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Liesel Weppen

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Everything posted by Liesel Weppen

  1. From my experience it's not exactly all. But almost every Z coming from that direction anyway. Zs that spawn at the opposite site of our base usually don't run to the other side, even if there is a path through the spikes. But i guess that's an AI calculation that weighs path distance VS obstacles, and results obstacles are less overhead than distance in this case. Since we played in a prison poi, the outbounds of our base were relatively large and we only used 2 rows of spikes. May look different if you play with a small footprint base like 5x5 and 8 layers of spikes.
  2. I wonder how OP is doing the bloodmoons? Do you even fight the zombies or just hope the base does for you? We played up to day ~80 and just used the prison poi. Just put some bars on the outside of the walls to walk on so you can shoot directly down at the Zs. We also have two rows of spikes around it, but that is just a little help (manly not even for the bloodmoon, but for screamers and wandering hordes), because as soon as some spikes broke, zombies will focus on these points and the remaining spikes will not help anymore. We of course actively fight the bloodmoons. Everybody should use weapons he has skilled into. On day 120 with level ~60 everybody should have skills for at least one weapon maxed. E.g my mate uses automatic rifles to shoot at zombies in distanze, i use a shotgun to shoot at Zs that came up to our walls. Both use junk turrets as assist, even if we didn't skill for them. Then use different layers of defence, we have another circle of barbed wires and also a circle of electric fences. Both slow the zombies down and makes them easier to shoot. Demolisher are high alert. Everybody has a M60 with AP amunition for the demolishers. Try to shoot them in the back to not trigger them. If triggerd accidentially: Bulletspam with M60 usually takes them down before they explode. Also assist killing with pipe bombs and molotow. Once irradiated zombies come up, put rad remover mods into your main weapon. Best is an automatic rifle, then spray groups to take out their auto-healing. Of course we need a lot of amunition for each bloodmoon, but with your levels and server time you should have set up amunition production a long time ago anyway. And for general base design, there should be now way zombies could reach your position. Use jump gaps as an entrance, later you can use draw bridges or similar. I there is just a door between you and the Zs, they will go for the door heavily. In our prison the only way to get up on the walls is a ladder, which is two blocks above the ground. Zombies can not access it (until they stack up) but you can. So even once they made their way into our prison yard, they can still not reach us. If you're using a bigger base (like the prison), once damage gets to high on single points, you can also kite the zombies away from there. Use backups. We have some 2x2 concrete pillars around our base also with ladders placed 2 blocks above the ground. So if you need to escape or enhanced kite zombies you can jump out, kite them and escape up to those pillars. They are not absolutely safe, they won't last a whole bloodmoon if you stay there, but it gives enough time to e.g. use a first aid kit, reload weapons, etc.
  3. I'm going for 21:9 when i get a new graphicscard. Imho with such ultrawide setups, it's not so good that the playerstats is docked to left side and amunition to the right, because both are out of view...
  4. Ugm, haven't tried myself but from what i read, i guess that darkness falls mod did that, or at least something similar.
  5. If you want to have the latest stable, you have to opt out of every beta branch. Since there currently is no "latest experimental" anymore since 19.1 became stable, the option is gone. And even if it would be still there, as the name says, it would give you the latetst EXPERIMENTAL... not the latest STABLE.
  6. I also play on an own dedicated with a friend with a nitrogen 8K map. We both had those ghostblocks, but in different locations and in different times. For me everything looked fine where he saw ghostblocks. So this is definetely a client side problem. We had this problem more often when the game was fresh, so in the first few days. We're now on day 80 and haven't it seen for a long time. I never saw this in A19 experimental and also not in A18 but i didn't use nitrogen maps back then. I also watch some streamers, they also didn't have it in A19 experimental (with rwg map), but suddenly in A19 release on a nitrogen map. (Me and the streamers use nitrogen without compopack).
  7. If at any poi there is a doghouse, there may spawn a dog. So if you don't know a poi, it's always a good idea to walk around first (with some distance) and look for such signs. Maybe even on the backside of the building stands written "be aware of bears"...
