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Everything posted by bdubyah

  1. Could do a building limit thing like ARK has for certain things. Tag all of the more expensive blocks and scan the area when placing them. If there's too many don't allow more until some are removed. Could have a setting for it where you can increase/decrease the limit. Or, just let players do as they want. If they lag their game that's on them. Servers can monitor their own players.
  2. Yeah, poor ol' Steve is the only cool one in a20. Lol. So are there more now? I figured it would've been something to show off.
  3. True, but it's the worst and most blatant. If there is a small cluster of zombies it can be easy to miss certain sounds or animations. One on one it's pretty easy, but that's not a big deal. It's when you potentially have more than one knocked down and others still coming at you it can get tricky to navigate. I certainly don't expect TFP to undo what they've been working on, but a simply toggle option for at least kill XP would be nice. And about those gory deaths, any new ones coming?
  4. And that's why my mod removes the time. I left the day just because it can be mostly made useless info depending on what BM settings you use. And I have item mods that either add back the time UI or physically tell you the time. And working clock blocks as well. The quest stuff is getting a bit out there even for me, but most of that could likely be done since the game already technically has coords. But the marker themselves are what activate the quest, so unless they made it to where they auto activate once close enough you still need the markers. And really, that could be done fairly easily by modifying the quests xml to remove the RallyMarker bits, though I'm not sure if that would cause issues with the satchels getting placed. Exactly. Options are always good, and it would be one I would certainly keep off if that wasn't the default. But I rarely check it while playing. I'm too focused on what's in front of me, not the bottom corner of my screen. Lol.
  5. See, this I disagree with completely. There is no reason whatsoever that the game should indicate that any enemy is now dead. That should be on the player to know or find out. I am fine with a variety of options being available, but kill XP could go away and I'd be happy. You can leave crafting/looting XP, but the kill XP just makes it too easy to know if something died. And if they chose to remove the current style popup for it there is no reason some other mechanic should be added to take its place.
  6. So it is on the main HUD then? Hmm, not sure about that. It's getting a bit cluttered to me already. Lol.
  7. So are there any pics of this danger meter? I'm a bit leery of even more stuff being added to the HUD. Or is it just maybe in the character screen like game/loot stage?
  8. It does allow you to pull from a certain radius, but just to note that feature was directly taken from the S+ mod when they officially integrated it. Otherwise ARK would likely be missing that ability as well. Not sure on the allowing multiple people in a chest at one time. It's been a bit since I played it with others.
  9. I mean, if it's so trivial and you know so much, surely you can mod it in yourself? Right? Oh, let me guess, you shouldn't have to because TFP should've already added it...
  10. Are you running A17? Because this hasn't been updated and a lot of it won't really work with how the game is now versus back in A17.
  11. So I know it's been asked before, but is there any plan to ever give a normal player the ability to edit block density to be able to smooth terrain around placed blocks like you can in the editor? I was thinking if that isn't planned, and since more block shapes are being added still, maybe we get a set of "terrain trim" blocks that are maybe 2x1 but only actually need a normal 1 block space to place. That way the extra block could overlap with the terrain and work kind of how people use sheets currently, but without taking up that voxel space. Just an idea.
  12. I think the chances of them avoiding a certain path and choosing the straight line to the player should be increased some. It's still a bit too easy to bait them. It is much better than A17 though for sure. And they do seem to try and beat stairs into walls and stuff when possible, but some deco blocks and other things appear to break this pretty easily from what I've seen. But if they better about spreading out and taking out foundations more, this wouldn't matter much. They wouldn't have to come up to you, they'd bring you down to them. Lol.
  13. I think setting StabilitySupport to true will allow that.
  14. And for the wilderness POIs, maybe some type of country roads that connect between the main roads we have now. They could be gravel, and wilderness POIs could primarily target these roads to connect to instead of the main roads. Also, if it could be possible to not have roads/paths connecting to wilderness POIs that don't have a marker set, that would be nice.
  15. Good to hear. Let me know how you feel the needed supplies feel for each one. I did lower them a bit with this update.
  16. I'm sure he means how long generating a world takes. I doubt he magically found 4x performance in game. Lol. Speaking of RWG, have there been any notable changes to it for a21? Maybe more river stuff instead of those perfect S stamps we have now? Or anything done to make wilderness POIs placement/roads better?
  17. @tourrop I just pushed an update to Wasteland that should fix the Supply quests. Let me know any feedback you may have. Update for The Wasteland: Updated to 3.05, for A20.6 Built on: SCore v20.6.297.1109 NPCmod v20.6.01.01 Full Auto Launcher v1.1.2 Random Mainmenu Background v1.0.1 Download at: Git or Nexus Will need a new game or you'll need to reset the chunks if you have discovered the Nav Tek POI already as it was missing a rally marker. If that isn't a big deal you should be able to continue your current game. Make a backup just in case! !!!EAC MUST BE OFF!!! -Added: More one-off books for weapon/tool parts(instead of Working Stiff Weekly unlocking them all) -Added: Energy Weapon parts to bring their recipes to vanilla standard -Added: MRN terminal block that can be used to call in a supply drop if you find a key(found in Raider/Soldier loot) -Changed: Vanilla Rad zombies can now give you rad poisoning when they hit you -Changed: Cemetery_03 is now a proper Rad POI -Changed: Slightly raised potential weapon/tool part loot/trader amounts -Changed: Gave weapon/tool parts a bit higher repair amount -Fixed: Economic values of some blocks were wrong -Fixed: Shotgun shell textures -Fixed: Incorrect positioning on some shotgun attachments -Fixed: Missing Rally marker for Nav Tek POI(will need a new game if you've already discovered it on a current save, or need to reset chunk) -Fixed: Traders will now properly offer Supply Run quests(T2-T4)
  18. So how is the new zombie dismemberment coming for all the zeds that don't have it? I thought the plan was originally to add in the rest throughout a20, but I guess that changed. Are the rest still coming?
  19. Glad you enjoy the mods. I might have a possible fix for the quests, will test it later tonight when I have time.
  20. No worries. I'll have to test them and see. I did the same as you to test them real quick but didn't have the time to get a trader to that tier and thoroughly test them that way. I'm not sure why they wouldn't be offering them.
  21. Yeah, that isn't going to happen, sorry. When you start a new game at some point you can update and then you'll have it. 😉 Depending on what version you are on you may be able to update without needing a new game. Could always make a backup of your current game and try it to see.
  22. How are you so sure? From what I've seen that was just Prime's build for testing a21 Twitch stuff in a20.
  23. Seems like he likely didn't install something correctly. Get an output log from him and paste it into pastebin and link it here. If it is too big, tell him to start from the top and copy as much as possible.
  24. Meh, I don't want more HUD clutter. It can already get crazy as it is. I'd prefer if the left side of my screen isn't full of icons. Maybe a tooltip that pops up or something. Or at least maybe some more options added to toggle bits of the hud, or at least be able to set things to hide after some time. Get a broken leg? The buffs panel pops onto screen along with the tooltip to let you know what happened. Then after 5 or so seconds the buff panel hides again. I'd be okay with that. I just prefer a minimalist HUD and the current buff panel can take up too much space as is.
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