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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. The people who bought the name "Telltale" in an auction are linked to "7 Days to Die" in about the same way as the company who rented the office suite of telltale after that company went bankrupt. 😁
  2. I'm sure Snowdog remembers how cool a little black dress is. Especially on women.
  3. One possible way to safely work through the night is mining below your temporary hideout. Close off a room so a zombie needs some time to get inside. Add a ladder from above with the two lowest rungs missing (so you can jump on it, the zombies can't. You probably know that already). Dig down in that room, always make sure you can leave the hole fast. Listen to zombie sounds, if a zombie senses you, you have ample time to escape to the first floor before the zombie gets into the room.
  4. They? Telltale? Surely that won't happen ever again . Sure sure, you hold TFP nearly as accountable for the console version as TTG and for you it seems TFP already released a console version. Companies have a different view. If Dell sells a laptop with the hardware bought as an OEM model from a taiwanese shop and they just slap their brand name on it, add an operating system and their warranty papers into the box, that IS a Dell laptop. You as customer will never come in contact with the taiwanese OEM company and that company will never feel responsible or honor any warranty even if Dell goes bankrupt. I already brought up a similar example with marvel movies (where even a logo of marvel is on the title screen but still marvel won't do a thing if the movie is ****ed up) but obviously that didn't convince you either. So again, 7D2D console is a game made by Telltale, licensed by TFP, there is a connection of sorts, the software is 90% the same. But it is an entirely distinct product and obviously TFP doesn't feel responsible for mistakes made by Telltale. Now that TFP bought the rights back they are legally owners of the game and responsible for it though. Not that it amounts to much since software is universally sold without warranty.
  5. Actually it is very hard to define when a game is finished. If there are no obviously needed features missing a game finishedness is in the eye of the beholder. A few alphas of 7D2D could have been released after some polishing and nobody would have an objective reason to complain. Would any games journalist have batted an eye if TFP had released the A15/console version (after polishing) as the final game and the coming gold version as 7D2D 2 ? If anyone thinks yes, please explain on what grounds. The problem with this game seems to have been that IG already had a lot to do to make the game fit on console and not enough time to also polish/debug the game to a state that is expected by most customers. Sadly this is typical now in the games industry: Games get released and the beta test is done by the customers, usually the game reaches some final state after a few months and 2-4 after-release patches. And that is especially sad if that after-release polishing is then cut short by bancruptcy.
  6. Yeah, sure. Companies throwing out unfinished, unpolished games after 4 years are obviously better than a company that puts more effort into developing a game throroughly . For example Factorio has been in development for a similar time and you will be hard pressed to find a game that is better optimized and more bug-free than that game. For some that is exemplary, others look at the years of EA development and call it a sham because it is above the average in development time(?) or because the developers take their time to try out different concepts. Interesting that Telltale itself has put out an unfinished unpolished game that wasn't long enough in development to remove some serious kinks, a game called "7 Days to Die". Experimentation is to be expected for development of novel game concepts. Just look at Blizzard who developed Diablo 3 from 2001 to 2011 (according to wikipedia), made presumably three internal revisions before releasing it to an open beta test. Final release was in 2012. Problems in the network code though needed further patches. Oh, and the auction house also underwent a few revisions until they finally accepted it was a mistake and patched that out completely. The irony: Diablo 3 wasn't even a new game concept, it was an Action-RPG in a long line of similar titles. And Diablo 3 was a big success story for Blizzard, by the way. PS: A lot of forum users here (including me) are of the opinion that 7D2D should be in development as long as possible. Once it is finished there will be no new features coming (except for DLC and mods) and it will be at a dead end, just like the console version already is.
  7. Your guess is as good as mine. I would say they have well above 10 or 20 million in the bank, but dropping by 2 mil each year. Nowadays most copies are surely sold at steam sales. Like any other game on steam it keeps a nice full price so that it can be sold with big reductions. I remember it was reduced in the winter sale and just now (again, just a month later!) it is in a steam sale reduced by 66% for 8$. Just saying, the $23 is a marketing instrument and a pipe dream. They won't be scrounging the street for empty bottles ;-). I'm sure they could cough up the money if they decided to do the patch. But there is not only money involved, there is also a lot of work involved, work they didn't expect nor ever wanted. And especially not at this time when the PC version is getting finished and needs their attention. They definitely have more accurate numbers at their disposal. They surely have a lot better idea what to expect from steam or console sales. Since they don't leap at the chance to make a good impression with console players and make money as well, I would say they don't expect a positive balance from it and independent of any money concerns they want this additional task like one wants an appendix operation. And they probably looked deeply at the options and didn't like any of them.
  8. (Disclaimer: The following is just careful guessing and estimating done from what is publicly known) Iron Galaxy was definitely only contract worker for the porting, no sales money ever went through them. They simply were paid by TTG to do the port. It is safe to say that IG was totally out of any loop once TTG went bankrupt. In my estimation simply finishing the version IG was working on would cost TFP somewhere between .5 and 1 million. And equally important a lot of work and time they can't delegate (especially initially to find and negotiate with a publisher and a developer). Now .5 to 1 mil for a company that has a successfull product but also developed it for 7 years now is not small change. Add all the management work neccessary to enable such a deal (surely hated by any developer) and you have two big reasons why TFP doesn't want to do this New sales from a patch that is miles behind the PC version and has already been sold to its target audience for a few years will probably not be that great. It could be with luck. But you also have to take into account that TFP finally got everything cleared with the rights in Summer last year. I would guess it would have taken them from 9 months to over a year altogether before the patch would have arrived on console. And that would be very close to the time the new consoles went on sale. The chances are pretty slim to recoup even half the expenses after that because a lot of console owners will buy one of the new consoles and buy games only for the new one. Selling out to Microsoft: I'm sure there is a price where TFP would sell their company. But is Microsoft even interested? Microsoft strategically overpayed Minecraft because it wanted influence on generations of young people at an age where influencing them is still easy. They now strategically bought game companies to fill their upcoming console(!!!) with games. Why should they buy a company and then finance a patch on the OLD console?
