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Everything posted by seagas

  1. That's why I prefer electric fences as my main trap defense, stuns them while I or junky kills them. I use a turret for vulture defense and either dart or SMG turrets for "Oh-@%$#" moments turned on by a switch when needed.
  2. I build my main base raised up, with a mini horde tower entrance attached, for wondering/screamer hordes. Entrance is guarded by concrete poles, electric fence and sledge turret with flaming mod. Zed walks up stairs/ladder, walks across beam, if the sledge misses, the electric fence stuns them, sledge smacks them down, sometimes lighting them on fire, they trundle back up, only to repeat the process. If let alone, they kill everything eventually, including bears. If I'm not busy, I come into the tower area to help kill them and to show myself to the screamer so she can call in a horde. The electric fence alone will kill a screamer if I'm not in the immediate area.
  3. I got a beaker on week three as a threader reward, now the five bootle of acid is whole mother story. LOL
  4. You will pay it later when at LOTL 3 you get get harvests little of no seeds and a safe that goes through a dozen lock picks. RNG can be a real biutch at times LOL
  5. Free meat I use a trapdoor on the inside of door to my base. Both are closed at night to give me time to either fight or flee. Fight, it’s open door beat/stab/club wolf, close door repair hatch and door, rinse and repeat till one of you is dead.
  6. So I just finished my small castle base with arrow slit moat around it and b6 drops. Arrow slit AI exploit ("Zombie Forcefield". Other shapes/rotations can/will allow setups like this, but they are not nearly as convenient) Does anyone know which shapes/rotations TFP are talking about? I don't have the crucible yet, so I haven't made the powered overhead garage doors yet. I can change the design and put in drawbridges instead if the new shapes are not drivable over.
  7. I remap the drop key to ' the G key is too close to the the F & H, and I can't tell you how times I dropped something as I was scrambling about. My 67 year old reflexes are not what they use to be πŸ˜‚
  8. I did it once, learned my lesson and moved on. I also back-up my game saves everyday. Now, if I could only stop scraping thing I didn't want too, some lessons are just too hard for this old guy to learn I guess. πŸ˜‚
  9. Just like birds nests, early game, good source of feathers for arrows and eggs. Late game, I'm still checking them for eggs.
  10. How about a trigger that once the main loot room chest is opened, all sleepers awaken and head towards the player?
  11. I like the idea of the loot stage system, I believe it adds the incentive to do hard quests and explore harder biomes. That said, I think they need to be adjusted to it isn't so extreme of a difference. Also IMHO, the tier 6 items are too common, they should be more rare to support the idea that they really are special.
  12. I keep cornbread on had for making certain food items, like Cony dogs.
  13. D I don't like using Molotovs with traps, as you say, you may lose out of XP. I prefer just using electrical trip wires to stun them and head shots for the kill.
  14. I generally make a POI with a second floor, near a trader, for my initial base. My current play through, day 7, I'm using a barn. About week four or five, I start building a base from scratch, with mini horde/screamer defense, again near a trader. My first horde night I'm using a POI, but by the second week, I have the beginnings of one of my horde tower designs. With A20's loot system, I'm build the tower in a higher biome for the better loot.
  15. That one is a @%$# to find all of the zeds, still fun quest, but yeah, it can be bit too long.
  16. Correct, what I'd like to see is an option to reverse that. Always open unless power is applied.
  17. We need a reliable way to have power do the opposite of the default, for example, the hatch is open until you apply power, than it closes.
  18. I usually go all the way from wood for the XP. Sometimes I will use cobble and/or concrete blocks in the interest of time, like putting finishing touches before the horde showa up. That being said, I really miss the rebar frames, that was my prefered method prior to A20.
  19. M14 and M16/M4 both can go full automatic as well as semi-auto and both of which are generally not available outside the military. In the USA, the AR-15s are the norm as they are semi-auto only. M1 Garands and M1 Carbine are both semi-auto only but are more like collectibles and would be more rare than lever action rifles. Lever action rifles stopped being used by the military, not because it was more complicated, the lever action isn't strong enough to handle the new high power smokeless powder munitions coming into use. That is why I'm disappointed that the lever action in the game is not .44 magnum (realistic) verses the 7.62 NATO round they use now. Which by the way, also isn't accurate for the AK and Assault rifle ingame, the AK uses a smaller less powerful 7.62 or 5.45 and the M16/M4 using 5.56. As an aside, in a real apocalypse, I would be quite happy using a lever action over bolt a bolt action rifle(faster and lower recoil) or even older semi-autos (more reliable and easier to clean).
  20. WE shall see how well it goes, first horde night in a couple of days, I have mine set to blood moon every 5 days. I'm thinking of adding a couple of Auto SMG turrets to the top of the tower facing forward tied to a separate switch in case of a OH @%$#E moment
  21. I prefer the soften up approach, mainly electric fence posts and sledge turret. I use to do a pit, but too much work for so little effort. I try to kill them off as fast as I can, but it seems in A20, the hordes are lasting past 4:00 AM.
  22. Pffft, kids, 67 year old gamer here, hell Pong was high tech when I was a twenty something.
  23. For weapons, Melee(club), (cross)bow, shotgun(.44 magnum), and auto rifle of some sort for "Oh @%$#e" moments and later on Junk turret. Once I get the Battle axe, I'll usually drop the melee weapon and the axe will do double duty. I'll also replace the bow with a suppressed sniper rifle, which will reduce the need to carry arrows/bolts.
  24. The secret to effective use of electric traps is keep the most important ones close to where you defend from and place the end of the line where you can easily repair them throughout the night. Generally, only the last one gets damaged from use, like building material, keep some electrical parts on you for quick repair.
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