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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. If you go by icon then your meat stew comes in a bowl and your plastic scrap has always 4 colours in stripes. Soon you will get water in bottles that are not there. Just saying, the icon is just for you to recognize what it is, it should not be viewed as an actual picture of what you have. Adding rotten flesh to the mix is a good idea. Would probably only be 1 or 2 to get the hint as too much rotten flesh would imbalance farm plot production. Cooking in general in this game is impossible to make realistic with the current idea of higher foods getting much higher food values. There is always something there not making sense. Why is sphagetti getting ~7 times the nutritional effect of a steak? Because it makes sense gameplay wise. So I see so many logical holes there and your request would just plug one hole. And I don't see that TFP will ever try to plug all holes aka makes this a proper simulation. If you care for such stuff, a mod is the right solution
  2. That wish and then you use the word "teaser"? Tactical mistake 😉
  3. By that last line you should be aware that even if TFP increases meat from a dear slightly like you suggested then next player on the forum will again protest that deers give less meat than expected. In other words a realistic value can not be reached anyway. But lets look at the realism argument. We don't know at all how much of the meat of deers can be eaten at all. After all deers drink the water that seems so poluted we can't safely drink it. Maybe the hunter needs to throw away most of the meat that has some strange green or blue tint to it. Maybe the perk that gives you more meat out of animals is mostly giving you the knowledge which parts of the green meat is still digestible without killing you. Regarding balance there is not only the food balance to consider. Making deer spawn less might be a partial solution but then anyone speccing into the two hunter perks will feel even less reason to spec into them.
  4. Make sure those are peas and not pears !!! The picture is very lowres, but it looks definitely like the can below is different from the can in the recipe, so I am pretty sure this is the problem
  5. Make sure those are peas and not pears !!! The picture is very lowres, but it looks definitely like the can below is different from the can in the recipe, so I am pretty sure this is the problem
  6. Yeah I know. There is a very fine line and it has to do with using the console. Everyone knows he is stepping over a line when he uses the console to give himself xp or god mode or items. But a button in one of the normal menues of the game that just gives you the reward whenever you feel you have done enough? No, as a game designer I definitely would not do that. What I might do would be a console command that resolves quests somehow. But IF this is a bug, it needs to be fixed, not given a bandaid like this. So I would make that console command print out data to be sent to me so the bug can be found and fixed. Also, again, I have played A20 for a year now and not had a single quest fail to me (in multiplayer). Now if you regularily have quests fail then a bug is one but not the only possible explanation
  7. In the quest menu there is a button to simply remove a quest so you can take a new one. If you meant "finish quest successfully" THAT would be just a magnet for players to auto-succeed quests immediately and test their resolve. Sure, TFP could do it, but I don't think it is advisable. Also, it isn't really safe to say there is a bug.
  8. If they ever had placed electric traps in POIs (which surely was an idea they were thinking about and I think even were talking about) and a player generates a map it wouldn't work if those turrets then recognized him as an owner.
  9. Killall obviously does not work on unspawned zombies. Since the zombie does not get spawned it means you have not triggered the spawn, either because of a bug or you simply not going there. In big buildings it is quite possible to miss a room. And does anyone know whether you spawn sleeper zombies in god mode or when flying? If it is a bug, it is a hard to reproduce one. I did a quest in that school a few times and never had a problem. And a bug that can't be reproduced is very difficult to fix. Just like solving a murder without evidence. If you often have the game act in unexpected ways you should observe your FPS. Maybe you are too often below critical values (~20 FPS) and that makes the game behave erratic. I had a similar problem in a skyscraper. I eventually found the zombie stuck on a walkway. Sadly I don't remember whether I actually walked down the walkway before finally noticing him. So I am not sure if I just did not notice him or he had not spawned until I saw him.
  10. I would guess the reload speed has to be low so the ammo capacity of the weapon is an important characteristic of the weapon for the player. This is part of the balancing. For example sniper rifles have high damage but need to reload often compared to assault rifles in the game.
  11. In what way? Random Zombie speed variation is already implemented as zombie rage-mode. When they get damage they have a chance to rage and move faster.
  12. I can easily agree to it not being the only solution. And if by "reasonable" you just mean "immersive/realistic", then I would agree as well. Nothing hostile in my answer to my knowledge, sorry if you have that impression. Churchill once said "“Democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the others that have been tried.”. I agree that you don't even need to show that there are more immersive solutions. Almost by definition anything that simulates real life in greater detail is more immersive for example. Only when you would claim that solutions exist that are actually "better" overall in solving the game play issues (like a good way to have water scarcity in the game) then I would object and ask for an actual method as proof. If you didn't do that and I just misread, then my objection is moot.
