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Everything posted by bdubyah

  1. Xyth pointed that out to me. Fixed already. Lol.
  2. Never had that happen to me personally, but it's always a risk when adding mods to an ongoing game. Always a good idea to back stuff up when adding in new things, especially anything that adds to the progression file. Colin, think I found it. You didn't mention tooltip the first time. Lol.
  3. This should probably be in the Discussion and Requests section... Sirillion made this: There is a post saying it has issues with 19.5, but I loaded it up to test and it seemed fine to me.
  4. Still checking into Wasteland things. Might have fixed the Ashmaker issue. And haven't seen the Nuka Quantum text issue. Gotta check the PA perks also. Pushed a small update to the AIO: Bdub's Vehicles Updated to 3.9 for A19.5 Download at Git or Nexus -----FIXED/CHANGED----- -Added: All vehicles have smoke effects when below 25% HP -Changed: Exhaust particles will only show when driving now -Changed: Tweaked physics on a few vehicles, more to come -Fixed: Missing startup sounds for LMTV, SHERP, Box Truck and Semi On Git and the Launcher, and Nexus.
  5. First is normal base speed, second is the speed when holding shift as well. You can set it to whatever, but somewhere around 20-25 you stop really seeing a difference. It takes other changes to make them faster at that point, but that should be fast enough.
  6. I fiddled around with the Ashmaker and never could get it to set me on fire. Can you show me a pic of the Nuka Quantum buff issue? I gave myself the negative buff from it and on the player screen everything looked fine. Where were you seeing it at? Still gotta look into the PA skills. And vehicles disappearing is a vanilla issue. Don't think it happens very often. We played past day 100 on my test server and I never had it happen. But I know people report it, so I'm sure it's a thing. But nothing I can do about it. Best I can say is to always pick up your vehicles when logging off if possible.
  7. I'll look at the power armor skills. Some of them were finicky when I tested them. Buffs aren't the most reliable thing in this game. Might have to try it a different way, or just change the perk entirely. Geoff, there are 2 versions of the ghoul. The normal one that can spawn out in the wild and in hordes, and the one used only in a few POIs. The normal one is a lot less dangerous. Think of him as a feral ghoul almost, and the POI one as a Glowing One.
  8. AFAIK this can't be done right now. They did show some new blocks for a20 that were just tinted version of existing vanilla blocks. But I don't know if that means it will be possible with xml, or if they just made a bunch of variations of the textures.
  9. Okay, I'll take a look at it. Sounds like he didn't spawn in early like he is meant to. Might have a bad sleeper volume setting or something. I made his range big, but depending on the POI and where I put him, he won't always cover the entire POI. I went with a bit of a middle ground on the range. Any higher and once he spawns, you might have to back away a decent ways out from the POI, and I didn't want that. I just tried to keep him as central in the POI as possible. I'll look at some type of green fog blocks or something to give a better visual that you should be able to see before even entering the POI boundary.
  10. I'll check into the ranges and stuff to make sure it's how I wanted it. Pretty sure they were fine though. Is there a particular POI this issue happens at? Just tested grocery3 and it behaved as expected. I have these guys set so they should always spawn. So it basically has the same effect as the whole POI being radiated. So I'm just not understanding the issue with that part.
  11. He has 2 buffs, the first doesn't hurt that much. It's a warning. If you don't turn around immediately you will die. I'll double check the POIs he is in and make sure he is spawning early enough. Could be some delay in MP though, but not much I could do there. Does it matter if the POI itself is radiated, or if an enemy causes it? Only real difference is that with it being an enemy, you can "cleanse" the POI when you kill it. I could make a block with the same particles that he has so maybe it's a bit easier to tell it's that kind of POI. The original plan was to have some old reactor type block that caused it that you had to destroy to remove the radiation, but that isn't really doable. And again, he isn't supposed to be easily picked off. Either you have the gear to survive the radiation, or you leave that POI. Simple as that. But the way I have it now and the damage he does isn't changing. When and if I find a way I like better, I'll try it. But this is how it will be for now. I'm not understanding the issue with how the radiation exists. And the rad version of the ghoul is not in hordes. He is only in specific POIs as of now. So no need to get worked up over something that won't even happen.
  12. That's the point. I will be expanding on it in the future. I'd rather just be able to easily make certain POIs radiated, but this was the easiest way to do it right now. I made his AOE big enough to cover most every POI he is in so once you see the rad effect you know you'd better turn around. He should spawn as soon as you enter the POI boundary so you'll know with time to turn around. You aren't meant to be able to handle him without having the proper equipment.
  13. I have a second pc I'm running a little cluster on. Just me and a few buddies. I alternate between ARK and Rocket League, but haven't played it as much lately.
