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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Try using sphereii’s mod launcher. It has a function to run two different alpha versions and may fix whatever conflict you are experiencing.
  2. So if I want Alpha 7.11 I see this line from above. 251576/manifests/public: 4644625435838178353 › 6548888709412020723 So do I paste the following into the command console? download_depot 251570 251576 6548888709412020723
  3. I should have said Horde Mode sorry. Horde Mode was an alternate game from the main game that was almost pure tower defense. Multiple airdrops would bring supplies, food, and weapons during the day and you would frantically build in preparation for the waves of zombies at night. the waves would get tougher each night. I believe it was removed Alpha 8 so you would have to download Alpha 7 in order to play it.
  4. Fantastic! Just for the access to Classic Horde Mode alone this is an amazing resource!
  5. Got this finally figured out. Sorry it got moved. I have no idea why that would happen. Good luck with your channel.
  6. Now I feel like I need to give a compliment. The mod is awesome and I really like the whispers at night. Super creepy!!! Also I wrongly thought that zombies would be blind to me at night as in the base game but that was a fatal assumption...lol. Going out at night is a huge risk again which is great. I was about to go out and gather a few fibers near the entrance to my base and with my finger literally poised over the E button in front of my door I heard a whispered “I see you!” And that was the end of that plan. I realize it was just a sound file and there probably weren’t any zeds in the vicinity at that moment but it sucked all the courage out of me and I decided that looking over all the new skills was way more important than getting fibers in the dark...lol
  7. Arrows have been particularly annoying for me. I keep going to make them from wood and rocks and then have a “what’s wrong with this thing?” moment before remembering that I first have to make sticks and arrowheads grrrrrrr.... I get the appeal of complex multi-step crafting for the visual attention to detail and more realistic approach but dang it— a more abstracted representation that gets you what you want in fewer but “good enough” steps wins for me. At least we don’t have to split the feathers in half and use glue....
  8. I’ll mention it. Since they’re working on quests it would be a good time to add a tag so that scrapping could be an objective. My opinion is that you could change the opening quest to “gather sticks” since the gather tag exists and then make it so that you harvest sticks from bushes and wood from trees. Probably have to change the stone axe recipe to sticks as well then. Or if you can swing it, make it so bushes give one wood and one stick. Then you don’t have to change the recipe for stone axes. But also keep it so you can scrap wood for sticks. As for the UI that would be amazing but it is Sphereii’s mod and not Dad’s I’m using now. I wouldn’t want you to put yourself out though as invisible hud doesn’t really have widespread appeal. Plus there is a bug with it so that the opening quests don’t work. I can live with being a cyborg when playing your mod
  9. Maybe change the wording in the opening quest from "Craft Sticks" to "Scrap Wood to Sticks". Took me a fair while to figure that one out...lol So far so fun Jax.
  10. Why not just disable LCBs on the server? Sounds like that is what is making it boring.
  11. Suggest that to Madmole directly when he returns someday. He is all about castles.
  12. Thanks a bunch. Could you link me to your tutorial Lazer?
  13. Bandicam simply records. I use a different program to edit and upload to Youtube. OBS does everything? Record and then edit and upload?
  14. So I purchased the full version of Bandicam about a year ago. But should I just forget that and go with OBS? I noticed that Bandicam had the sound sources as well but so far I haven't been able to get them to work so that my mic is loud enough. You feel that OBS is superior?
  15. Thanks. Now I feel bad about your link in the index....lol
  16. Okay, I got it done and linked to everyone's thread and put it in the Rules Thread. That way there's not another sticky and it's a closed thread so it will always stay on the first page. Thanks for the suggestion Tin.
  17. INDEX Adreden Gaming Anabella Arkham Unhinged Awesome Sauce Bald Guy Plays Games Balkan Survivors Bandistreaming BeardedGuysGaming Billyjackofallgames BoneYourDonut Buhhuh Chloe Fox CyberBatman Dad and Dax Play Games Darlypants DatSheDevil Gaming DED: Death Equals Delete DianddraD Dragoness_ Driitz Fj4080 Flexible Games Frozen OJ GameLining Game Society Pimps Games4kickz Grabbys Guppy Cur Halcylion Harlebell Hyjaxx iPossum Jaxxall Jimbology Kage848 Khaine's Korner Kruxn Laddiedog0 Lanstrifer Lazerblade MaxFox Gaming Midnight Designer MrEgomies O Abel Joga Orangesherbet Pacco Pakrninja Pineapple Gamer Pokketninja RedSpecsGaming Roland RShadow Gaming SaberStarr SF Gaming SmooreMC85 SnoopY Gaming Solarii91 Spid3rMonk3y087 StickyHamster SupaBeaner ThinkTankGaming TRG4YouTV Vedui Volairen World of Skeitho YoSuboDeToh ZNation_FFS Zombient
  18. Question: What is the best way to record as I play? Right now I am narrating after the fact but when I start my series that I want to do I want my comments to be as I'm playing. I think I did it once by starting just the windows sound recorder and then mixing that file in with my video. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  19. Should we do it in this thread or create a separate index thread?
  20. Roland


    Bald Guy Plays Games I went to his thread mainly to switch the title from "New Youtube Channel" to the actual name of his youtube channel and then thought, "Why not?" and clicked on one of the episodes. 30 minutes later I tore myself away because I had work that needed to be done and it wasn't ever my intention to sit and watch stuff. Bald Guy has a pleasing voice and a very good pace and he talks as though you were sitting right next to him on the sofa playing video games on a Saturday morning together. His use of the pronoun "we" really makes you feel like you are part of it all. You can tell that he is very much into the adventure of it all and he speaks a lot of his thoughts out loud in a very entertaining fashion. I subscribed and will be watching more when I have a chance. Love it!
  21. "Channels" is actually nice or maybe "Broadcasters". Something to think about for sure. Don't a single person say "Poll" though cuz I'm done with those for awhile....
  22. I think this was a valid concern during the first few hours that this subforum was opened. Perhaps I worried a bit about whether people would figure out what was meant to go in this section. But it appears that most everyone gets what content creator is referring to and the format in which they should post. So now there is plenty of context I think to allay any concerns. Content Creator was chosen as a term to be inclusive of both those who only stream and those who only record and of course those who do both. "The Stream Team" caused confusion because people thought we only wanted to support streamers which isn't true. I think the idea that we want people to create a thread that they can use to link to their stream page or their YouTube channel and be able to update and advertise when they publish/ broadcast something new is clear enough. "Content Creator" also does not explicitly convey that the content we want posted here is 7 Days to Die related but I trust people to grok the context. If all you want to do is post a one and done video or some screenshots of your base then use the video and images subforum. If you plan to do more and you would like to use this subforum as another access point to your channel then please create a thread here.
  23. The response so far to this forum? /poking fun at myself since 1969
  24. The images and videos section is being used by streamers because that has been the only place that supports embedded videos. But that forum is more for anyone to show off their cool builds or funny screenshots they were able to do. Now the content creators can post here and that will allow casual videos and pics to be shown over there.
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