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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 3 hours ago, dcsobral said:

    Some sleepers will always wake up as soon as you enter their volume. Well, it's the volume that's the guilty party, not the sleeper, but that's a technical detail.

    Exactly. Some. As in a small percentage of the overall sleeper population. “Fixing” that would make 100% of the sleepers remain asleep 100% of the time. The POI that Heimfire complains of is one out of hundreds. One POI that requires a different approach to stealth because of the overwhelming instances of automatic awakening that occurs in that particular POI. (Other POIs have volumes that automatically trigger but again it is usually only one or two rooms out of the entire POI where you get 95% of that super awesome shoot-a-comatose-body gameplay and 5% kill something that moves and attacks you super boring gameplay)


    As I stated, some people are very interested in extremely consistent, samey, predictable, and non-challenging gameplay vs unconscious enemies.


    To each their own, but I hope the current variety of POI zombie encounters only grow rather than shrink. As @meganoth stated, allowing nearby outdoor zombies to sense us through walls rather than implementing a more realistic muffling effect of sound is one way to keep that variety. 

    2 hours ago, dcsobral said:

    IMHO, that's more a matter of bad design than stealth targeting. It has these places you go up a ladder to reach and the zombie only spawn 1m away from you when you get at the top. Zombie shouldn't magically appear in front of you, period.

    Situations like this should definitely be fixed. Ideally, you should never see zombies spawn in. This might not be always possible outdoors but indoors it should be designed so that they spawn in well before a player can see the area in which they spawn. 

  2. 2 hours ago, meganoth said:

    Outside zombies already have a very low chance of detecting you in a building when you are stealthed and with the dampening would have no chance at all. More fun? If predictability of a game is fun for you then yes.

    Are you surprised when people already want to be able to always kill every zombie as it sleeps and if one should occasionally wake up and offer a different experience then the whole exploration game is ruined?


  3. 3 hours ago, Gazz said:

    Generally we are quite careful in not taking a position on whether our zombies are dead or alive.


    It's a game and it really makes no difference but once we *do* insist they are one or the other we'll have to be consistent on the ramifications of it. =P

    Lazy devs…

  4. There are lots of console games that will never see another update that still sell for $59.99 even years after their release. Its market driven pure and simple. When a game stops selling at a particular price point then the store drops the price to one where it seems to be selling again. It has nothing to do with whether it is a game that has planned updates or if it is a static game that will never see an update. The console world of games is full of 100s and 100s of games that are final products and never see an update. Some of those drop in price quickly and others keep their value-- all driven by sales and market forces.

  5. For someone who has been adamant about getting an official statement by an official TFP staff member on this site, you are amazingly trusting of unofficial sources elsewhere that are telling you what you want to hear. 

    Sorry for the disappointing truth. 7 Days to Die for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 is in its final state. Period. Believe nobody else on this. 

    I did give the site, Micromania, to the owners so that legal can investigate them. 

  6. I can confirm that presently there is no generalized radiation covering the entire wasteland biome in A20. My understanding of the feature is that it will be localized to specific zones within the wasteland with three intensities present so that if you start walking into a radiation zone it starts out weak and then grows in strength the deeper you go. I think that the idea of the entire wasteland biome being radiated is a misinterpretation. If they do end up going that route, it would be the weakest version of the three that would blanket the entire biome and could be mitigated by ingame meds and gear so that players could continue to live inside the wasteland pretty easily with a bit of maintenance.


    I think your worries are unfounded.

  7. @Evil_Geoff Please report this in the bug pool and not in the support section. Don't worry about whether there it might or might not be a bug. That is for the QA guys to determine. If you are correct and it was an oversight, they will create a ticket for a programmer to include the line. If it is intended for some reason they will let you know. But the people who need to see this are more likely to see this if you post it in the correct area.

    There is a banner at the top of the page you can click to go to the bug reporting forum.

  8. Hi. 3rd party venders can change descriptions and call something they want to sell “a reissue” on their own sites easily. People were selling photographs of PS5’s on Amazon to trick scalper bots. Neither Amazon nor Micromania are official outlets for the game. There are only two official outlets for the digital download version: The PlayStation Store and The Microsoft Store. Physical copies ceased production when their publisher went out of business and no new physical editions of the game have been or will be produced. 