  8. I don't think that will work with the engine. Roads are not really roads, that are just a bunch of blocks of asphalt. They don't really have a "context". For a working railroad you'd imho need 1 dedicated block as a rail. That leeds to the next problem: Corners. With the voxelsystem you can only build 90° corners in one block (like in minecraft). Or you need some kind of prefabs that do long corners over several blocks, e.g. a 90° curve with 5x5 blocks. Still very unrealistic. So you will need a lot of those prefabs for just curves. And you can still build only 90° curves as you can't build straight lines diagonally, you'd need even prefabs for diagonal straights, so additional 4 prefabs for only being able to build in 45° steps. And and all of them could only be placed on absolutely even terrain. And placing prefabs is not even a part of the common gameplay. Slopes would be the next thing. Only 30° allowed? And further then, only A-to-B-tracks possible or do you also want/need switches and crossings? I think it's a nice idea. Maybe something that could be included in world generation (hardly) or been used in handmade maps like Navez. But building them in the actual game... imho will not work and also doesn't really fit to 7d2d. Or see it the other way: The RWG can not even handle bridges over water/rivers to connect roads. Not even fully premade bridges, not even thinking about dynamic bridges with variable length. Railroads would be much more complicated.
  9. How is the wall invulnerable? You can't build in the trader protected area. You can build just next to the protected area, but these blocks are not invulnerable anymore. But Zs can walk into the protected area and start smashing your wall. I don't see how this should gona work? And why are you waiting for someone else doing it and don't try it yourself?
  10. Saying there are "less mods" is completely different from saying "there are less mods THAT FIT MY PERSONAL STYLE". I somehow also dislike the bloodmoon and think there should be other threats, depending on what the player does, not just strict every 7th day. Or even random but still not related to what the player does. I also agree in theory. But the point is, the game is not neccessarily going where you in person want it to go. Especially not vanilla. On the other hand just always "use a mod" shouldn't be the answer. There should be some balance in vanilla also, but it still may not be the way you prefer. There are thousands of opinions what should be changed in vanilla, not just yours. And that also collides with dozens of different playstyles. When it comes to what one person wants to be changed, most people develop a tunnel view on how they personally play and totally ignore how that affects people who want to play different. It's completely impossible to fit all playstyles. So as an example when it comes to vultures and cops i completely disagree with your opinion. If they where removed in vanilla, the game becomes completely boring. They are part of vanilla, you can mod them out easily, but i could not mod them in easily if they wouldn't be part of vanilla. And i almost completely ignore the whole building aspect. But you are right, just because i'm not using it, it doesn't bother me if some kind of blocks are craftable or not. So i have no problem if those blocks become craftable (again). I also don't understand why some blocks are not craftable, and i'm fine if you get them craftable again.
  11. Huh? I would state the opposite. https://7daystodiemods.com/alpha-18-mods/ There are 64 pages with each 8 mods. Some of them may be redundant, but it may still not even be a complete list. And i like vultures, cops and spiders and even demolishers. Especially these, as they give the game a variation. The other ones are all the same with just different skins and amount of hitpoints. Ultra boring. Building also gives a @%$*#!load of XP. Since A18 even more than any previous alpha. But the total xp gain is hard to compare, as older alphas had the LBD system which gives a completely different twist.
  12. Shotgun Messiah Factory only appears in cities and they themselfs already have GS +100. So the factory will have GS201 if you go there on day 1. You probably won't even get through the citiy to the factory. Maybe you are lucky if it is on the edge of a city or you find just a smaller shotgun messiah shop outside a citiy. There already are mods that prevent nerd poling (can't place frames while jumping). Maybe you could still build ramps or use ladders. But anyway, if people want to cheese, let them do that. Just imagine someone could use creative menu and cheat himself a autoshotgun without going anywhere. The goal would not be to make it absolutely impossible, but just add some reasonable risk vs reward (if not "cheating" anyway). Just imagine, i once used a gyrocopter to land on the top of a skyscraper. 😛 Currently there is no risk and no reward. That you can skip somehow to the lootroom is a consequenze of having a fully modifiable world, however POIs could be designed in the means to make it harder. I still like that i can destory a locked door and not go the official dungeon path, that doesn't mean i dig straight to the lootroom in the basement nor nerdpoling up to a roof. Now adverstising a fully changeable world but forcing players not being able to do this in POIs is somewhat counter productive.
