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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. INF Missing paint ID XML entry: 247 for block 'corrugatedMetalBlock' ^ that's likely your problem.
  2. As far as I know, if you change those in the main menu, it should work absolutely fine. If you're doing it on a server, I would make sure you're not putting an incorrect value in there.
  3. From the notes i've seen in the xml, I wouldnt go higher than 2
  4. Excuse me. I'll have you know I check my gamestage on my phone when I wake up in the morning.
  5. Because those pipe guns built out of random crap is EXACTLY what people WOULD build. Not black powder guns. I got the idea of the pipe pistol from the Zip guns that are made in third world countries and are designed to use 9mm. They're super inaccurate and tend to explode, but they work.
  6. To sort-of add to this, and yes i'm afraid it's mod related... I added pipe weapons to DF around A17/A18 and quite a few people appreciated the ability to actually USE ammo they found (only a pistol and hunting rifle type, but folks liked it). So I think Roland is right and this will be well received in A20. I'm personally looking forward to getting rid of my crappy models.
  7. 1) Using farming as an example, that's fully documented in the journal. That no-one reads. There's a lot of info in the journal, in PERK DESCRIPTIONS (that no one reads) and also item descriptions (that people never seem to read) 2) Intended because it's a pain to code. 3) Probably compo pack POI's. So not mine. 4) That's the point. And the l4D tank DOES one shot you, on max difficulty. One hit or one rock to the face and you're dead. Not down. DEAD. Also you can absolutely survive a hit from a behemoth. I've done it. Others have done it. You just need the right spec. And for the record, that 200 health? That's NERFED from what the behemoth was planned to do. The code for the old behemoth attack is still in the mod.
  8. Because the amount of info he crams into the UI is not required for base game 7DTD and would probably annoy a lot of other modders. Like me.
  9. I'd rather they leave the UI alone and just make it more moddable so he can do his changes easier
  10. items.xml apparelNightvisionGoggles <effect_group tiered="false"> <requirement name="IsLocalPlayer"/><!-- <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfItemActivate" action="ModifyScreenEffect" effect_name="NightVision" intensity="1" fade="0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfItemDeactivate" action="ModifyScreenEffect" effect_name="NightVision" intensity="0" fade="0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStop" action="ModifyScreenEffect" effect_name="NightVision" intensity="0" fade="0"/>--> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfItemActivate" action="ModifyScreenEffect" effect_name="Bright" intensity="0.75" fade="0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfItemDeactivate" action="ModifyScreenEffect" effect_name="Bright" intensity="0" fade="0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStop" action="ModifyScreenEffect" effect_name="Bright" intensity="0" fade="0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AddPart" part="HeadLightTPV" prefab="ScreenEffects/DeferredNV/NVGLight" parentTransform="Spotlight" localPos="0,0,0" localRot="90,0,0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AddPart" part="HeadLightFPV" prefab="ScreenEffects/DeferredNV/NVGLight" parentTransform="CameraNode" localPos="0,0,.1" localRot="-90,0,0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStop" action="RemovePart" part="HeadLightTPV"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStop" action="RemovePart" part="HeadLightFPV"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfItemActivate" action="SetPartActive" part="HeadLightTPV" active="@!.IsFPV"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfItemActivate" action="SetPartActive" part="HeadLightFPV" active="@.IsFPV"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfItemDeactivate" action="SetPartActive" part="HeadLightTPV" active="false"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfItemDeactivate" action="SetPartActive" part="HeadLightFPV" active="false"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfChangedView" action="SetPartActive" part="HeadLightTPV" active="@!.IsFPV"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfChangedView" action="SetPartActive" part="HeadLightFPV" active="@.IsFPV"/> </effect_group>
  11. That I can agree on. Like A16-A17. That was a BIG unity update that broke a lot of stuff. If they'd switched over then, it probably would've made a difference as it'd be a clean code base.
  12. I did read your post. I recommend reading my reply. Doesn't matter what engine you use. What 7DTD is NOW, would not run better on UE. At all. Assuming it went through the same development process/stages.
  13. Completely incorrect. It would not work better on unreal at all. It would work better with a complete code teardown and refactor. But that's a LOT of work, and not something I would expect TFP to do this late into the project.
  14. This actually really annoys me. One of the big arguments I see is "Oh well the zombies would perform better if it were on unreal." Or "Oh it'd look so much better on unreal..." No. Not being a fully destructable VOXEL WORLD would help in both of those regards since it won't have to constantly recalculate nav meshes, distort meshes on player interaction, etc. (Plz don't remove world destruction in this game, kkthx)
  15. You can turn EAC off and run the mod. If you try to run it with EAC on, it'll just show an error message saying you have a modified main file and refuse to run. EVERYONE needs to install the mod. Due to the amount of RAM the mod can use, I would recommend just having everyone join you via steam instead of running a dedicated server on your PC.
  16. ^ this. The .git folder is not needed at all. The link I gave you should work. If it doesn,t you may need to talk to your ISP or check any of your antivirus software (I recommend not using anything other than windows defender)
  17. Try the alt link: https://dev.azure.com/KhaineUK/_git/DarknessFallsA19Client
  18. They're big so they need a good, flat space of land to spawn. They look like the thing on the main menu.
  19. Yep, re-download the zip. Sometimes the internet just derps out. It happens
  20. That sounds like you have a bad download since you're missing folders. Check the zip and see if they're present.
  21. 1) IIRC the gamestages change was JUST for wandering hordes. Bloodmoon was untouched as the intent of this mod pack is for bloodmoon to be OFF (and I have found a way to enforce that as well). 2) No idea. 3) I need to look into that as it seems that the game just overrides the setting and goes with whatever it thinks the default is. 4) No idea. Depends how your flamethrower works. In THEORY.... yes. But I can't promise anything. It may need some tweaks.
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