  13. Well, it was your claim that other solutions exist that are on equal footing with the current solution and more immersive. Almost everone who doesn't agree with this change automatically makes that claim, some others even add the word "easily" to imply that they thought about a solution for a minute and got one that works. Until someone comes along and pokes holes into that scheme. My point is that those minutes are not enough to think through an idea. And even if someone (you for example) only postulates that such a different equivalent solution exists he still is only offering an unsubstantiated claim. Such a solution may exist but one can only be sure by actually designing and testing one. And no, you can't just be sure it must exist, for that the variables involved are too many. At the moment you simply showed almost nothing: You only showed that you believe in the other solution existing because you started to think about it and saw a few promising directions where a solution might be found. Other ways to make water scarce do exist, no doubt about that. But whether they work for single player, multi player, newbies, experienced players and don't disrupt other systems or open up new problems, THAT is the important question to ask.
  14. Riamus already answered the questions. About that line. I once played the Exitus Extreme overhaul mod, it actually had you going to the toilet and afterwards use toilet paper. The author team obviously thought it was a good idea and seemingly wanted to play that way, everyone in my group hated it. There's many lines that can be drawn, I personally have no problem with gas cans in the game and don't expect to have any with water behaving the same. I have played RPGs for years and most or all of them did not give me back empty potion bottles after I drank anything. Maybe that is the reason I don't think a second about this being strange. Go on. Your idea is to make the process more complicated or timeconsuming. I don't see how exactly more complicated helps here. Are we talking "new-players-won't-understand-it-and-die-of-thirst"-complicated? Obviously TFP can't go that far. But then what? Lets see timeconsuming. Just tell me what you think should be the time to produce 1 jar of water be? Just like now produced in the campfire? If not, where? If in the campfire how can you prevent the player just setting up 10 of them? If not in the campfire, how can you insure that the player has access to it from the start?
  15. There is no dark magic that makes jars dissappear. There simply are no jars in the game at all. Containers for liquid are implied as being there but not simulated just like your digestive system and your bladder, the car keys or whatever else is used for locking, the scaffolding, a flintstone, the hammer and chisel and screwdrivers, wooden spoons for cooking, ...
  16. I think they said "trader only a little better than what you can find" (?). And that sounds a lot more like the usual way. Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to look at your gamestage to balance the trader with looting? EDIT: I see that the first page says "Trader inventories rebalanced with the new crafting progression" which might give this impression of crafting influencing trader stock. But this has lots of possible meanings. For example with crafting having a smoother progression and a lot more opportunities to craft weapons I would assume the trader would have a lot less weapons available but a lot more weapon parts. I am not sure, but I think in A20 the trader usually has absolutely no weapon parts. That can't work anymore. And that is the rebalance they are probably speaking of.
  17. I didn't bring up the term "tower defense" to make an argument, Vedui did that when he said "There are no more tower defense elements of 7dtd as a result." And I also said "Now I would immediately agree if you said you don't care for nomenclature, the more important thing is whether one of the two is more fun." Double-Gasp. I do that all the time. My horde bases always have multiple (and usually differently constructed) attack lanes, because zombies spawning on the other side won't find the entrance when I only have one. And often I have more lanes for redundancy where I can switch between them. And I always have fallback-positions if the primary position is overrun. And it can get overrun because I always try something new and my first versions often have bugs. Yes, that happens to me. But I don't make the mistake of copying bases from youtube. My bases are often as close to tower defense as it can get. But I think we agree that that is not important, right? Where I agree is that the zombies of A20 are not what they used to be. But A17 showed that it can be different with the same AI, we would just have to find a better balance of block damage and group-damage-buff somewhere between A17 and A20 to give the zombies a better chance. And the fact that zombies actually hit blocks for minutes on end before they get through shows that currently their damage is too low. I don't see your 10 seconds in A20 They didn't in A16. That was my point. I assume you meant Vedui with that? 😉
  18. There is already a percentage of zombies that randomly act dumb. But if TFP makes the percentage of dumb zombies too high then you eventually loose the control of the zombies as the 50% that are all around attacking random spots have to be dealt with as well. And in SP that also means that you can't have a path to you to steer the zombies as that path usually has to be actively protected
  19. I don't think gear (aka weapons or armor) is a problem at all. A miner/builder type single player can make money too and with money can simply buy weapons and armor at the trader and make ammo himself. His only problems are workstations and food/seed magazines. And we already know that a likely way to "control" what magazines you get with the least "scavenging" effort is checking the trader for hardware stores and supermarkets and concentrating on those quests. How well that works? We'll have to find out. In that vein: It would be nice if TFP eventually adds a hint to quests what type of reward the player can expect. It would suffice to give a hint about the first choice and ignore any additional choices added by the adventurer perk. It also would improve player agency as the decision between taking random_house_4 500m away and random_house_12 700m away got another dimension to it.