  14. I'm gonna give the AI a look, just to see if there is anything I can do. No promises though. I've considered removing the ranged ones for now, but we'll see. I might just dilute the entity group so there's way more melee ones. The Vault is a T5 quest, as is the behemoth POI. The laser shotgun/AEP: There just isn't a better way to do this right now, without code. It's basically setup like a bow that fires 8 arrows at once. There is a way where I can make it a normal shotgun that emits the laser particles when fired, but I feel like that wouldn't feel right, or look that good. And I want their ammo to a bit hard to get early, so that's fine. I haven't tried using dye on power armor. Does it not work? Weapon mods...we already discussed this. Lol. As for the future? Hmm. I have a few protectrons I've been slowly getting ready to add to the game. Also have a nightstalker type creature, and a rad scorpion of sorts. And I have plenty of POI ideas, like the Super Duper Mart and others from Fallout. But those are a major time sink for me as I may have a bit of OCD so I always spend a lot of time on them. Haha. And there's always more items and stuff I plan to add. Some of the drugs from Fallout, and new foods. Maybe some notes to give small quests that lead to legendary stuff. Maybe a legendary set of power armor? I've been on a bit of a break lately, mostly just playing some ARK. I've added a few more vehicles to the Wasteland, and tweaked some stuff in my AIO mod. I plan to push those updates at some point soonish. After that, I may hold any new stuff till a20. Definitely won't be doing any more POIs till then, from scratch or vanilla ones. Hope that answers your questions and glad you enjoy the mod.
  15. Yeah, more info is definitely needed. And a log file wouldn't hurt either.
  16. Don't think my vehicle mod is the issue for the character reset. And the 100K stacks will absolutely break your game. 30-32K I think is the code limit, so most stay around the 25K mark to be safe. Why on earth you would need anything higher than that is beyond me. Might need to test the mods you plan to use better before starting a serious game in case there are issues. 2021-06-25T13:48:31 3694.622 INF Loading players.xml 2021-06-25T13:48:31 3694.643 ERR Loading player data failed for player '76561198305711104', rolling back: Attempted to read past the end of the stream. at PooledBinaryReader.FillBuffer (System.Int32 _numBytes) [0x00030] in <8676d591e24b4790910cdee451580eac>:0 at PooledBinaryReader.ReadString () [0x00049] in <8676d591e24b4790910cdee451580eac>:0 at PlayerDataFile.Read (PooledBinaryReader _br, System.UInt32 _version) [0x0006d] in <8676d591e24b4790910cdee451580eac>:0 at PlayerDataFile.Load (System.String _dir, System.String _playerName) [0x00086] in <8676d591e24b4790910cdee451580eac>:0 2021-06-25T13:48:31 3694.657 ERR Loading backup player data failed for player '76561198305711104', rolling back: Attempted to read past the end of the stream. at PooledBinaryReader.FillBuffer (System.Int32 _numBytes) [0x00030] in <8676d591e24b4790910cdee451580eac>:0 at PooledBinaryReader.ReadString () [0x00049] in <8676d591e24b4790910cdee451580eac>:0 at PlayerDataFile.Read (PooledBinaryReader _br, System.UInt32 _version) [0x0006d] in <8676d591e24b4790910cdee451580eac>:0 at PlayerDataFile.Load (System.String _dir, System.String _playerName) [0x0018c] in <8676d591e24b4790910cdee451580eac>:0 2021-06-25T13:48:31 3694.710 INF Created player with id=681 2021-06-25T13:48:31 3694.712 INF Loaded player That's the character being reset, maybe corrupt player file? Not really my area of knowledge. Never noticed that vehicle_generic_glasswindows2 error before. Will look at it though and see what's up with it.
  17. That's really a vanilla issue. Mods and custom POIs seem to make it worse though. A quick reload of the game usually fixes it.
  18. Gotta change the name in the modinfo.xml as well.
  19. I have some things I want to test but I'm not sure it'll help. The radar works the same as the helmet light. So you have to toggle it on. I didn't want it to be on all the time as it can clog up your compass. You should be able to look at the traders.xml and figure out how to add the armor. I'm not at my pc to give you an example right now though.
  20. They will be, but probably not in A19. And another thing with the armor is I'm pretty sure in first person the rotations and everything were completely different, so it was just left out as it would've been a ton of work to make it look good, if at all.
  21. They are a bit moody it seems. Sometimes they shoot, sometimes they don't. Hopefully that'll change in A20. The power armor is only visible in third person. So others will see yours, but you won't see it on your character screen. I believe it wasn't possible to show it there for some reason.
  22. At q1, the power armor should be on the higher end of the steel armor. Basically the worst power armor is a little worse than the best steel. Has a bit better elemental resistance and a fair bit better buff resistances, such as sprains and cuts.
  23. Sounds like bad luck to me. I just loaded up a test world I made and at level 1, no perks, opened 2 stands and found 2 q1 pieces and a q3 helmet in the second one.
  24. Those are meant to be rare. But I've had Nitro put 2 Vaults side by side. But on a 10k or 12k, I think we had maybe 2-3 UFOs total. So it could be possible to get none, or a few more I'd imagine. What size maps are you making? Smaller ones probably make it more likely that those POIs don't get used. I'm hoping either a20 RWG or KingGen will make this easier as far as making sure there is at least one of each. I think KG may already be doing this, but haven't had a chance to test it much yet. Might try giving it a whirl instead of Nitro and see if it works better for you.
  25. No need to move the POIs from the mod folder. They work just fine from there. As long as you copied the Nitro info from the included txt file to the prefablist.txt you plan to use in Nitro it will work fine. That said, Vault 101 can be finicky about not spawning due to it's size. But I normally didn't have an issue when using Nitro. Might just have to gen a few maps.
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