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Everything posted by Boidster

  1. Far out in the Pacific Ocean there is a small island where the inhabitants worship the very concept of wrongness. In the center of the island's village, high on a plinth and visible for a mile in any direction, is a statue of you. 😄
  2. If I'm playing solo I take Archery since I prefer ranged combat and use a bow/crossbow well into mid-game. Also take Animal Tracker so meat is never an issue and I can keep my surroundings entirely chicken free. Dirty birds. The other two points might go into Pummel Pete, Miner 69er, Mother Lode, Master Chef, or Javelin Master depending on my mood. If I don't take Master Chef in the first set of 4, I usually have it within one or two levels. I try to get Bacon & Eggs going early and then rely on found recipes after that. If I'm co-op, then the way our 2-person team breaks down I almost always get Archery, Miner 69er, Mother Lode, and Master Chef. He gets Animal Tracker and I cook all the stuff. I'm the miner of the team so I break a lot of rocks. Sex Rex is under-appreciated in my play style. Only in my most recent game did I ever put more than 1 point into it. I should give it more respect.
  3. I'll start by saying that 7D2D is one of my favorite games ever and like Star69 and many others around here I have thousands of hours in it. I have paid full-price for the game twice and I think I got a better deal than the publisher/developer did. You don't even need a great video card to have a lot of fun, in my opinion. My main gaming laptop is pretty good, but I play just fine on a 4GB Radeon 560 with "medium" settings (and in a window). Whether you will like it, though...well I would say that "liking zombie games" might not be quite enough. I would say that you need to like at least a couple of these game activities: 1) Plot-free, open-world exploration (there is no "main quest" in this game, yet) 2) Survival mechanics, e.g. hunting/foraging for food & water, staying warm/cool in different environments, treating injuries & sickness 3) Crafting & resource acquisition/management (mining, refining ores, crafting tools, weapons, armor, breaking stuff down for raw materials, and so on) 4) Base building & tower defense (including, eventually, gun turrets and such) 5) Of course, fighting zombies If you like at least a couple/few of those, then 7D2D will be fun for you in its out-of-the-box "vanilla" configuration. Although you can change your play style to avoid any of them, in general you will do all of the above as you prepare for the every-7-days large horde of zombies that will come for you. Day-to-day, zombies are around and you can go find them in buildings, but you can also mostly avoid them if you want. Every 7 days, though, you cannot avoid them - a big group (getting bigger as you level up) is going to come looking for you at 10PM on Day 7 (and Day 14, 21, etc.) and you need to be ready. That means doing at least a few, and maybe all of the things I listed above. As Star69 says, there is a learning curve. The game does not hold your hand, but you can get a lot of information here in these forums and, of course, read the in-game Journal! Hope you decide to try it out! It's a blast.
  4. In your defense, I think this was one of the threads that were actually necro'd by that spammer dude a couple of days back. So it would have been on the front page even after a mod whacked that dude's post.
  5. That does sound like fun! To close the loop on my excruciating detail, by GS54 the 3 horde waves have a total possible duration which would last 10P-4A. So if a single player were killing them kinda slowly (at lower GS) or like you trying to mow them down as fast as possible and racking up 700 kills (at high GS with massive quantities of zombies), it easily could last all night. Basically after GS54, all hordes have two 2-hour waves followed by a 7-hour wave. Stuff enough zombies into that 3rd wave and you'll be fighting them all night for sure.
  6. And that parasite produces oxygen as it is consuming the flesh. Enough to keep muscles infused and responding to nerve impulses.
