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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Thought I'd make a single post for all my modlets that work on A19. Basically it's all the various A18 ones, tested and adjusted if necessary to make sure they work on A19. There's also a few new ones that I thought folks might like. All of these are XML only. Enjoy. 3 Slot Forge - Adds an extra input slot to the forge and moves the UI around a little so there's no window overlap. 12 Slot Crafting Queue - Increases the crafting queue from 4 slots to 12. Scrap everything! 60 Slot Backpack - Pretty self explanitory. 60 Slot Backpack (with Food/Water bars) - As above, but with food and water bars moved from under the toolbelt to under the Health/Stamina bars on the left. 96 Slot Backpack - Pretty self explanitory. 96 Slot Backpack (with Food/Water bars) - As above, but with food and water bars moved from under the toolbelt to under the Health/Stamina bars on the left. Food and Water Bars - Just the food and water bars from my above backpack mods so users can use larger backpacks if they so wish. Backpack Buttons - Moves buttons to the left of the inventory window (so sort is where it used to be) and uses custom icons rather than the ones provided by TFP. Backpack Buttons V2 - As above, but uses vanilla icons which is better for servers. Lockable Inventory Slots - Adds the "box" from the backpack buttons modlet that allows the user to lock slots so they won't be moved OR sorted. Also adds one to vehicle inventory that does the same thing. HP Bars - Remember the red HP bar that was shown off in A17? This adds that back into the game for folks who liked that idea. Log Spikes - Makes Wood Log and Iron Spikes craftable again. Pickup Plants - Allows the player to press the 'E' button (default. May be different for other languages/controllers) to pick up plants. This does NOT grant extra harvest based on perk. You have to punch for that. Max Animals/Zombies and Claim Blocks - Adds options to the main menu for the player to select max spawned animals/zombies in the world in SP. Also allows the player to have more than 1 claim block via menu option. Steel Ammo - Adds the steel ammo from A17 for players who enjoyed that option. Always Open Traders - Removed the open/close times from traders so they always remain open (tested with Trader Jen and seems to work). Bigger Bloodmoons - This is a mix of things. It removes crawlers from horde nights, increases the total number and the max alive (so you should have more zombies) AND uses new zombies with reduced AI for better FPS. Zombie Stutter Stop - Forces zombies to preload into RAM, which helps reduce the stutter while playing vanilla. Return of the Behemoth - Adds the unfinished A16 behemoth and the A17 unfinished radiated behemoth to the game. Random spawns in the wasteland and horde nights. Return of the Hornet - Adds the cut hornet from A15 (and earlier) back to the game. Spawns as an enemy animal in the forest biome. Does not spawn on horde nights. Kill Tracking - Tracks how many of each different type of entity you've killed in the game (zombie or type of animal) and with what weapon (guns only, may consider adding melee in the future). How to manually install modlets tutorial video:
  2. I'd recommend pre-made just because the POI's (both bunkers + caitlin) are in the correct biomes. Nitrogen just puts them anywhere.
  3. Did you put the mod into a sub-folder in your 7DTD directory? Don't use modlets with DF. I changed WAY too much stuff for most of them to work. My guess is you are probably using a stack size increase, which is then causing shunk corruption and because your character is in the chunk, it's killing your profile. That's just Doc Brown testing his new time machine. It's fine. Don't use the DF zones in nitrogen. I removed the requirement for them to make things easier.
  4. Yep, it works mostly the same. Usually I start the game, then my wife alt-tabs out to the steam friends list, right-clicks my name and selects join game and that works. Animals are bugged. Said that a few times in this thread. And nope.
  5. Both work on 18.4. Experimental has some extra features we were testing out, but they had bugs hence why they didn't get rolled into the stable branch. But the A19 version is going to be based off the experimental one.
  6. Try a different map. Sometimes if you use a game name you've already used before, it causes this issue. It's an A18 vanilla issue. Turned up... 18.1 or 18.2? One of those. It's planned for A19. Tested and working on A18.4, but will be in the A19 version
  7. I already have my own time system sorted out. The watch is now a wrist-slot item and shows the time as a buff in the bottom left.