  13. Of course it becomes more comfortable if you have a vehicle. But what's the point of moving the traders into cities but then they only hand out quests in nearby cities? Especially the lvl1 quests? Huh... depends hardly on how you play. For me 2 quests a day were impossible if running such distances is required. Nearby burried supplies also take a while for digging (you also run constantly out of stamina in early game). Maybe 2 fetch (only) quests a day would be doable if you renounce all looting, but then you probably run out of supplies. I don't skill INT, since i usually don't build much. The point in grease monkey is just wasted soon as you don't want to use a bicycle if you have better. Quests are nice, but i don't just want to chain quests, especially not if it takes that much time while i have dozens of better POIs in the neighbourhood.
  14. So it becomes better with level 2? Is this then inteded? Maybe to make the player explore the map? Then imho it is done wrong. Fine for later game to prefer further away quests to make the player explore, but in very early stage it's just anoying if you have to run 1-2km for each single quest. I bought a motorcycle now from the trader on day 12... Mainly because of this reason. I haven't even fully discovered the town i am in, but just doing burried supplies becomes boring. Also the endless running around is anoying. I already use coffee/megacrush and put my armor off, but on the way back my inventory is usually full and i'm overloaded and still only have the most valuable stuff taken and left many things behind. Since this is my first serious singleplayer i now definitely understand people complaining about too small inventory. In multiplayer even with just 2 people you have double the slots and if you stack your stuff together that takes a lot away.
  15. In theory.... for me it is different, trader is now in town, but every fetch/clear quest is in the neighbour towns. Everything >1km away, only thing is burried supplies which i got <500m.
  16. That is not variance, that is gating. Gating what you can (atm) loot IS forcing a playstyle. If i knew for sure i can't find any better, why loot then? Not mentioned that i just lost lvl6 spear, bow, stone axe and various other stuff, like an ak lvl2 (at gamestage 23... from what i understood i shouldn't even be able to find such) from "lost backpack"-bug... That bug exists since i play, what at least is A15.... I do. I know i can mod it. If the answer ALWAYS is "then mod it" who even plays vanilla? Imho some changes should go into vanilla, because vanilla should also be a reasonable play-through. I'm not talkin about min-maxers think it's to easy. From my recent playthrough, vanilla is still to easy from an experienced players view. But "to easy" doesn't mean it's a good mechanic.
  17. Ok, obviously i've overseen it in the patchnotes then. I'm still wondering why DBS seems to be far more common than a pistol, if both are available from GS12. Imho the game shouldn't force a playstyle. And it's not the games task to protect idiots from their own stupidity. If they WANT to cheese into loot rooms, let them do so. I do not want to min/max by stopping looting, i would stop looting because it becomes boring if i knew from the start there is not even a chance to find better equipment. Instead just fight some Zs until you reach the next "level" and then loot again. Maybe the meantime can be used to farm wood, stone, etc and build/advance your base. I dunno what gamesstage i have in my current playthrough. From the list it should be something in between 12 and 50 because i already found a DBS (but iirc i found it day 2 (maybe day 3).... where i was for sure not at GS12 or higher...? Or did the gamestage calculation change with A19?). But i guess its more near to 12, especially since i died 2 times lately (that may even have me dropped below 12 again?). So a lot to level before i'm even allowed to find better stuff.... So just being above 12, it would still be worth trying for finding a pistol... but as seen above, they seem not to be very findable with just GS12. Further question: In multiplayer each players gamestage is applied if he loots a box, or is for all players the combined gamestage of the party applied? Either in multiplayer better items become findable much sooner or players may have very different loot drops... Both not very good.
