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Everything posted by Mahnogard

  1. It works perfectly!! I kept it mostly the same but changed the Eye Candy to 1 because I've only found one working vending machine so far and I'm impatient. LOL Yay!!! I attached a homemade gif(t) in thanks.
  2. Oh my goodness! I just came back from having dinner out and there it is!! Thank you so much! And that list of ingredients is so very appropriate! Thank you so, so much! One virtual cookie delivered, along with my gratitude. ❤️ I'll let you know how it goes once I've gathered the stuff.
  3. Yeah, I think there has been a lot of copy-and-paste and/or just updating the previous version threads when the A20 updates hit. The exp>stable rush can be a bit chaotic.
  4. I think sphereii is currently setting up the mod lists for A20 so it seems to be underway. They were waiting for stable to update, I think, so we should see something soon.
  5. Yeah, I really like when deco stuff doesn't tie in too much with other systems because one, I only use them in / around my house and two, I don't mess with electricity till quite a bit later and I want to have a nice kitchen way sooner than that. LOL That's also the reason I'm glad they made paint so cheap and easy to make these days, compared to back when you need a chem bench, flowers, oil and I can't remember what else. I remember once exclaiming, "Pretty shouldn't be this hard!"
  6. Okay, so red tea has a buff (efficient digestion) that causes you to lose less food from activities for a little while after you drink it. We all know that goldenrod keeps you from pooping to death. But both of them also give you more hydration than plain water. Plus if you're in the forest, chrysanthemum and goldenrod are everywhere. Also, with the coffee maker, it's even better because it doesn't burn fuel and it turns itself off when it's done so you can just start up a batch of teas and go about your business. I feel like a teavangelist, but seriously, teas are good for you. LOL @saminal Apologies for turning your thread into a "kitchen management in the wasteland" discussion. LOL I'm gonna go start up the game now and go hunt down some leather so I can make nails and finally make some of your fantastic storage solutions and get my coffee maker off the floor and up onto an actual countertop.
  7. If any bored modder elves could do this for me, I'll leave out virtual cookies for you. It's only two days till Christmas and I'm worried that I won't find one because I found a beaker on Day 1 and I think that means that the game is not going to give me anything I want ever again. So if I could craft a Santa Hat that would be amazing. My head is chilly and I'm feeling like I haven't reached a suitable level of festive. Please and thank you. ❤️
  8. Yup, he really did. LOL I got all set to make tea yesterday and the recipe wasn't in the campfire anymore. You can still boil water in the campfire but tea and coffee require a coffee maker. I do feel fortunate that there was one nearby. Sure, plain ol' water works to keep you alive, but I'd gotten attached to the extra benefits of the other drinks.
  9. You joke, but I'm *this close* to putting in a mod request to make them craftable. Especially since in my new save, I found a beaker on Day 1 in Jen's chem bench, which pretty much guarantees that I won't find the Santa Hat because there's no way the game is going to let me have both coveted items.
  10. When I quit for the night last evening my kitchen was a campfire, a coffee maker and microwave (both of which I wrenched out of the upper office of a nearby ranger station POI - and I broke my leg twice getting up there so I'm glad I came home with something useful). All of it sitting on the floor until I get my forge going for nails. Oh, and Telric's ceiling fan happily spinning above. (Since Jax moved the tea and coffee recipes out of the campfire, I really needed that coffee maker. LOL)
  11. Thanks for all of that! Yeah, I'm just suffering for my decision to go live in the middle of nowhere on Day 1. LOL My next session will be spent going back into town and taking / dismantling everything. Then I can proceed with my true post-apoc goal - having a nice kitchen.
