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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. An actual example from your group would have been nice for your argument. My group has been playing that way for a long time now and it actually improves co-op play when you need another forge and have to ask the one doing forges to make another one. Most of the magazines are for items you build once every few quality levels, especially guns and armor. Most of the time the one person who wants a specific gun is also the person who reads the magazines for that gun. This is the natural choice because he is also the one who will find the most of that type of magazines and often the only one interested in crafting this. The only exception is if two people use the same type of gun or armor, then it isn't hard to ask the other person to craft a helmet or pistol for you. Some magazines (like traps) are for mass-produced items, but it is the task of the person who gets those magazines to produce enough of them into a storage box so others can take them out of the box when building with them. And like in any good co-op game complain when not enough of them are in the box (with all the usual jibes about underlings not working correctly 😉. Another example is medicine, but in our group it exactly works like with food. One person is getting the medicine magazines, but for that he has to create lots of first aid bandages and put them in the medicine box. If there aren't enough ingredients to produce them he has to ask the farmer to provide more. The "medicine provider" will also usually mention when he has produced a new batch. Examples of good communication in co-op play. I don't understand when you seem to argue that it is more CO-OP when everyone can craft anything and therefore does not depend on others for crafting specific things. The optimal co-op play IS when everyone depends on everyone else. It works very well for us, working as a team with specific tasks for everyone. Actually co-op play and helping the others is the main glue why we still play together a small list of games for many years, especially 7 days. If you want, please tell us of an actual example from your group where it doesn't work well, and tell us why you think it is the failure of the game and if it were different co-op would improve in your game.
  2. Which completely overlooks the other possibility that TFP intends to force players to also have some subbases without moving your home base at all.
  3. I don't know what is awkward about this, are you talking about the legal situation? Most modders believe mods should be free and open source and sharing (often with attribution) should be a thing. If others would take money for mods they would not share anymore. Remember that Bethesda gets flak every time for trying to push paid mods into the market, especially from modders. So TFP is fully in line with most modders (AFAIK).
  4. What has reality to do with game balance? Nothing. To everyone: Like in all alphas before people come here complaining about features they haven't actually tried for some in-game days to have actual evidence. Experimental is done by TFP so players can play the game and give their opinion from actual game play experience. If you don't want to be test dummy, wait a month for 1.0 stable. And don't say "I don't need to play to know this is dumb". I have seen that sentence hundreds of times in this forum and often it turned out to be wrong.
  5. While I agree that MP groups very probably will advance slower on the tier progression now, your example is simply broken because you don't take into account that MP players can do quests much faster than a single player. Because they are faster at going through a POI and because they can minimize travel time between quests, and they can share in the rest of the work load they have more time to quest as well.
  6. I know. It is just an option you can take into consideration, an option that could make sense if you want to invest more points into that tree later anyway, or if you want to speed up the ability to craft better guns of that type.
  7. Int is supposed to be the "hard" starting option, while strength is the novice option. That isn't explained anywhere in the game yet, but TFP has explained this when asked why STR weapons are so strong compared to other trees. With INT you have to realize that it works best when you use weapons from another tree to supplement your weaponry. You don't need to max out the perks for those weapons, because the INT weapons provide a massive boost when used in combination. So my advice: Put 1 or 2 points into the ranged weapon of another tree early in the game and use that, alternatively use any ranged weapon you have ammo for. Optionally you can go higher in the later game or switch between all ranged weapons, to use the various ammo you find effectively. As soon as you have turrets they will boost your combat more than the higher perk levels of the ranged weapon could do.
  8. And this you have. But there is no rule that says groups should be faster progressing in a game. I can only speak for a group of 4 but we usually follow the path. And we are still much faster. Usually POIs are made of lots of rooms with multiple zombies. You can swarm in the room and everyone takes one zombie. If you are not at a stage where you are one-shotting every zombie (definitely not the case in early game) even a single zombie is taken down much faster when 4 people are pummeling him down. In single player in the first days I need to do a complicated dance with a zombie where I hit, go back a step, go forth and hit, go back again,... and even have to run a bit when the zombie goes into rage. Takes a lot of time. None of this is necessary if four people are hitting that zombie, before he is in rage he is already on the ground the first time. Now I would assume with 8 players it could get really crowded and they have to go separate paths or even separate quests. I often feel the same even in a 4 player group when we have reached higher levels. But that is a different thing.
