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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Is it in the mod launcher? I'd like to try it out. Do you think that particular minigame would still be immersive and fun after many plays? I've played both lock picking minigames and fishing minigames that led me to stop doing those activities. But there are some simple ones that I don't mind. For example....The fishing in Stardew Valley means I rarely fish in that game. It is just too frustrating for me. But the fishing in Animal Crossing is simply listening for a different sound and watching for a different visual cue and responding immediately and you always succeed. That one stays engaging. I would be happy with a lock picking mechanic in the same vein. Stick the tool in and you hear some light clicks and randomly a heavy click and if you press the button right after the heavy click then you succeed and if you don't then the pick breaks. It's simple, fast, and simply relies upon reacting to a different sound cue and as long as you do it correctly you succeed.
  2. I carved that job out all on my own. Nobody gave it to me!
  3. How much long distance running are you doing at level 100? I'd think you'd be busy getting hungry by stepping on the accelerator of your vehicle.
  4. Its not that difficult. If people respond to you quoting your content it will show in your notifications and then you can go straight to their response if you want to respond to them. As to your first concern that you edited away, nobody was protecting the devs. Your original criticism is there for Madmole to view and respond to if he wishes. What was split off was all the discussion by others. Sorry, but it has nothing to do with a conspiracy to keep the devs' egos intact and everything to do with the the 3-4 legitimate questions that were getting overwhelmed by you starting the next #gate. There is nothing wrong with voicing displeasure and having a robust debate over the simplification of the clothing/armor for A20 but that place is here in the discussion forum. You brought up your point and Madmole will answer it and that will be the end of it. Pages and pages and pages of salty ranting just isn't going to happen there any longer. And you are mistaken about Madmole never reading this thread. He knows about it and he does read it and if he feels like he wants to get involved in the spectacle he will respond. The A20 Developer Discussion thread is for asking questions, giving feedback directly to the developers, and getting information from them. It is not for 15-page long raging debates. Hope that clears things up. It may not be ideal for the sake of conversation but it is ideal for keeping the Diary thread focused.
  5. yep. Quote whom you are responding to. Not only does it tie things together nicely but people can click on the quote to go to the original post.
  6. We are moving all the posts that are not directly responding to or asking a question of Madmole be they positive or negative. Your rant was in reaction to someone else’s comment to Madmole. His was definitely not positive but it stayed because he was talking to the developer. Everyone who started discussing whether in agreement or not with him came here. Hope that jives with your sense of fairness.
  7. Getting to play with all the inevitably cut content is truly one of the Early Access perks.
  8. I typed out and erased at least three different jokes related to that plural Gazz typed (referencing you as the butt of each joke no less) but ultimately let it go figuring I'd better let a professional do it.
  9. How many more times will Madmole have to post “just like the book sets” before how the clothing sets work will sink in...?
  10. You mean a piece bonus, right? Each piece would still give their own bonuses If they were mixed but the set bonus would not be awarded unless all pieces from that set were being worn.
  11. I like the idea of a herbicide grenade. No resources- just gone grass.
  12. For outfit changing console fun try Animal Crossing New Horizons.
  13. With those wrecking ball fists? Absolutely!
  14. Restless Nerdpole Syndrome. It's a thing.
  15. Hah! You're hoping it replaces auto-aggro rooms! You don't fool me!!
  16. With the A20 developer diary thread beginning I have created a new discussions thread. Each day or so I will migrate discussions and conversations and jokes over to this thread in order to keep the dev diary clear of content that is not directly interactive with the developers. This is not a punishment and nobody is getting infractions. If there are hot topics of debate and conversation they can continue here and not overwhelm that thread. Otherwise, just say "Sooooooo?" if you're a big Dingle Berry.
  17. What Sylen is saying is that if you click on the red banner that has the link titled: "For information on future updates and releases for the console version of the game, please read the Blog post" you will be taken to the last posted press release by The Fun Pimps themselves which should give you the official word that Meganoth paraphrased for you.
  18. Does this phrase basically mean that it is less worthy of being mocked as in being made the subject of a jeering meme? Just want to make sure I use it correctly in public to make my teenage daughter dies of embarrassment without sounding completely witless to the Millenials and Alphas. Nothing sus....
  19. Are you both on a dedicated server or are you hosting him on the same computer that you are also playing the game on? If the answer is the second one, then that is probably the biggest culprit of the lag your buddy is experiencing. Video settings like Distant Terrain Instancing are designed to improve your own framerate by adjusting them down or turning them off but that is different than network lag.
  20. For some reason this screenshot gives me vertigo BAD when I look at it. Wierd...
  21. Off the coast of Arizona? Hardly...
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