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Posts posted by xyth

  1. Animation SDX


    Well, its been a while since I posted here. I've been teaching myself how to animate objects and entities in Unity and get them to work in 7D2D. I've made dozens of entities; zombies, animals, machines, NPC's etc, that use SphereII's new SDX animation mod. I don't totally sux at it now, so its close to time to make some new tutorial videos on these processes. I'll probably start with simple objects like machines and workstations, and move towards zombie and animal animations.


    I have some time off around the holidays, so will plan to make some then. Here is a video of something I made earlier today. Its a bit rough in the transitions, but that can be polished if he finds work somewhere. Enjoy...




  2. Hi, I am able to reproduce the issue and uploaded the video to youtube.



    You have no fuel in the forge so it will grey out the recipes. That is expected behavior resulting from the crafting lag SDX mod used in Starvation. Lag is reduced in part by bypassing the fuel and output slot status checks.

  3. Hi, I'm playing with the most recent version of Starvation and I found this weird forge bug on version It has happened to me twice now where the iron count in the forge has a number but when I try to make something the ingredients list shows 0 iron. Melting iron again increases the iron count in the forge UI but I cannot make anything even though there is iron. It might be coincidence but this occurred after I tried melting down tools, eg the pickaxe and farming hoe, closed the forge ui and then reopened the forge UI. I already have an anvil in there. Any ideas? Note - No other mods except starvation mod and I'm using the 7d2d launcher.


    I had several testers try to reproduce this and couldn't, not could I. If it persists, please video it. Thanks.

  4. We have a few questions about running a multiplayer server and starvation.


    We are up to day 122+, and something we are finding is if a player is on and all the others are off, their generators for fridges to prevent spoilage run out of gas. Its unreasonable to expect someone to go to everyone's base and fill their fridge generators, and storing everything in campfires makes the fridge worthless to craft.


    Is there some solution to this for multiplayer?


    We are using rat to run the server, but some items are not on the list to spawn in. If someone looses something because of a game bug or glitch, I'm happy to spawn them a replacement item in, but of course can't. (Specifically, the steel armor parts and the advanced crossbow) is there some way to spawn them in for people? (I'll ask this in the rat thread as well.)


    Last question: if people are using the launcher to run the mod and then connect to the server, will their mod auto update, or do they have to update it manually? My concern is when to update the server with the new release and them not being about to connect.


    If they have the last version of starvation and the server has the new version, since its running the show will they experience the update changes, or do they all need to update manually?


    Starvation is a breath of fresh air for 7 Days, and we are loving all the additions to the game.


    Thanks SO much from all of us to the mod team!


    Yes, the launcher will auto update the clients.

  5. To update do just the servers needed to be updated, or do all players need to update as well?


    These changed for look like we need to start new game... They don't, correct?


    Yes, localization changed so the needs to be a local update. None of the changes should require a new start.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Is machete creating working? I have a blade, but can't make a full machete.


    I'm told auto quests are still not fixed so that fix was pushed to next update, sorry.

  6. My server is not from GPortal, i have a root server.

    I have installed vanilla 7days - it works. i can joine and play.


    Now I copy the server files of the mod - start the server, but the message is in the client is:



    The last Log from server is:

