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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Try increasing the size of your windows paging file and see if that helps. Portals are pretty rare otherwise the spawning mechanics could tank FPS. I mean, they look cool.... but I didnt want to murder performance. That looks like a compo pack POI that may need tweaking, but there's a good chance all maps will be re-made for A19 anyways.
  2. 1) That's a sort-of vanilla issue. Not sure why it happens but it always seems worse with compo pack POI's. I'm considering making some maps without compo pack POI's for the next version to help with this issue a bit. 2 and 3 are related. It's looking for the bunker POI for the quest and can't find it... so good chance you don't have one in your world. Okay.... so workbenches. I need to re-write the localization. The normal workbench only goes to 40, no matter what your skill is. The laser workbench allows you to go up to 80.
  3. That's an issue with compo pack prefabs. Not a lot we can do about it. We already edited all of them and re-positioned the quest marker, but it still happens. There's a TON of posts about stuff like that over the past couple of pages. It's an A18 issue. Use a different game name when starting your game. So if you had something like l33t hardcore playthrough on one save, deleted it and then re-used that name, it can cause that issue (especially if on the same map) Find the affected region, delete the region file and try replacing the biomes.png for the world you're playing.
  4. He's just drunk, it's fine. Actually it can happen with any entity in the game. Happens with sleepers sometimes too. You could try killing him and see if he respawns properly. Yes, bandits are still on but only spawn in desert and burnt biomes so the player gets some breathing room.
  5. That issue is actually an A18 vanilla issue. Started around 18.1 or 18.2 (don't remember which) Basically you're either using a seed or a game name of a previous save game that you had and it's messing up the world data, while also using the same map. So say you played nav and had a game called My l33t Game, then deleted it and use the same name for DF... it'll do that. Only way I know of fixing it is to clean 7DTD's game data with the game launcher (click play in steam, click show launcher and it's in there)
  6. Might be a bad download for the prefabs folder. Try re-downloading it again to see if that helps. Also stick to 6k and 8k world sizes. Any other can cause an NRE.
  7. Animal breeding is basically non-functional in the current version. I may have a workaround but it needs further testing
  8. Yep, that'd be a dedicated server. Tons of hosts for that.
  9. If he's literally loading up his game and then you're joining, no. HE is the server and therefore has to be online.
  10. Nope. The game is CONSTANTLY writing to the save file. If the host loses power, it corrupts the save file.
  11. Being completely honest? Most errors like that i'm currently ignoring, because more often than not it's due to the player using the launcher. Right now, with the mod manually installed to my PC, I can boot up and play for hours with 0 issues. There are SOME problems, mostly niggling ones rather than red errors, but pretty much all the red errors can be traced back to launcher install instead of manual install.
  12. Problem is that trader quest tier is a "faction" thing that's stored on your player profile. There isn't a way to just set that faction to what you had via commands or item or anything.
  13. That's an issue with the launcher (sort of) which is why i've been recommending folks manually install the mod. Gitlab changed SOMETHING and the launcher doesn't like it. I know Sphereii is remaking it to fix it. But in the mean time, I recommend manual installs. I do need to update the first page, but i'm a lazy @%$*#!. If it's ramping up too fast, turn your difficulty down. In DF, Adventurer is more like Nomad, Nomad is more like Warrior and Warrior is more like Insane. However I'm gonna be looking at bloodmoon hordes. Regular release (V2.50.2) The shader pipeline errors are a windows thing too. Once i've remade the assets for A19, i'll hop over to ubuntu and test. That happens even on guards that normally spawn in the world, but not all of the time. I'm gonna look into it in A19.
  14. Okay, so I have good news and bad news. Someone in my discord reported a similar issue. Except for them, it let them spawn into the game, started the animation and then just crashed with the same error you're reporting. I had a small SSD spare (256GB) so I put that in my laptop, installed Ubuntu 20.04 and had exactly the same problem. From what I can tell, it's related to the custom assets the mod uses, PROBABLY the shader. So I think re-building them in unity will sort it out. But... i'm likely going to have to rebuld them all for A19 anyway, so i'm not planning to do that until after A19 is in experimental, which I honestly think is going to be this month. Yeah, the numbers are just different syles of hair/clothing/armor. They're all the same stat-wise
  15. Press F6 and search for guard. IIRC they're all called DFFemaleGuard or DFMaleGuard. Make sure "From Static Spawner" is checked, aim where you want them and press the button. That SHOULD do it.
  16. That's because you ARE insane, CP. Also, hope you're doing well dude.
  17. If it works locally but not remotely, then i'm pretty sure you don't have DLL access (regardless of what they say) But yeah, grab the log and we can have a look.
  18. How are you hosting the server? Cos some 3rd party providers don't allow DLL uploads.
  19. Try taking it all off and putting it back on to "force" the game to re-update buffs. Got it fixed in V3. I'm using a different method to add the buff resistance that works way better. (also allows mix and match of hazmat/power armor) That sounds SLIGHTLY unintended. Difficulty does ramp up faster (Adventurer is more like Nomad and Nomad is more like Warrior, for example), but that sounds like something you shouldn't be getting at level 8 on day 5. I will be re-doing a lot of the spawn lists for A19 though.
  20. You'd have to find it in biomes.xml, tweak the numbers and then regenerate the wasteland area
  21. Lucky looter and quality joe both add to your gamestage for loot. So you're more likely to find better items (so say, a magum over a pistol). They do stack. Lucky looter also increases loot amounts for certain types of loot. Treasure hunter only lowers the radius of treasure chests for the buried chests quests (all types). Fast eddie increases looting SPEED when you open containers and such. That's an A18 issue. It means you either used a game save name or a world seed that already exists (or existed) at one point and so it's partially using the old data.
  22. Yes they can. Traders do respawn though.
  23. It was uploaded... almost 2 weeks ago (17th) Also it's the last release of DF for A18.
  24. Fixed in 2.50.2 Also reduced wasteland clutter to help with vehicles, increase portal spawn chance, increase rock spawn chance and decrease lag.
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