  20. If arrow slits had never been in the game you would find it quite natural that you have to build accessways to your defense turrets just like you need ladders to access a platform or doors to cross walls, or batterybanks and relays that have to be protected from cop spit. Below you say players have it too easy with the zombie pathing. But here you want easy build mode where you can just add unlimited traps everywhere on the floor without thinking much about the practicallity of it. In development of a game anything you like can be removed again if necessary. All this "punishing" talk is players thinking what was once given is yours by right. Psychologically understandable, this is how humans tick. I am not saying that the arrow slits are necessarily OP, but besides the comfort they brought they made a much higher density of traps possible and I think the builder is not the one who needs that buff. And it was important that the bug was fixed, for balance AND because unsuspecting players could be using the slits on floors and then would be expecting the zombies to run over them. So someone makes a nice funnel, puts arrow slits on the floor and then is surprised that no zombies take that path. Nonsense. Play a traditional tower defense game some time. Tower defense depends on enemies who usually go along fixed paths where the player distributes his traps and turrets, one main game element is to add traps at chokepoints. So A17 is the true tower defense, independent from advantages and disadvantages of that. Now I would immediately agree if you said you don't care for nomenclature, the more important thing is whether one of the two is more fun. And in my view pre-A17 you had a slightly more active role as you were shifting positions while shooting the zombies, and I would agree that it might be more what you would expect from traditional zombies though I would hesitate to term that "realism". The disadvantage though was that it was an attrition game where it made no sense to have differently designed sides on a building. You always built a pillbox and it only mattered how long each side withstood the zombies and how much you could distribute the damage by walking around or the luck of zombie direction changing. The most serious problem was that all bases got damaged all around which made repairing a long and boring task. I remember in A16 many players complaining that the repair time became a weekly grind On the other hand A17 and later you have to put much more brains into building, it is more interesting to try out different designs, you have more variation and possibilities. And traps suddenly make sense to add them, they have a much higher effect. And I strongly prefer those advantages to the 20 brain cells you need to use in a A16 horde night to see that some part of the wall is near braking and doing a few steps to the side. From A17 on I actually have build all sorts of horde bases that all had in common that I (tried to) direct the zombies along paths, I was the architect of their doom, not the passive observer of which direction the zombies might come this time: "Oh, they spawn in the south, let us go ... mmmmh, let me think, ... let me think ... to the south wall then". Pre-A17 it was an attrition game where it made no sense to have differently designed sides on a building. You always built a pillbox and it only mattered how long each side withstood the zombies and how much you could distribute the damage by walking around or the luck of zombie direction changing. The most serious problem was that all bases got damaged all around which made repairing a long and boring task. I remember in A16 many players complaining that the repair time became a weekly grind
  21. No idea, unless you have a mod installed. You could post your logfile on pastebin so we can check if something is showing up there. More info in the pinned thread in this section that tells you to read it.
  22. I am only half guilty, I was refering to this:
  23. 2 points in miner69er and motherlode both is not "no mining skills" and easily achievbable without specializing into strength. And by increasing hordes you also surely leave the balanced "area" and may have to adapt with modding. But I think I agree mostly that this part of the game may need more balance. Because 1) Tools are also central methods to break walls, doors, resource heaps and safes in POIs. Who needs lockpicking? 2) Three, in A21 only two perks that multiply their effect in mining is maybe too much difference between unskilled/slightly skilled and skilled. An easy balance method would be to reduce miner69 and motherlode both to go to max 4 perk points or reduce both their buffs per perk step, i.e. making them less effective (and increasing the base effect, i.e. for no mining skills). Additionally iron tools stamina usage could be decreased a bit to make it the viable mid-game tool for non-miners. I think TFP will wait how the sexrex change plays out in A21 before doing anything more. They have telemetry, they will know when in A21 still too many people go into strength for the miner perks.
  24. Good point with the ammo. At least for non-AGI players. I also noticed that gunpowder is relatively cheap at the trader. Lately I got into the habit of buying it there whenever I see it. In SP I have most often played AGI, but never needed to put more points into miner than 1 or 2. And that isn't much different from other trees where a single player usually puts some points into Living of the land and Advanced Engineering. The counter-question: Have you ever tried SP without maxing miner?
  25. There might be a small change. For any single player who is not primarily a builder the auger is the low-stamina alternative to the steel-axe. And with magazines a player now has a dependable path to crafting an auger. Sure, you will only get out about half (?) of what a dedicated miner gets out of the earth even with auger, but that is more than enough to build bases. In the early game you still have to use much more time than a miner to get basic materials. What I usually see with my group is that we have a miner and our boxes are overflowing with materials and our base is completely built from steel relatively early in the game. We could very well do the same with much less.
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