    GameStat.ShowWindow =
    GameStat.ShowZombieCounter = False
    GameStat.TimeLimitActive = False
    GameStat.TimeLimitThisRound = 0
    GameStat.TimeOfDayIncPerSec = 20
    GameStat.ZombieHordeMeter = False
    2017-12-10T10:44:44 70.833 INF StartAsServer
    2017-12-10T10:44:44 70.980 INF createWorld: Random Gen, dwqdwTgsdtFTd, GameModeSurvivalMP
    Exception: Block with name 'lootRad' not found!
     at WorldBiomes.KH (System.String ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
     at WorldBiomes.NH (Byte , System.String , System.Xml.XmlElement , Boolean ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
     at WorldBiomes.NH (Byte , System.String , System.Xml.XmlElement , Boolean ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
     at WorldBiomes.AH (System.Xml.XmlDocument , Boolean ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
     at WorldBiomes..ctor (System.Xml.XmlDocument _genxml, Boolean _instantiateReferences) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
     at GameManager+BI.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
     at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    (Filename:  Line: -1)
    2017-12-10T10:45:26 112.147 INF [NET] PlayerConnected EntityID=-1, PlayerID='', OwnerID='', PlayerName=''
    2017-12-10T10:45:26 112.357 INF PlayerLogin: xxxx/Alpha 16.4
    2017-12-10T10:45:26 112.358 INF Client IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    2017-12-10T10:45:26 112.363 INF Kicking player (Server is still initializing): EntityID=-1, PlayerID='xxxxx', OwnerID='', PlayerName='xxxxx'
    2017-12-10T10:45:26 112.511 INF [NET] PlayerDisconnected EntityID=-1, PlayerID='xxxxxx', OwnerID='', PlayerName='xxxx'
    2017-12-10T10:45:26 112.512 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=-1, PlayerID='xxxxxx', OwnerID='', PlayerName='xxxx'
    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
     at ConnectionManager.DisconnectClient (.ClientInfo _cInfo, Boolean _bShutdown) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
     at ConnectionManager.Net_PlayerDisconnected (.ClientInfo _cInfo) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
     at NetworkServerUnity.OnPlayerDisconnected (NetworkPlayer _player) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
     at Steam.OnPlayerDisconnected (NetworkPlayer _networkPlayer) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    (Filename:  Line: -1)
    2017-12-10T10:45:26 112.865 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=-1, PlayerID='xxxxx', OwnerID='', PlayerName='xxxx'
    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
     at ConnectionManager.DisconnectClient (.ClientInfo _cInfo, Boolean _bShutdown) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
     at GameUtils+QI.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
     at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    (Filename:  Line: -1)  


    Exception: Block with name 'lootRad' not found! ??


    This isn't much info to go on. Everything is normal except it seems it failed to find or load the Starvation blocks. Usually this means you didnt copy all the starvation dedicated server files and over write the vanilla ones on the server.

  7. This is a great mod! I've been having loads of fun playing it the last few weeks!


    I have run into a bit of a problem though. I've seen mentioned in the forums there is a donkey that is a reward from one of the quests. From what I can tell there is a Farmer NPC that gives the quest, but I cannot find him. Looking through the .xml files, I think the farmer spawns in a prefab called 'FarmerPrefab', but I haven't seen it anywhere. I just checked with over a dozen seeds today using the random gen previewer, and in creative mode with the FINDFARMER item. Nothing.


    This has left me with a few questions:

    Is this prefab super rare or is there an issue with rwgmixer.xml? (I know I have found it in alpha 15, and only found one video on Youtube where someone got the donkey in A15. Haven't found anything for A16 yet.)

    Does the Farmer NPC spawn anywhere else?

    Has anyone else found the farmer that gives the quest? (And if so if would be helpful to have the seed of the map and coordinates)


    You have to build a radio tower and that will call survivors to your settlement. Thats more of an mid/end game feature. if your lucky you will find a donkey in loot.

  8. Hey guys

    I found a bug with the "big forge" (maybe with forge too) where i can smelt any item in a few seconds. That was already reported? If not, i could do a video o write a step to reproduce.


    This is a vanilla bug. I am able to reproduce on the forge.

  9. Install with the launcher. Press play once to complete the install. Exit out of the launcher. Locate the mod install directory, typically: C:\7D2D\StarvationMod\StarvationMod16


    Run the game executable from there.


    >>> I will try this.



    She can just join the game then? Through steam? Or how should she join?


    I've never tried it, but I think it works like this: If you both have Starvation installed via the launcher, and you both follow the procedure above, you start a MP game, and starts hers up and she then selects the Peer tab and inputs your IP and port to connect.

  10. I sorry for my English. Zombies feel and see you through the walls or through the rock. mod v.

    cut his eyesight, as it is all crazy ;-(

    they see it this way

    I hope I understood:fat:


    Zombies cannot see through walls or rock. They can hear you through walls and rock. They hear very well now.


    - - - Updated - - -


    How can my friend join my starvation game? I started a Survival MP game. Usually in steam she just clicks join game, but since it's from a launcher she can't? I gave her my IP and port for her to connect still doesn't work? How can this be done?


