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Everything posted by stallionsden

  1. yeh if kinggen had updated to a20 there would a been a list. But unfort the dev rl became busy and all the best for him. teragon will be a beast, when it is out.
  2. I can see many issues even in the pics you showed. The 2 pois you have are high end pois so that close together yeh good luck. Secondly some pois rely on parts to work. Thirdly kinggen hasn't been updated to a20 and no support given and you will run into issues that you havent shown or havent come across.
  3. I don't see any of my pois there but sef cp pois. Yeh their train tracks look awesome.
  4. I have contacted war3zuk about this, hopefully will have a fix for you when possible.
  5. Unfort we have no control over this as rng selects what is spawned. Hopefully in the future we get a unique tag or something that fixes this. Different map seeds create different results. Advaced settings allows you to play around a bit more also What size world you try.
  6. eventually tho i have some stuff planned in the future for trains to
  7. We do have some train station pois. Maybe you havent come across them as yet or maybe the map gen didnt sepect them.
  8. Hi stark23x The still water castle was built by eko. Glad you like it and good luck when you go thru it.
  9. I dont have any npcs. I only have pets which is really just xml edits.
  10. Hi Elegon Depending if there is a tile attached to it or not (bein the poi tile sets/mega city poi tile set folder - will need rwgmixer removal as well). If a single poi that fits in a poi spawn of 100x100 or less, traders or wilderness. then no simply removing it from the folder will be enough
  11. my farm is pretty hardcore yes. the cp has some settlements of its own so selecting less towns will allow more cp settlements to spawn.
  12. ok try advanced generation and selecting few towns so more of cp will spawn
  13. it does have over 1000 pois tho rng gods still select the ones chosen. sometimes a few map generations will get different results as well. what size world are you playing
  14. No worries at all. Will track em down if I have it still
  15. Yes unfortunately as some names have changed to fix the name to long path windows bug.
  16. Update: CP48.4 is out ( Fixes: Gullies Loot Quest Markers A couple pois that went under bedrock Name shortened in vanilla fv and MC poi/tile sets Infinity is not yet updated.
  17. In the end we remove the modded stuff as have done in the past. But I got the modded xml stuff sorted and xml stuff is easier to maintain then custo blocks themselves til gold anyway
  18. Unfort atm custom pois are server and client side. Tho atm I am assisting guppy in trying to track all bugs relating to having custom pois server side only and hoping to get custom pois server side only. if this can happen will be great for everyone, server owners and players alike. but as for the mods zz is talking bout xml stuff is fairly easy to adapt. The cp is pure vanilla atm as for many reasons every new alphs custom blocks have to be updated so we would have to wait. then the prefabber/s would have to update their pois and then eventually the cp would update so after gold modded pois will be allowed.
  19. You done the outside section already and now onto the arrows inside yeh. Playing around with the narrows or wedges and having them 1 way and the next row the other way maybe but ueh the narrows may not be them either re looking at the diagram. Honestly thinking the ramps block wedge are slightly more angled
  20. you have the narrow 4 piece, the wedge60 and wedge60tip maybe of help for this. ramps also maybe a bit more then 45 tho
  21. Can understand that, certainly would be annoying. Will take a look
  22. Updated: The One Book To Rule Them All. Added the schematic needed to be read to unlock each book to be able to craft it. Increased resources in recipes to craft it Added loot.xml to find the schematics to unlock the one book and the one book schematic in loot. Added a small chance for the schematics to be found in the trader. Can now craft the one book and the one book schematic after finding the schematics
  23. Hmmm ok will take another look EDIT: argh yes found the issue shall have anew upload shortly for you of just the one book modlet
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