  7. We had thunderstorms at our forest-biome in-town base a few game days ago. It was close enough to a possible horde night (we play 7 +/-1) that be both freaked out for a moment. The base was NOT ready for a horde. I get overcast every few days, and occasional rain but it's once a week at most. Not near any other biomes, really (at least 1KM away). If I'm reading the XML right - and the weather XML is some of the most confusing to me - if you are in the forest biome you have a 60% chance of possibly getting rain (if global cloud cover is >=70) and a 10% chance of definitely getting rain (if global clouds>0 and precip>0). I don't know yet what the global odds are, but for now I'll assume it's equal across all values. So for example there would be an approximate 30% chance of getting Global Clouds >= 70. Forest Biome weather from biomes.xml: <CloudThickness min="0" max="0" prob=".3"/> <CloudThickness min="10" max="70" prob=".6"/> <--- rain could happen here, but only if global clouds >=70 <CloudThickness min="100" max="100" prob=".1"/> <--- rain definitely will happen here if global clouds & precip > 0 <Precipitation min="0" max="0" prob=".0"/> <--- this entry can be ignored since prob = 0 (probably used to be .25, but they changed it?) <Precipitation min="50" max="100" prob=".75"/> <--- this entry will essentially always be in effect since it's the only non-zero prob Here's how I think it might work for different RNG results. Global Clouds Global Precip Biome (RNG) Clouds 0-0 (30%) Biome (RNG) Clouds 10-70 (60%) Biome (RNG) Clouds 100-100 (10%) 20 20 Clouds: 0 Precip: 0 Clouds: 20 Precip: 0 (1) Clouds: 100 (2) Precip: 50 (3) 50 20 Clouds: 0 Precip: 0 Clouds: 50 Precip: 0 (1) Clouds: 100 (2) Precip: 50 (3) 80 20 Clouds: 0 Precip: 0 Clouds: 70 (4) Precip: 50 (3) Clouds: 100 (2) Precip: 50 (3) 20 60 Clouds: 0 Precip: 0 Clouds: 20 Precip: 0 (1) Clouds: 100 (2) Precip: 60 50 60 Clouds: 0 Precip: 0 Clouds: 50 Precip: 0 (1) Clouds: 100 (2) Precip: 60 80 60 Clouds: 0 Precip: 0 Clouds: 70 (3) Precip: 60 Clouds: 100 (2) Precip: 60 20 100 Clouds: 0 Precip: 0 Clouds: 20 Precip: 0 (1) Clouds: 100 (2) Precip: 100 50 100 Clouds: 0 Precip: 0 Clouds: 50 Precip: 0 (1) Clouds: 100 (2) Precip: 100 80 100 Clouds: 0 Precip: 0 Clouds: 70 (3) Precip: 100 Clouds: 100 (2) Precip: 100 (1) Not enough cloud cover for precipitation (2) Global clouds overridden by minimum cloud cover for biome RNG result (3) Global precip overridden by the minimum precip for biome (4) Global clouds overridden by the maximum cloud cover for biome RNG result This is just my understanding of what the WEATHER CONTROL comment at the top of biomes.xml is saying. It's not worded super-clearly IMO so I could be completely wrong. Here it is if anybody wants to offer a different interpretation.
  8. I was going to suggest a full DDU driver uninstall, but since you already wiped and reinstalled Windows that's a dumb suggestion. Still have your old 1050 lying around? Maybe you could also try the 1660 in the other PCI slot. Throwing darts at this point...
  9. Google "flesh eating fungus" or "flesh eating bacteria" and get back to us on this idea. (Seriously DO NOT do that if you value your lunch.) Personally I'm going with alien invasion which they tried to defeat by playing country music, but that just @%$#ed the aliens off and they released a fungus which killed most people, but due to radioactive mutations (caused by the alien ships) in The Duke's DNA the fungus only infected his brain giving him the power of necromancy, which he uses to raise the dead fungus victims to harass you, The Survivor. I mean, it's the obvious explanation...
  10. That sounds pretty cool and definitely something you could put into a picture.
  11. In that case, your party had made it to gamestage 147 (or higher) by day 7. Which on 2-hour days and with diligent XP hunting might not be all that difficult. The GS147 horde is the first horde where the total possible number of zombies > 600. It is the "num" parameter that determines the total number of possible zombies in each wave. Add 'em up for the total possible zombies on horde night (absent a mod like mine to ensure the wave goes on forever). <gamestage stage="147"> <spawn group="feralHordeStageGS133" num="207" maxAlive="47" duration="2" interval="20"/> <spawn group="feralHordeStageGS140" num="207" maxAlive="47" duration="2" interval="20"/> <spawn group="feralHordeStageGS147" num="207" maxAlive="47" duration="7"/> </gamestage> The full explanation is here, but note that the maxAlive is per player, so if you've got an 8-player horde party, then each wave would send the LESSER of these options all at once (spawning new Zs to keep the queue full as Zs are killed): A) maxAlive x players = 47 x 8 = 376 B) "num" value = 207 C) Server max spawned zombies = 75 D) Server BloodMoonEnemyCount setting x players = ?? (default setting is 8, so this would be 64) My guess is you got either 64 or 75 zombies at once, until the 207 "bucket" for each wave was killed. With 8 players doing the killing, I'm kind of surprised it would last until 4AM. The duration of the first two waves is 2 in-game hours, so 10 minutes of real time. If each player only kills 3 zombies per minute you'd easily wipe out a 207-zombie wave with time to spare. My 2-player co-op game is past that GS and we finished the normal horde by 1AM or so. Note that the total size of the horde does not change with # of players. Only the # of zombies spawned in at once. My 2-player game and your 8-player game both would need to kill (at most) 621 zombies to complete the GS147 horde night.