  8. There are pre-made maps included. The Medium maps have previews but the small ones dont. Welcome to 7DTD's sleeper system. Try editing your serverconfig file to increase the MaxSpawnedZombies. That CAN help, but the problem is sleeper volumes can overlap, so if one sleeper volume is spawned, the other won't because they overlap. So what happens is you're technically inside another one, kill all the sleepers from the previous one, THEN the other volume spawns. And yes, it's really annoying. Try increasing the paging file for the server. Sounds like you're running out of RAM. If it's an actual dedicated server, make sure your CPU is running at the correct speed, cos I had this issue when my server was in power saving mode and running at 1ghz...
  9. Nope. I'm going to add an OPTION for that though in A19.
  10. They should be. It's made from the bedrock material. So you could try just digging a hole and force it to fall and see if that works? 1) Make a copy of your 7 days to die folder from steam/steamapps/common (may also be steamlibrary/steamapps/common if you use multiple HDD's) 2) Put the copy wherever you like. I usually put it in the root directory of my 😧 drive. 3) Download the mod you want. 4) Open the zip file. In the case of DF, you should see 3 folders: 7DaystoDie_Data, Data, Mods. 5) Drag those 3 folders to the 7DTD copy you made. It must be in the main directory where you see the EXE files. 6) Overwrite when prompted. 7) Make a shortcut to the non-EAC EXE file. Run the game from the shortcut. That's it.
  11. Not really. You just want to hit POI's that have Working Stiff crates. So if anyone knows of any POI's with lots of those, feel free to post them.
  12. You're missing the point. I removed the ability for the BASIC BOW to take ANY ammo other than stone. Doesn't matter if they're in your inventory. It won't accept them. You need an iron bow or a compound bow.
  13. I'm assuming you mean the basic bow. In which case, it doesn't take ammo other than stone.
  14. I've seen folks do it. I've personally never tried it myself though.
  15. You want Health Nut. Also you want to eat/drink stuff that gives you average/good buffs to increase your health. Yep. Navezgane has been edited to be DF compatible. The other maps haven't. ...that's kinda funny. Maps are gonna be re-done for A19.
  16. It's likely what you read unlocked a perk, and you don't meet the requirements for the perk. Another possibility is that you did unlock the weapon, but because you're not in the correct workbench to make it, it's showing as "locked" (even though it's not)
  17. Disabling the XP indicator was literally the point to stop players doing that. Pretty sure you can find/buy the schematic. Or you can just make sterile bandages. Or buy them.
  18. Actually he didn't. I did it mostly myself. The dialogue windows are actually part of sphereii-core, which sirillion DID provide windows for.
  19. Probably a bad download then, which does happen on occasion. I'm trying to get my server setup with apache so I can do a HTTP mirror instead to see if that helps.
  20. Did you install any modlets? Well then. Thanks a lot EAC. Goddamn pain in the @%$*#! application.
  21. Check the windows sound mixer. It's a different EXE file and windows is dumb. No. I don't want SMX as the default UI.
  22. You've got a missing or corrupt mods.dll. You may need to talk to your provider.
  23. It's basically this. <biome name="pine_forest"> <spawn maxcount="4" respawndelay="7" time="Day" entitygroup="ZombiesDay" /> <spawn maxcount="4" respawndelay="4" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesNight" /> <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="15" time="Any" entitygroup="EnemyAnimalsForest" spawnDeadChance="0" /> <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="7" time="Any" entitygroup="FriendlyAnimalsForest" spawnDeadChance="0" /> <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="15" time="Any" entitygroup="MeleeSurvivor" /> </biome> Turn up the respawn delay.
  24. Glad you enjoy it. There's actually a lime tree in the mod, I just... forgot to finish what I was going to do with it, so it's creative only. Unfortunately not. The maps kinda need the mod due to my custom POI's. You can mess with spawning.xml to lower the zombie amounts, but the point of the mod is to increase zombie amounts more than vanilla... since it's supposed to be a zombie apocalypse and there's a lack of zombies.
  25. I'm going to guess that MIGHT be the same issue as the linux users. But as stated, I don't have a mac. I have a very dodgy hackintosh that sometimes works... but no actual mac, so I can't easily test it and confirm.
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