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Fun Pimps Staff
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Everything posted by Hated

  1. Confirmed missing collision on all not glass filled or 4 cornered windowstores
  2. hmm.. I moved this days ago. Voodoo magic. Bug confirmed and the bigger process to fix it is in the works.
  3. This is a block that is not yet properly hooked up and is incorrectly placed. Good catch!
  4. I am missing debugshots here. The trees are rolled randomly with the seed, so the coordinates will unlikely give me the same trees, if I dont have your seed.
  5. Not the place for balance and improvement, please use the discord channels for that.
  6. That was previously reported on the discord and is already in the #known-issues list. Please double check that before reporting "Junk Sledge underwater NRE spam"
  7. I am missing all kinds of reproduceable steps here. How do i create that map, where are you on that map and so on... The RWG required info can found in the #welcome chat.
  8. Confirmed, sitting on JIRA already.
  9. This is on JIRA, thank you.
  10. previously reported Laz Man
  11. That is sitting on JIRA already, thanks
  12. Confirmed... oldy and goldy
  13. Yeah, any zombie on fire will spam this. I got a report earlier for a molotov causing this.
  14. This has an open improvement task already.
  15. The 3rd person animation has an open ticket already
  16. Yeah... valid for sure
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