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Everything posted by dcsobral

  1. 1.0.5 for Mod Manager, 2.2.1 for Backup Mod. It's the latest release on github for both.
  2. I'm having trouble with the mod. It doesn't let me change the settings of the mods that use it, and disabling mods doesn't work either. I noticed there's warnings when loading: Right now I'm on 21.1 b6 but I was using it on 21 b324 with the exact same issues and log messages.
  3. So, basically, this was madmole's attempt to appease Mat115 by making newstands more relevant? 😜
  4. I'll go ahead and speculate: the new workstation is the crucible.
  5. I don't know. Last time I played 7d2d was on that build.
  6. I don't know. Last time I played 7d2d was on that build.
  7. What does the Workstations unlock look like? Is Chemistry Station there or on Medical? And how do you unlock the Crucible? Also, interesting that "repair tools" have their own 50-points crafting skill. Since stone axe is unlocked from the start, does that mean claw hammer at 25 and nailgun at 50? If so, that's harsh!
  8. It turns out the new system couldn't be more diametrically opposed to LBD. So I'm happy.
  9. As far as alpha 20 goes: 1. No, you don't. And there's some variation on the number of unique POIs per map, though the bigger the map the smaller the variation. 2. In principle, changing the number of cities has no bearing on the size of cities. However, if the map is too crowded then you might get less big cities (the ones with downtown), and the cities might become smaller as well. That goes not only for cities, but for other things like mountains, hills, lakes, rivers, cracks and craters. Increasing map size helps offset that.
  10. Presumably we are not going back to the good old days of "start by crafting 500 stone axes", but LBD and Crafting send all the wrong vibes to me.
  11. Every seed corresponds to a world. How that correspondence works is random, but the same seed will always generate the same world, as long as the generation settings and the 7d2d version are the same as well. The seeds I shared are created by picking words randomly out of a dictionary. An adjective followed by a noun. I just do it that way because it makes it easier to memorize the seed name.
  12. Cool, but... why? What is it about the current crafting system that makes a new one desirable?
  13. Changing Wilderness POIs has no impact on the map. Every feature on the map is done sequentially and changing the setting for a feature causes changes in all subsequent features. Wilderness POIs is the last feature to be generated so it doesn't cause anything else to change. Here's the same seed with the same settings except Wilderness POI's set to Many: In fact, if you are searching for seeds you might as well generate the maps with Wilderness POIs None, and then re-generate whatever seed you liked with a Wilderness POIs set to something else.
  14. Are locked slots reset when reloading the game, or are they lost?
  15. So some sort of GNAMod Horde Mode for pvp?
  16. Interesting. I have my own map preview generator which is part of my seed generator project: https://github.com/dcsobral/seedGen The map preview is generated by the "draw" scripts -- drawMap.sh for biomes, terrain, water and roads followed by drawPrefabs.sh for prefabs. There's some other stuff there for variants. It's basically ImageMagick commands plus some extra stuff to convert prefabs.xml into an input to ImageMagick, so I thought it might give some ideas. The main difference between the maps we generate is that I use the prefab preview image to display the prefabs, with a border of tag-based color coding. The logic for color choice is on prefabZoningColor.sh and there's a legend.png with all the colors I use. I do like the icon system of your generator, but I think it could be enhanced with the use of zoning colors like mine. I'm curious about the algorithm you used to display elevation changes -- that's the one thing I was never completely happy with. I'll check out the code, though pointers would be appreciated. Here's what the sort of preview generated by my tool, for a comparison.
  17. Is there a command line option to set the log folder? "-logfile" sets the log file itself, not just the folder. If I create a shortcut passing "-userdatafolder" it doesn't create a log file anywhere that I can see -- certainly not on the userdata folder.
  18. Hi @w00kien00kie, long time no see! How big is the "bigger backpack"? Also, and I saw some people mentioning it, it would be nice to have the size as a game option. Even better if it included the vanilla size.
  19. I didn't know of subquake's. Khaine has been doing that mod since the stash buttons first came out -- his mod just enables the UI for something that is already in the game. w00kien00kie also has a mod for it -- he created a stash functionality for Ravenhearst before it was added to 7 Days to Die, and has since adApted it to work with the built-in functionality. Khaine's mod can be found here: w00kien00kie's mod cannot be downloaded standalone, but you can install just the backpack part of it. It is part of his larger mini-overhaul mod which can be found here: According to w00kie you can install the stashbackpack with increasebagsize separately from the other modules, though you cannot install the stashbackpack without the increasebagsize. I didn't see subquake's mod in the forum. Or, at least, I didn't see it as a standalone.
  20. Biome sliders are confirmed for alpha 21 (see link below). It was further reported that you could even have a single biome for the whole map. The trader quest is still bugged if you don't have a trader in a forest, and they are looking at it but there's no fix for that at this stage. Alpha 21 dev diary thread:
  21. On a topic completely unrelated to modding, was any POI added or modified?
  22. I've been doing it like that for years. Nowadays I even have a powershell script(*) to launch the game that makes a backup of the saves -- the userdata folder was the location of generated worlds and save games are saved, so now it also has mods, screenshots and logs. (*) available at https://github.com/dcsobral/7DaysToDieAutomaticBackup
  23. Whoever posted the seed should say so. If they didn't, check the post date and find out what was the latest version available at that time -- it's not guaranteed that that's the version used, but it usually is.
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