pitch black when you’re considered “indoors”. Transitioning in/out looks a little weird, and standing “outside” looking in its actually not dark inside. So it’s got some quirks. Anyway, when inside, and no light, you have to have a light source. The vanilla game has a “dim light” all the time, and this basically removes it. It also seems to dim light sources a bit, but if you play in a dark room it’s much more useable. Also: in early game you’ll find all you have is a torch, that you have to place on a wall to fight zeds when indoors. Run away or lose the torch and you’re dead. It changes things up a bit . I find just entering anything but a small POI is kinda impossible for awhile early game. - darker nights: the a20 night is pretty dark. This drops the moonlight and other things to make it “as dark as it can be” maybe a skosh above max just so some moonlight works. In a18? A14? it was nice and dark and a19 it was bright all night long so I made this to compensate. It’s kinda not needed but if you have this loaded and are outside, shadows are pitch black. It’s a little odd but zeds can completely be in the darkness and you might not be able to see them. Really painful in the burnt forest/wasteland as it’s already really dark there. I almost didn’t release it for a20 as a20 does a good job by default. - one hour of daylight. There are about 2 other mods I know of that do this, but basically it allows you to go to 0 hours of daylight (despite the name) in the game start settings. Personally, the lowest I ever played was 2-4 hours of daylight, as it’s nice to see the daytime and it gives you some “running away time” if you get trapped. Note that horde nights are longer the less daylight you set, and you also start the game at night if you go low enough! I have not tested but I believe all these mods above can be added/removed mod game. They don’t add any items or anything, just setting world globals and UI time pickers. “Craft flashlights” mod: becAuse finding a flashlight and putting it in your helmet or gun kinda destroys the darkness (as well as making lanterns) I made a mod that makes it much harder to get to flashlights or lanterns. You basically have to get all the parts, then craft them. The parts are hard to find (if it still works properly with the existing loot tables). hopefully eventually I’ll be able to make the flashlight batteries “die” over time, so finding/crafting them might be made a little easier, and xyth mentioned a way to do it with car batteries… I might attempt this once I see how the other “degrade item” mods work once they get converted to a20. I also wanted to figure out a way to make them “have varying degrees of brightness” so your first crafted ones might be very dim based on parts quality or something. anyway: glad you like the weather/darkness “challenge”! I like it too as it kinda keeps you amped up a bit as you can’t hear/see we’ll, so zeds can kinda get the jump on you at weird times.
  23. I’ve been wondering how those “blended” maps look, I haven’t tried them yet, sounds like they work really well! I’m hoping to get the “dirt” back as I really miss it, and on my system it “hides” the fact my graphics setting are so low that things don’t render in the distance, so I will be trying to fix it FYI: I usually update this forum with “status” when I make several or major mod changes, so if I can get it fixed it will be posted here. Currently I’m trying to balance the loot in my “you’ve got mail” mod as it’s really messed up in a20. Everything is supposed to be “rare” and every container I open has like 6 items in it… totally not how it’s supposed to be
  24. Happy new year to you as well! All of my mods that I’ve converted for a20 is a “first pass”, meaning “I hope they work as advertised”. I’m playing them in a game now and I usually treat based on ho things feel. For the weather mods, it looks like TFP has made changes to the weather and how it looks/behaves. I did my best to convert but I’ve noticed some things don’t work like I thought they would. One of those things is the “dirt in the air” effect, which used to be very obvious (like a constant effect all the time) but now it’s almost as if it’s not working at all . I’m hoping a patch or two from the devs will put it back. for all the other effects, believe it or not I didn’t make them, that’s what the “in game” weather now looks like. And yeah, it’s really nice (especially the lighting).My mods basically just “make the bad weather happen more often” and “make the extremes more extreme”. for the wind, that’s interesting as the weather (in the old a19 mod) had multiple tunings and I generally made it always “at least a little windy” and almost never 0 wind” and It did feel like it worked/sounded correct. For a20, the reworked weather changes actually have “default”, “rain”, “fog”, and “storm” predefined, with some other settings. What you probably saw was “storm”… but I did turn the wind and other things up a lot. I’m wondering if the wind has some limit and visually it looks correct (grass and things moving with wind was an a20 update too) but the built in “storm” sound levels are not matching up. I’m not sure there’s much I can obviously do, as I didn’t set it above the internally documented limits….. anyway: I’ll put it down as something to test for and see if I can reproduce. If I can I might file a big report with TFP, if it’s obvious that it’s not something in the mod I messed up as in theory it would happen without the mod… but maybe there is some “limit” that you shouldn’t go past that’s still in the acceptable range of values. Hard to tell. It’s a hard mod to test but there are some debug commands I can check to force weather changes so maybe I can find it quickly. EDIT: Verified in test game the wind "effect" and the sounds that go with it are way off when super windy. made issue on my a19 github to track for a20 "fixes" as that's where I'm working from at the moment.
  25. @Carnaxus: I found where you downloaded it: https://7daystodiemods.com/add-five-recipe-ingredients-ui/ The a20 download link is incorrect at this site. I've sent a request to the site owners to correct it. If you want the proper download link, here it is: a20 Doughs-UIAddFiveRecipeIngredients
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