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Everything posted by Boidster

  1. Sounded to me like the question was, "why don't they just exit their POI and walk across the street?" I assume the pathing cost to get out of their POI was more expensive than [break through basement wall] + [dig 30m horizontally]. If this is an intended mechanic, wow it's pretty devious. *shakes tiny fist at TFP* Now we gotta dig a moat around POIs and fill it in with concrete to slow down the zombie worms! "Honey! There's zombies in the basement again, did you put out traps?"
  2. TFP better f***ing model at least the first three laws of thermodynamics accurately or I want a refund! Second Law of Thermodynamics at play here. Two systems [hot thing] and [container of ice], each roughly at equilibrium. You put them together and they start doing the thermodynamics nasty. The old heat bump-and-grind if you know what I mean. Trading all that juicy heat. [Hot thing] pumps a load of heat into the ice, causing the ice to start getting wet. If the entire thing is open to the atmosphere (an open cooler, say) and presuming it's not below freezing then the ice also starts to get it on with the atmosphere, getting a DP of heat injection from the air and the [hot thing] at the same time. Very NSFW when diagrammed out. Where it starts to veer into real darkweb stuff is if [hot thing] is hotter than [atmosphere] also. Then it becomes like a heat bukkake.
  3. Fixed. Sounds pretty hard. The sort of thing that might require a group of people to cooperate to help the entire community survive. The more mouths there are to feed, the more people should be involved in keeping them fed. A perfectly cromulent game mechanic, and certainly better than "find one seed, be fed for life!" But if it is too hard for your group, it is pretty trivial to turn on Super Easy Mode for harvesting. Just add the seeds back into the harvest (blocks.xml). They're only commented out in the code, so you don't even have to figure out where to make the changes. Just uncomment the seed harvest and *boom*, Super Easy Mode. I bet there's already a modlet out there for it. It'll be easier than A19 even since you get the A20 harvest boosts plus an extra guaranteed seed. Don't keep playing if it's too hard for your group, just make it easier.
  4. The problem with online translators isn't so much the translator itself, it's the dialects, colloquialisms, and spelling/grammatical errors people make when writing. In any language. @TresChocolates appears to write perfectly Google-compliant Spanish! And we gotta have at least a couple of Spanish-speakers 'round here. And replying to theFlu: It does sound like this is a good topic for the mod forum. But TresChocolates, you ought to use Google Translate on your posts. They are easily understandable in English. Better than much of the English we get in here from native speakers.
  5. Digging cost (as calc'd by the AI) is too high maybe? It's a good question. Edit to add: or maybe the "move to last location" is an x,z location only unless you are being hunted? Could be worth seeing what happens with an elevated platform when the Z's stop hunting. Do they mill around at ground level, or will they path to stairs to try to get to your y-value.
  6. You clearly play a lot of games and have strong opinions about what is or is not sufficient "change" in 7D2D. But none of that rebuts the point that every change to 7D2D over the years has been towards the 1.0 release. We're all just along for the ride. We can offer - and I'm sure TFP appreciates at least in some cases - our opinions on which changes work and which don't, but there really isn't much basis for a "you aren't changing enough!" argument. These are not DLC packs, these are evolutions towards the very first release of 7D2D. There are, hopefully, a couple/few million potential customers out there who've never bought nor played 7D2D. They are the target for all of this, not us. We are the hecklers sitting in the auditorium taunting TFP before the real show has even started. Wow there sure are a lot of us. Minor point: Demos will appear in downtown areas. More likely in Wasteland downtown than others.
  7. If stealth.txt is to be believed, and if you ASSume that "hunted" means "will dig to get to you if necessary", then possibly a loss of line of sight would be enough to make the zombies just mill about but not really have anything underground to target. A20 stealth.txt, formatted for your pleasure:
  8. Try not to **** up any basic math on the way through the parking lot!
  9. I held my mouse button down on the "Like" icon for like 5 minutes. I hope you felt that.
  10. Huh. Testing: polesaw, hacksaw, @%$#saw. Ahh...lol nevermind. I thought "****saw" was the forum bleeping something out. But the forum uses the industry-standard '@%$#' for bleeps.
  11. First, it was a pink "thirt", not a t-shirt. And B, if you have to ask why, well, we just had different...preferences...in high school. Don't kink-shame me! /it was just a joke based on the typos
  12. Yeah, okay, but it is a little inconsistent and IMO there is room there to balance it out so that replacing all your torches with lights is still a net positive WRT the heatmap, but also that generators aren't heatmap-invisible. We only ever played around with solar as a novelty since with generators and daylight sensors we could basically electrify two bases and only occasionally need to bother with refueling. If those generators were contributing to occasional attacks on us from screamers - less frequent than with 50 torches of course! - we'd have more incentive to finally replace the noisy generators with quiet solar. I'm sure it's moddable if I want it that way in my own game, so no big deal. I just wish solar was more of a desirable tech upgrade rather than a money sink later in the game. Maybe they have something else planned there.
