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Everything posted by Hated

  1. Confirmed, could not find a sweet easy fix for it without crippleing the antenna... giving a ticket to the builder.
  2. Painted it the same as the other tops are minu the sink. b129
  3. Fixed it by moving the one pole under the shower curtain pole to give it SI b129
  4. Fixed in b128. Repairs now cost steel.
  5. Same goes for Mollies. This will be reworked for A20 Also item 4 on the known issues list.
  6. Brad was not happy with it either. We went with "Close Encounters" b128
  7. This bug report is not anywhere near up to par.
  8. Agreed! These POIs will get a lighting pass and level designers may upgrade them along the way.
  9. Confirmed. Reported. Got a 100% repro
  10. No f3 overlay makes it almost impossible to find that POI without a lot of extra work.
  11. Those repro steps do not align with the original report for this ticket.
  12. Not a big fan of this edge case, but I gave a ticket to Brian, maybe he can work some magic.
  13. Here are several issues in this report. I am using this one for the incorrect character screen display. Please file another one for wrong numbers.
  14. I am not sure what the issue is, but I am unable to reproduce. We have to keep an eye out for t his.
  15. Confirmed missing collision on all not glass filled or 4 cornered windowstores
  16. hmm.. I moved this days ago. Voodoo magic. Bug confirmed and the bigger process to fix it is in the works.
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