  9. That scenario is a pipe dream as well, sorry. Who would create this console port for the PS5 and who would pay for it? They themselves have neither the developers nor the money and they clearly said that. Don't get me wrong here, I don't think they have problems financing their small studio to finish 7D2D's on PC, but if they try to finance a fresh console port in parallel (again based on an unfinished EA version, and to a new console), they would burn a lot more money for the next 2 years. And that would probably be too much and they know it. In their own words: "but this would likely happen after the PC version has gone gold and could end up being an entirely new product or on the next console." They maybe left the door slightly open even for an update to the current console version because who knows, maybe some other publisher might be interested in "burning" a million now because they would get future publishing rights for the new consoles. And if 7D2D's popularity goes up a few notches they could get 10-20 times that much in revenue about 3 years from now. But that would be a much bigger gamble than what TTG did and publishers like to play safe. The only publishers who might think about it for a millisecond are MS and Sony themselves to get another exlusive title on their platform. I'm not sure TFP would want such a restriction. All of this is possible as in "lottery win" possible.
  10. Correction: 30% go to xbox,sony. Do you have any sales figures?
  11. So TFP should have given the money from the licencing to Telltale for the development of the console version? That would be the same as if they had given the licence to Telltale for free! What world are you living in? As long as TT was alive it was TT's job to pay for the porting. You have a case if you say that now that TT is gone, the licence money should be invested in console. The problem is we don't know how much of that money is left after laywer fees and the auction. And whether the rest of that money is enough to pay a company like IG to finish developing that old code. Or do you suggest that they invest money from the PC sales to finance the console version? . No worries, if they want a version on the new consoles they probably have to.
  12. Even if a writer has contractual input on a movie, no big movie studio ever has given the author the right to decide when to publish the movie, or given him the means to stop it after production began and they sunk millions into the movie. (Actually there may have been very rare exceptions when the movie studio really really really wanted to do a book and the author didn't want to. But normally a movie company will buy out reluctance with more money or a percentage of the sales, but never with power to just throw out millions out of the window) The author is never "supervisor" to the "worker" movie studio. Come on, does this sound like the movie studios you know to allow a writer to have such power over them? The author may have the power to say some event in the movie is in conflict with the lore, but he has absolutely no influence on production after the contract is signed.
  13. Huh? Naturally they expected the game to run on consoles, especially after Telltale made them the offer to handle console things. Telltale offered them a way to have a console version much earlier and they accepted. Otherwise they would have thought about a console version only after 7D2D leaves EA (which now seems to be in 2020 or 2021(?)). Obviously (without telltale) they would never ever have done a version for the current consoles but for the next ones that would be the current by then. --- PS: In hindsight everything is clear as sky, but not so at the time. Is TFP to blame for not realizing that licencing a game in EA is a risk? Because TFP naturally would not fix all the minor bugs at that time but neither would Telltale pay for all the necessary bug fixing, at least not before seeing some sales. Sure you can blame them for that, someone with experience in the bussiness might have been able to see that. But look at it, it still would have worked out well if Telltale hadn't folded and produced that update.
  14. Did you hover with the mouse over the icon far to the right of the perk? The tool tip usually tells you what you precondition is missing
  15. Lets assume I want to add something OUTSIDE the <property> block for all guns with 9mm Bullets. The following will surely not work because inbetween the append and the remove the xml is left with broken syntax with two closing </property>. And the remove surely wouldn't work this way anyway <append xpath="/items/item/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Magazine_items'][@value='9mmBullet']> </property> <...my new stuff....> </set> <remove xpath="/items/item//property[2]"> Is there are way? Maybe a '..' syntax to go outside a block again?
  16. Exellent intro. Possible bug report: You used append once with and once without comma. I assume only one method is correct. <append xpath="/items/item/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Magazine_items'][@value='9mmBullet']/@value">,NoAmmo</append> <append xpath="/items/item/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Magazine_items'][@value='9mmBullet']/@value">NoAmmo</append>
  17. The bug feared you more than me
  18. Generally problems in linux are very seldom. I have played multiple versions of ravenhearst, wotw and valmod in linux and except for a path problems with valmod ~2 years ago in A15 I never had any problems. So I normally don't expect any problems and now I expect it even less so.
  19. Yay, working A17 DF mod in linux guaranteed.
  20. Dragons and swords confirmed in Dragon Falls
  21. Interesting. How did you get rid of the red text errors?
  22. Excellent, that did it. So Music or background is to blame. I could see the new background and also hear the new music playing when I previously copied everything over. Principally both "worked" to some extent.
  23. We can safely rule out the 1k textures as the culprit. No change even with the 2k textures. Thanks for the try though.
  24. No hurry, I'm going to bed now ;-)
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