  13. I Vedui. Reading the XML and then walking people through it. This is the way.
  14. YES! Are you also removing Q6 from loot? It's time for us Advanced Engineering nerds to assert our dominance!
  15. A) Yes. Notepad++ is great and I keep it here open with a bunch of the XML for both 19.3 and 20. And reading the f***ing path on the tabs is important, apparently. Ugh. B) Just what kind of saw are you using?
  16. You know, I bet TFP pretty much ignores all of the threads in these forums* unless you are very direct and in-their-face with a "Listen up!" That is how you prove that THIS thread...your thread...is not f***ing around. *I know they don't ignore them.
  17. They don't, or at least there's nothing in the XML for heatmap, unlike the fire and workbench blocks. Relative strength of heatmap effect (for player-placed objects only): Forge = 6 Campfire = 5 Chem Station = 5 Workbench = 2 Cement Mixer = 2 Torch = 1 Burning Barrel = 1 Candle = 0.5 The light blocks are classified as "Light" instead of "TorchHeatMap" and have none of the above. Interestingly, generators don't have any heat map parameters either. I thought they did contribute to heat, but...no evidence of it. I'm going to go test it anyhow, because the generator block does have its own class ("Generator") and maybe there is some hard-coded heatmap stuff for blocks with that class. Dunno why they wouldn't put it into the XML like they did for the torches and whatnot though. Exactly. We tend to take these abstractions and get hung up on the literal meaning of the word, or its IRL usages, and forget that the game is trying to simplify things like "how much of a disturbance are you making" down to something which can be calculated efficiently at run-time for all currently loaded chunks. And they call it "heat" because lots of games call it that, but it doesn't mean (only) literal heat. And I'm back. Zero heatmap effect from running generators. The only things which added to the heatmap was opening and closing the generator interface. Seems odd. I'd think that adding heatmap effects to generators would add some incentive to the late-game acquisition of solar panels. Especially if they were to add Demolishers into screamer hordes the goth girl's baking club.
  18. I'm not arguing that food doesn't need a balancing pass by the devs, but this idea of "I know there's X in the game which solves my problem, but it's worthless" has come up a couple of times recently (not from you gecko). At the same time, we get posts (also not from you gecko) about "don't force me to play a certain way!" TFP has given you a mechanism to improve the efficiency of food consumption right there in the game. You have chosen (with good reason I'm sure!) to ignore it because to you it is a waste of points. Okay, but there are consequences to that choice.
  19. If you want to nudge it a bit, I have a modlet for that. I don't get anything from views or downloads; I just do these small projects for fun and so I can put "7 Days To Die XML modlets" on a future resume. I'll be getting that 7-figure CIO job offer aaaaaaany day now...
  20. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that The Fun Pimps nerfed cops. &#$%&!@#& (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Strike that, reverse it. Cops are higher HP in A20. So now I will just sit here with *quizzical look*
  21. Help me understand what the bug is here. Car's got a T-topper. Dude drives around without pants. Not seeing the problem. This is the cyber punk future I dream of.
  22. I wrote a longer, very boring nerd response, but the gist is that it's unlikely that such a test would show anything helpful, much like the loot container testing didn't really show anything about "good" or "bad" RNG seeds. It would surprise me quite a bit if TFP coded the game - loot, traders, spawning, any of it - so that world seed was anything more than academically related to RNG experience. Could you visit Jen, then Rekt, then Joel in world A and then world B and compare results? Sure. But you'd have to visit them in exactly that same order - probably with zero other actions in between - if you wanted to duplicate the results in a real game. So the message is, there is no such thing as a bad RNG seed. Every world is plenty "random enough" to completely hide the "pseudo" part that we computer nerds add to it with our algorithms.
  23. I think plant growth time is tied to real time, not in-game time, and stamina use/food drain would also be tied to IRL time right? So you get a fully-grown plant after 63 minutes and you run around so much and swing your club so many times in 63 minutes. So hopefully your 90-minute days don't screw up the plant mechanics too much. Another way maybe to adjust the balance for crops (not so much for your group; you seem like you've found a solution that works for you) would be to reduce growing time a bit. More crops per unit time. Benefit is that since it's a relatively large number, it can really be fine-tuned. Maybe 55 minutes is fast enough, or maybe 42.
  24. Oh, THOSE Military Stealth Boots. I thought he meant the other ones. *smoke bomb*
  25. I assume you can only get the buffs after raiding the high school POI and then flying the "loot" back to your base.
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