  12. The game could be messing with you. It does that. LOL Mine's messing with me. I got to my little future home in the forest. Happy, excited, full of possibilities. And so ready to craft all these cool new storage things that Sam made for us. Except I only have 6 leather so I can't make a forge to make the nails. I'm in the forest, animals live in the forest right? Sure, except in my forest way outside of town, all the animals are chickens. So today I have to hike all the way back into town to hunt down the real big game - office chairs and leather couches. Over in General Discussion, people are complaining about early wolf spawns and I'm over here like, "Send them my way, please!" #deadworldproblems
  13. With almost every other game, nexus is my go-to, but when 7DTD has that new-alpha-smell, I spend so much time on the forums so since I'm here anyway... LOL Plus it's fun to watch the excitement as people's favorite modlets get updated to A20. Also, modders usually only post here if they're somewhat interested in some interaction, questions, updates and/or support. In early days of a new alpha, that can be important. Edited to avoid double-posting... but this is important. Y'ALL! That deco modlet?? The ceiling fan spins!! (That may be in the linked video, I wouldn't know because I didn't watch it, I just download the same way I loot - with wild abandon.) It's probably clear from some of my recent posts that I tend to get giddy over the smallest things but I have seen people in the past (here or Nexus, can't remember where) asking about animated ceiling fans and there's one right here!! But the lights light up but they aren't real lights. I mean, they do what lights do - they light up a room (very effectively) but they don't "count" as lights so you can stand right next to one with a stealth visibility score of 1. LOL I suspect this actually helps performance, so this is NOT a complaint. But if you were to use them outside or in a non-base POI, it could be a bit cheaty. Doesn't bother me a bit, cuz I just want to light the inside of my little house up with style and also save my animal fat for food instead of candles. Also, I love the windows. Very pretty! And they open to let in that fresh apocalyptic air!
  14. Ah yes! I knew I was forgetting something - thanks for the reminder! Ragsy's Raft is now downloaded.
  15. Awesome! That was fast! Thank you so much!
  16. I'm not sure if that's what Masonic is referring to, but I would love to be able to craft those equipment racks. I spawned one in for my last save, but they don't hold very much. And I'd much rather craft items instead of CM'ing them in. Also +1 for the lockers. I love the look of the lockers in game but the ones we can craft now don't hold nearly as much stuff as they should for the space they take up. I used to use another "bigger storage" mod for A19 so I'm very glad to find yours for A20!
  17. The plain crate in the second row of wooden furniture / storage block shape options can still be painted, it's just not the default shape for that block any more so you have to select it.
  18. I've noticed that because of the way towns are laid out, there is now almost always a nice piece of buildable land across from or adjacent to the traders. I always set the claim deadzone to 0 both to make it easier set up near a trader and to minimize claim interference with any adjacent quest locations.
  19. My favorite POI is still bombshelter_md_01. It has been for ages, and I almost never even use the bunker under it except to loot it. My playstyle can best be described as "Tiny Home Makeover: Apocalypse Edition". I build a gradually-improving wall around the home, remodel the cabin inside and out, turn the upper area into a loft, add a back door that opens to my garden. The new block shapes we have really improve the possibilities, especially for trimming out the exterior. I just installed some of JaxTeller's mods with working appliances so that I can have an even better kitchen next time around. We all have our priorities, right? The perimeter wall starts out with a standard block-and-bar construction, with the eventual goal of full-coverage turrets and a catwalk. The whole thing, cabin and wall, never turn out the same way twice. (Especially now that we have very interesting choices for adding finials to the corners of the wall. Details matter!) I guess for me, it's not so much about base defense as it is creating a home that I want to defend. If that POI isn't available in a suitable location, then I build something from scratch that's about the same size, but with an extra block in height to increase the usable loft space.
  20. The three that Red Eagle posted yesterday (at the top of this page) should still be good. I generated them last night with no issue and they came out as expected. Since he included the screenshots, you'll know if they don't gen the same today. I really like the first two though I haven't had a chance to actually play on them yet.
  21. Fishing??? AND deco stuff??? Yay! Happy day! Okay, I just arrived in Florida for two weeks and rest and relaxation (with some Christmas crap mixed in) and I brought my gaming laptop. Two of my favorite things in games are fishing and decorating my house so Merry Zombie Christmas to me!
  22. Yeah, I had to copy the link to a new tab also, that worked. Thanks for this. Some days I just can't handle that guy, this will make it so much better.
  23. LOL This brings back memories of running down the beach being chased by a pack of Dilos.
  24. According to a post in Dev Diary, it was about not wanting to confuse people with lack of hit point info in the menu. I agree with that decision. I would prefer no nerf at all, but if there's going to be one, it should come with the relevant info available in the UI.
  25. On one of my A20 starts, I got to the first trader only to see a wolf guarding the front gate. So I picked up some rocks and used those to bait a nearby Darlene into the wolf's range, and stuck some stone arrows into the wolf's butt while it was fighting the zombie. Wolf killed zombie, but wolf was almost dead so I only needed to boop it on the nose with my club to finish it off.
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