  18. Ah, ok gamestage sounds reasonable. I assume there is some xml where i can look up what gamestages are needed for what "age"? But the backdraw is, so i can now basically stop looting and just fight zombies to level up until my gamestage reaches the next level. As somebody wrote already here, i would waste time will not find anything better anyway, instead it's better to safe up the loot crates (especially the special ones) to open later when they can have spawned better things...
  19. I somehow love the slowed down progress with weapons. I just wonder, from when on better weapons can be found? Is it after a specific day? Once you took some special skill? Reached a specific level? I found blunderbuss and double barrel shotgun on day 2 and what i heard and have seen from others, it's the same there. But nobody found a simple 9mm pistol or a hunting rifle that early. Is this supposed to be like this? I just wonder because obviously you can find the T2 shotgun early, but not any pistol or rifle, even not their T1 variant? BTW: The skilltree is still broken. Each tree still ties one specific ranged weapon type to exactly one specific melee weapon type... 😒
  20. Maybe put the console section post under review first? Every post needs to be reviewed by a mod to unlock it (especially from new registered users with 0 posts). Then decline those neverending whining posts and just refer them to the link? Obviously a big red banner on top is not enough. Maybe make it half the screen big and force users to open the link, scroll through and confirm at the end before they can even post?
  21. After knowing the desaster of the console release and TFP seeming not to have the power to maintain different platform releases, i doubt that a Next-Gen Console release will occur soon. Hopefully they learned from it and won't give another release out of their own hand. Deal with it. TFP is a small company, they might be not able to care about different platforms. I can't play several games on PC, you may not play various games on console. "Exklusives" work on both sides. And especially in that regard there might be more "well known" exklusivs on consoles, but indeed there are far more exklusives on PC.
  22. You understood absolutely nothing from my post. *ignore* Keep on WHINING.
  23. You don't notice that you apply your playstyle, do you? Demos limit base building, yes. Your solution is, that obviously you think 7D2D is a tower defense and the demos brake this pure tower defense gameplay.... But 7d2d is not a pure tower defense, nor a pure FPS. But you want to change the game like you personally would prefer it. Did you even take into account that some people WANT to play rogue like, so after some time they reach a point where surviving ist NOT possible anymore? They way you are complaining is the pure definition of SUBJECTIVE. And like always those discussion end up at "i like to play this way, so change this in that way" and "but i like to play different, so change it in the exact opposite way". You reached that point already some posts ago. Average intelligent people conclude: There is no game mechanic possible, that suits every playstyle best. Less intelligent people still think, "every possible playstyle" is like they play the game and still discussing how to make them game without mods best for "every" player. Besides the already thousands of threads that complained about the demolishers. Repeating it over and over doesn't help, i'm sure TFP noticed that many people don't like the demos. Your personal WHINING is not required anymore. Your analysis is not constructive, but highly subjective. Even less construcitve because you just WHINE and haven't made a single suggestion on how it could be made better.
  24. The devs afaik want to make you actively fight a bloodmoon, not just sitting in a base full of traps an turrets that do the whole bloodmoon for you. Imho demolishers are one try to force you do this. I'm basically the same opinion, you should fight on bloodmoon. However as you said demolishers are the all-on-overpowered. Fast, just running through spikes, lots of HP and finally a big explosion that destorys everything. Maybe make them into to two different Zs. On big tank, many HP, plowing through spikes but no explosion. And the other hand one fast, low HP (killed with 2-3 Headshots from the sniper) suicide bombing zombie that triggers when he senses a player within maybe 5 blocks (through walls). So they would make a good attack combination. The tank first plows the obstacles away if you can't kill him fast enough and after that the suicide Z can sprint that way to the player.
  25. If there are not that many new buildings in A18 even nitrogen can't generate some. Use Compopack with nitrogen if you want more POIs.
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