  12. I did some testing related to this last year, but didn't include dire wolves. I'll re-run the test with regular and dire wolves. Edit: testing complete. My test track was a flat road. Critter spawned into open pen on right side, I started running from the block embedded in the road across from the "0" sign. So I had about a 10m head start. Results: NAKED LEVEL 1 SURVIVOR Wolf Dire Wolf Running for 50% stamina Lost interest after 10m Right behind me Running for 100% stamina NA Bit me at 90m, killed me by 130m
  13. No no no, I was just trying to make a funny. "Destroy all of your friend's equipment" seems like a funny go-to move in case of problems. "Hey Mark, this bear just glitched through the wall, I'm going to have to destroy all of your stuff again." LOL OP absolutely should do as you suggest.
  14. You get a percentage of normal XP from kills in your party. More than XP/n (where n=# of party members), but less than 100%. It is significant - like 80 or 90% in my 2-player game - and does turn horde night into an XP bonanza. I'm alright with that, considering the amount of work that goes into getting the base ready, but I do wish the multiplier were configurable. I haven't been able to find the parameter in the XML nor serverconfig, only the shared XP range. It would be nice if the shared XP were more nuanced than "every party member gets X% of the XP", but adding that nuance is easier typed than coded. A full-on proportional-to-damage-dealt award (maybe with a small 10% spiff to non-participating party members) would be great. You do 60% dmg to zombie X, I do 40% dmg, you get 60% of XP, I get 40% XP, and Sir NotParticipatingInThisFight over there gets a 10% XP award for hanging out with cool kids like us. But that would be hard to code and probably not worth the effort. Maybe a little easier is a 2-tier award system. If I do 100% of the damage to the zombie, I get 100% XP and party members get their 10% spiff. If any other party member contributes, then XP is divided amongst the entire party using a formula similar to how it is now. So no need for per-bullet damage tracking, just a toggle when Player 2 enters the fight. This at least tones down the XP bonanza for the party if I'm over at my corner of the base mowing down radiated with my M60 while they're diligently watching blade traps spinning 'round and 'round. Also the one-off kills when meandering about town - if I blow its head off, you get 10% and BE HAPPY WITH THAT. Just adding the current multiplier into the UI so we can pick from a couple of options would be great, though. Or at least expose it in XML files. Or show my stupid face where it already lives...
  15. Just to clarify, the above has nothing to do with trying to fix the problem, it's just for Not only could the above advice fix your problem, it's also a great way for venting your frustration. 😄 (Edit: rewritten for more obvious silliness.)
  16. Or, duh, add a 'living' tag to the non-zombie animals and change the Hunter mod so it looks for 'player' or 'living'. Pretty easy modlet to make I think. Edit: I tested the idea; works as expected. Added 'living' tag to normal bears and changed the Hunter mod so it looks for 'living' instead of 'animal'. Normal bears take extra damage, zombie bears do not. Edit 2: Even easier is to just add a check for "not zombie" alongside the "player or animal" check. I made a modlet for this. https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/1394
  17. Affects players and animals (item_modifiers.xml). <effect_group tiered="false"> <requirement name="EntityTagCompare" target="other" tags="player,animal"/> <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="1"/> </effect_group> Zombie bears and dogs count as 'animal' it seems (entity_classes.xml): <entity_class name="animalZombieDog" extends="animalWolf"> <property name="Tags" value="entity,animal,zombie,hostile,dog"/> Tested it on a zombie bear and it does extra damage. Note that like all damage modifiers it is not exactly 200% damage with mod vs without mod. Game uses the base damage of the weapon and adds 100% of that, before other modifiers. So in my case a lvl 5 pistol went from 62 damage without to 116 damage with the mod. The description of the mod should be changed, or zombie animals should lose the 'animal' tag. Probably that would cascade to a whole bunch of other issues, though, regarding how 'animals' are treated in game.
