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Everything posted by ElCabong

  1. I have a surplus of Joel's in this build. I can't figure out what would be appropriate for the last Joel.
  2. When I used my .44 with a scope and barrel extender, the range was equivalent to my crossbow but I didn't try anything out of range of my crossbow. Drop off was interesting. I've done enough long range sniping to compensate for the drop off from the crossbow. There wasn't enough drop off for me to need to compensate at the ranges I was using. The .44 Magnum with the barrel extender is a better long-range weapon than the iron crossbow but it's not a stealth weapon. It makes a lot of noise. You don't want to hang around for the crowd to show up to the party. I need to do this with the compound crossbow and do this at extreme range.
  3. The .44 has a barrel extender mod and a 2x scope The crossbow has a 2x scope and a polymer string mod (I don't have a 4x scope and can only make 2x scopes) The .44 has an effective range line in the description. The crossbow does not. I can only guess The only thing that changes the effective range is the barrel extender adds 2 So, what is it for the crossbow? FYI The silencer on my 9mm subtracts 4
  4. I wanted to give it some corn. Really. I had plenty of meat. But nooooo. He attacked me anyway. Damn abrasions. Put some aloe on it and cut them half but they don't go away. Why couldn't it give me a concussion? I can cure that
  5. Yeah, I'm going to miss the old base. I'm not going to miss this save though because it has a great big crack in the middle of it. Makes it a pain in the rear to get around
  6. I exactly mean a scrap crap pistol. It is very useful for shooting chickens and rabbits. Once I got that gun I didn't have to worry about food. If I got into trouble with the Z's in a closed room, it was very good to have as long as I had the ammo. Lol
  7. Dip their larvae into batter and deep fry them. You'll never regret it.
  8. Weapon drop rates have not been normal. I usually could loot a pistol before day 3. I frequently looted a crossbow around day 6. Not anymore. I usually buy a crossbow from the trader then I get a pistol from the trader or I make one a few days later. I haven't looted any machine guns or rifles. I get them as loot rewards. I loot lots of armor. I haven't seen very many weapons for sale. Something's happened to the loot tables and they're more rare now.
  9. I don't mind bed bugs. They're extra protein. I'll come back every day or so and harvest my crops.
  10. The place I've started out in is kind of isolated. The nearest trader is almost two clicks away. But there's four of them within a very small area. Two Joel's, Bob, and @%$#. I'd like to move to some place centrally located between the four but I really like my current place now. I have put a lot of work into it. What happens after you pick up your bedspread and put it somewhere else?
  11. That would be very useful to have a paralyzing agent. Make it expensive so you never have very much of it. And then you would have some zombies that would resist it perhaps.
  12. The only thing I'd do to the gyrocopter is add a joystick option
  13. Well I got reinfected at 47%. It got back up to 53% until I received some antibiotics as a mission reward. Now it is at 19. I have six jars of honey and two herbal antibiotics. I'm going to survive. Sorry to disappoint all my fans. Oh, I must have chopped down 50 tree stumps get those six jars of honey. They are rare in this random gen I played other random gems where I had plenty of honey starting out from day one. Weird!
  14. Poison is just another damage over time like bleeding damage and fire damage. I don't know what you do to make it look better than bleeding and fire. And damage over time is never fast enough when you're trapped in a room full of zombies
  15. You're right about the firearms in Fallout. I can add a few things to the list. Now that M$ owns it, things will improve. I'm sure
  16. No, they attack as soon as they see me. Perhaps if I covered myself in zombie dog turds, the smell might confuse them
  17. Luckily I found a trader Bob that had one in his chemistry station when I was at 92.3 percent. I'm at 89.7 and falling
  18. It took a while for me to find honey. I have chopped LOTS of stumps. Stuff happens
  19. Not permadeath. I am not optimistic on finding any antibiotic soon. This game creates a new shortage of something I need every play though.
  20. They've been working on a new armor system for quite a long time now. I don't want to comment on something I don't know anything about but the current system has some problems that need to be fixed.
  21. That's a level of realism we can do without in the Z's and if dogs can claim territory, I want to claim territory.
  22. Always check a toilet for a gun. I usually find a few. Sometimes on day one or two and that's a game changer. Not with this last build, I haven't found any guns. Weapons of all sorts are nearly as common either. Gun and bow parts are a little more rare but I'm able to find enough
  23. This is normal. It was going after you not your motorcycle, you must have moved in it swooped past you. If you're on your motorcycle and you hit something that stops you, they will attack. If you have a train of them behind you and you log off, they will attack you as you're logging back on and kill you. There's a period of time when you're not quite in the world and not quite outside of it and they're able to do you damage but you're not able to do anything about it.
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