    You are right to be suspicious. They are trying to scam you. Someone has clued into the huge desire for an update to the console and is trying to capitalize on that. 

    Officially, and hopefully once and for all, there will be no further updates to the current version of the game for the PS4 and Xbox One. 

    On 8/3/2021 at 7:00 AM, Okwawi said:

    on the PS store the description of the game has changed by adding the turrets, electricity and various other things.

    Here is the description copied from The PlayStation Store and there is no mention of turrets or electricity or various other things:


    Game and Legal Info

    Set in a brutally unforgiving post-apocalyptic world overrun by the undead, 7 Days to Die is an open-world game that is a unique combination of first person shooter, survival horror, tower defense, and role-playing games. It presents combat, crafting, looting, mining, exploration, and character growth, in a way that's completely new to the survival game genre.

    Explore – Huge, unique and rich environments, offering the freedom to play the game any way you want.

    Craft – Craft and repair weapons, clothes, armor, tools, vehicles, and more.

    Build – Take over a ruin, or build from the ground-up. Design your fortress to include traps and defensive positions to survive the undead - the world is fully destructible and moldable.

    Cooperate or Compete – Includes two player split screen mode, with support for up to 4 players online, in Player versus Player, co-op survival, or co-op creative modes.


    Telltale Games
    Adventure, Horror

    Please provide a link to this supposed alternated description. Thanks. 

  9. I flew around a bit in godmode in my randomly generated world. Higashi, Dishong, and Crack-a-book skyscrapers were all present. There were two Crack-a-book skyscrapers in two different cities so the big buildings are spawning but there are also dupes within a map.

  10. 7 hours ago, 7daystodierocks said:

    Prime i think all khaine is trying to say is at least give the modders a small heads up so they at least know what to expect :)


    I think all Prime is trying to say is this was not the norm and it looks like the problem caused by the update was a fluke so no need for the anger and reaction that accompanied the request for a heads up. TFP normally has been giving heads ups and will continue to do so. 

  11. On 7/30/2021 at 10:16 PM, Scyris said:


    As to if i'll use the option, I'll probably leave it at default which is off, as I found the gpsing zombies in a17 to be a real pain in the arse if you wanted to do anything at night as they'd seemingly come non stop all night once you got it started, just was a steady trickle all night.

     You can set it to day only so that night time is more peaceful if you are hiding out in your base. 

  12. My point is that most of the time I already knew about the zombies before the music started playing. I understand how the feature works. I was wondering if anyone actually feels like the jump scare they were hoping to experience got spoiled by the music. 

    In other words I never hear the music and then start looking around wildly to find where the zombies are that are targeting me. But maybe that’s just me. 

  13. In theory you are correct that the combat music could clue you in to attacking zombies but in practice I can’t think of a time that this actually happened in a situation where I would have been unaware if not for the combat music. Has this really been occurring regularly for you or are you mostly concerned that it will happen as you prepare to play a new game?  

    Has the combat music actually worked as a spoiler for everyone?  My situational awareness is not elite status and I’ve only super rarely been warned by the music in a way that I felt it was like a zombie awareness auto aim.  

  14. The beta opt-in menu is not the standard way to play the game. Its primary purpose is to allow players who are willing to test and submit bugs the opportunity to do so for experimental builds before they are pushed to stable. 

    If you don’t understand how the beta opt-in interface works then it is best to just stay out so that your game will update automatically as stable versions are released.


    The most current stable version does not ever appear in the beta opt-in menu. 

  15. 22 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    well i can write opinion like - " in doom should be machine gun like zombie have" but this will change something? nope .

    Writing that once makes for an interesting thought exercise and might make for an interesting discussion. Writing it every day in the dev diary for years would be another matter…

  16. 32 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    well honestly i can't agree with you

    Doesn’t matter since this isn’t a matter of opinion. The fact is that release dates are not and will not be given. Period. You’re just pounding sand in arguing that they should give release dates. 😀

  17. 14 hours ago, Morloc said:


    Heh...you're not trying to distract the players so much as ~attract~ some new friends to their location. :wink:



    -Arch Necromancer Morloc

    whenever I play with my brother, my favorite thing to do is after night comes and he goes down into the mine I throw a rock down there so a zombie jumps in there with him. He usually kills it with no problem but I get his jump scare scream often enough that I can’t help but keep doing it. 

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