  9. No it is not reversed as you still have many advantages as a group. Usual survival workload is shared between the group (one builds the base, one mines, one makes the food, makes it done 3 times faster). Doing any single quest is at least 2 to 3 times faster AND you can do multiple quests before returning to the trader. All the loot has a lot more chance to be useful to one of you. Oh @%$# situations are 10 times better survivable. And I surely forgot a few.
  10. Both of those changes you mentioned above did nothing to the speed disparitiy between single and multiplayer. Reducing rewards slows down both and increasing number of quests does as well. (Correction: The first measure actually does, somewhat) I have often been playing single player and 4 person co-op and our group was always about 3 times faster progressing than I was in single player. There are many reasons for this. Only playing it ourselves will really tell us if this was the right measure to level the field.
  11. I thought this was because Bethesda wanted to make mods payed? With them as beneficiary of a cut.
  12. What do you mean with "open up the game"? TFP has opened up the game for modding. And steam workshop will be implemented as well. Backpack limitation is a choice made by TFP for the vanilla game to add a complication, a management minigame where you have to ask yourself what to keep, what to scrap and what to drop in chests on the road. Like many other games, especially survival games, do as well.
  13. They can do anything they want with the POI, but whether they can use the name "Vedrit" is a different question. They could not if it was his real name, with pseudonyms it might be again a question of copyright, and since the name was not taken from the game it may or may not fall under the clause My guess is that pseudonyms are unprotected anyway, so unless you create a trademark out of a pseudonym they could call any POI VictoriousIII's hookers right now, without you having created anything in the game.
  14. Don't try to do statistics with so few samples. I looted maybe 8 stumps, more than a dozen trash piles and one POI on my first day and found 2 honey, without any point in Lucky Looter.
  15. I usually build subbases in distant towns, stay there for some days of the week and return for the horde night to my main and horde base, whereever that is. No need to transfer vast amounts of stuff, just whatever is needed at "home". I do this because I get bored staying in one location.
  16. You probably answered it yourself already.
  17. That magazines should be exchanged to the person who needs it adds to the feeling of co-op play. In my group everyone shouts out if he found a magazine useful for someone else in the group ("Hey, I got another spear magazine for you"). And giving stuff useful to someone else is adding to the experience. And I think that is why the Funpimps added it. And that is also why they probably will be reluctant to add a switch for auto-sharing, because everyone wants to turn on a switch that saves on inventory space and nobody will think about any hard to measure consequences of long-term co-op play. Players who decided to give it all to one person have made the wrong conclusion how to tackle magazines. It obviously is not fun and a great example of how to not play co-op. Co-op also means to share the fun. By the same token you don't let only one person loot in a co-op game even if that would be slightly more efficient.
  18. Isn't this something you would have to ask Nvidia who are providing that service?
  19. As I said before to someone else: Have you summed up the rewards, i.e. the contents of the chest (in case of dig quests), the dukes, the xp and that bacon and eggs? If **all that** together is not worth it, then you got a point.
  20. You should be more specific why you think it is useless. Me, I use farming in every game, with only ever putting 1 point in LotL (except if I go Fortitude, then more). Sure, you need a bigger field, but it is a steady supply of food even with that bit of randomness. Not sure they still have a way of knowing. Their telemetry provider went bankrupt. I have the distinct impression they do. Note the stealth meter, if I remember correctly it goes up if you turn on the headlights. But you can still sneak with them at higher risk. Remember that the nvg are end-game equipment in previous alphas so not a general solution to the stealth player
  21. There is some important information missing here: What was found in the chest? How much food could have been bought with the dukes given for the quest? Was the shovel some guaranteed quest reward or a random find? If the latter, why shouldn't players simply craft one to do the dig quest.
  22. Just wrench a mine and you will be flying around.
  23. It's an alternative reality dominated by claustrophobics. They made sure to never be locked in.
  24. There are some things about the AI that can be changed in XML. There might be ways to make them go into destroy mode more often, there definitely are ways to increase their block damage to be far above what the options allow. That is not a solution if someone just wants A16 AI, but maybe a solution if someone wants more difficult horde nights.
  25. That is already in the game. A certain percentage of zombies will go into block destroy mode and hit on random blocks in their way. And if there IS no path to you they will definitely try to destroy blocks. The thing missing is that they are not focused on the direct line between their position and you in destroy mode. No idea if this could be added without too much effort, but I would assume that might help players greatly who want more of an A16 feeling.
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