  18. So, nobody told you about the link between sexy-nurse costumes and the origin of the zombie apocalypse? It's important information! Or, perhaps, you might realize that specific zombie types are not hand-placed in every spawn point in every POI. The fire station in this town might have Sexy Nurse, the next town over has a fire station full of Party Girls. The one in the far north is full of Lumberjacks, hey we don't judge. I guess what I'm saying is that fire stations are places to party. This is literally how it is done. Check your prefabs folder and open any of the .xml files. You'll see something like this: <property name="AllowedTownships" value="rural,wilderness" /> That is from POI "cabin_02". Go into any random-gen world and teleport to cabin_02 (or any cabin - they all have the same setting). You will find them in rural/small towns and out in the wildnerness. You ought not to ever find a cabin next to Higashi Tower in a big city.
  19. So last night I actually played my own mod for the first time in a co-op bloodmoon. Around 2AM game time we commented to each other that wow the horde seemed to be going on longer than usual. I forgot that I had installed "Boid's Infinite Trickle" into the server. Previously I had only tested to make sure the new & improved final wave was working as designed; never playtested it really. It actually worked out really well. A steady stream of bad-but-not-the-worst zombies at lower-than-normal spawn rates until 4AM. Enough that we had to pay attention and conserve ammo all night, but not so bad that we feared for complete base destruction (we don't get Demos yet, tho). It felt kind of like the game used to be, where after you got past the Big Bad Wave you'd get pestered for the rest of the night. But instead of 1 or 2 easy Zs you get 4-Zs-per-player at a little bit below the party GS. We liked it. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ would massacre again.
  20. Probably you'll want to read this thread, and get your log file into Pastebin as described there.
  21. I demand 200 quatloos to teach you how I did this: Edit: Hmm, Venmo doesn't accept quatloos. Alright, a free sample then. Edit /Config/XUi_Menu/windows.xml line 639 (-ish). It looks like this: <gameoption name="BedrollDeadZoneSize" title="goBedrollDeadZoneSize" value_wrap="false" value_type="int" values="0, 5, 15, 30" display_names="goLandClaimNoDeadzone" value_localization_prefix="goLandClaimDeadZoneValue" /> Just add whatever values you want in there. Note that I have not actually tested whether the bedroll deadzone changes to 60, though I presume it will. I'm the idea guy, I leave implementation and testing to others! (But seriously, I'll go run a test here shortly...) Edit 2: Seems to work as expected.
  22. Maybe Speccy is mis-reporting the BIOS version? https://rog.asus.com/motherboards/rog-strix/rog-strix-b550-f-gaming-model/helpdesk_bios
  23. I don't personally think it has anything to do with it, 'cause I run Defender and Firewall and Malwarebytes and 7D2D works fine, but...
  24. Excellent! I see what you mean now, sorry for misunderstanding before. These are "old" POIs in the sense that they've been in the game a long time, but they are still valid A19-installed POIs. Perhaps not optimized in some way. You can get the POI name from the F3 display if you are within the bounds of the POI. So just move closer and you'll see the name right next to the Biome entry. Edit: it's interesting that you seem (if I'm interpreting the pictures correctly) to get a couple of different phantom block textures showing up. As far as I can remember, we always see only the black marble texture, except in trash piles and shopping carts. When the bug hits our map, we will see weird checkerboard blocks in the middle of trashpiles and carts. Each face is 2x2 textures, with the black marble and "plywood" dark & light grey cement texture alternating. I think I have a picture of it around here somewhere. BRB Here:
  25. Are you still running that map and can you replicate the problem at will? If so, can you grab a couple of POI names using F3? I'm keen to understand how pre-A18 POIs are showing up on the map if you haven't installed them in /prefabs. Knowing the names of the borked POIs would help suss that out. Or do you mean A19 POIs which have carried through the alphas from before A18? Maybe I misunderstand.
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