    Install with the launcher. Press play once to complete the install. Exit out of the launcher. Locate the mod install directory, typically: C:\7D2D\StarvationMod\StarvationMod16


    Run the game executable from there.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Ive been away training, got my CDL licence. Noticed no update in almost a month. Hope all is well with the team


    Taking a break and working on new stuff.

  11. hi Xyth, i can confirm on the advanced crossbow issue as well. it even cannot goes pass the normal wood frame. while ordinary crossbow or bow can.


    Thanks for confirming, I'll have a look.


    I don't have time to test today due to holiday, but try adding this to the property class=Action 0 (insert a line under launcher and paste that line in) of that weapon: <property name="Hitmask_override" value="Arrow" />


    Let me know if that sorts it.

  12. Two questions:


    1. Advanced crossbow can't shoot through trussing (and presumably other similar blocks). Will this be addressed in future releases? Or is this behavior intentional?


    2. On our server (created at 16.3 and updated to 16.4), I can't find any power plants or NPCs/bandits other than fishermen. What gives? The seed is conservative and within standards - nothing wild about it. So I can't imagine something as dramatic as this would be caused by a normal seed. Imagine my surprised when I spend time getting people to try out Starvation only to find out a couple of weeks into their time that they don't have the advanced features of the game in our server. Can this be fixed? Any way to confirm? What's the resolution?


    I dont think any crossbow fires through trussblocks. Crossbows use the launcher class, which that block collides with.


    Sounds like back luck...most npcs are inside buildings or bunkers, few walk around.

  13. What's going on with the horde every seven days?

    In the Alpha15 Starvation Mod I had demons, stone crusher, radioactive spiders and scoprione.

    There is nothing more in the Alpha16 Stavation Mod. Where did the monsters go on Horde Night?

    Please dear programmers give us the night of the hordes again with all the monsters as in the Alpha 15.... Please.


    Greetings Asrac


    There is only 1 boss that can spawn on Bloodmoon (at least until very very high gamestages) , per the decision of the Dev team. Even that 1 boss won't arrive until GS 1000+. In A16 all the other bosses are linked to POIs or quests.


    If you want the other bosses to show up on bloodmoons, you can easily add them back into the bloodmoon spawner, or let the team know what you think is a better system.

  14. I believe you upgrade it like any other block with a suitable tool, snowballs in your inventory are the upgrade material used (as per wood for a wood frame etc).


    That is correct. I must admit I was confused by this first time I tried to upgrade one. I'm not sure why it didn't occur to me to upgrade it like anything else...but this is one of the most common questions we get asked, so something about the model or tool tip is making people over complicate it.

  15. Hmm, interesting didnt know that. It stayed at 100 for a full day. I used the starve command in console to bring it down to zero then ate a few fruits up to 8%. It then stay at 8% for about half an in-game day not budging at all. Either its broken, or is it possible the excess from the 100 was still there hidden even after I artificially dropped it down to zero?


    It is possible that this mechanism is "stuck". I have had that happen rarely when playing on dedi servers that have been updated but the world not restarted after that update. It has always sorted itself out in time though.

  16. Ok thanks Im trying out different graphics setups to see if that affects things.


    In the meantime a rather odd bug. My character got full eating a meat pie and since then has stayed at 100% fullness forever....


    Any idea what might be causing that?


    Depends on what you mean by forever. You can be more than 100 percent full, the ui just wont show more than 100. Till the excess ticksdown you might think its stuck at 100.

  17. PBI: I have the worst stutter whenever I'm near mod POIs, I suspect it's some of the custom assets like the church fog and cooling towers with smoke that cause the issues. It's so bad that I try to avoid them completely and not build in the same cell.


    Details are helpful. I can fix the effects that are causing issues if I know that they can be reproduced.

  18. I'd like to second this. I dont know if it specifically started after 16.3 or was always there but I can say that I get stuttering, sometimes often and significant.


    I played with my graphics settings thinking it was a FPS thing. I dropped everything to the lowest graphic settings and it was still there. Then I raised everything to max to see if it would get even worse at that level. To my double surprise:

    1) my computer kept at a cool 60fps

    2) The stuttering was still there but no better or worse


    So as not to focus on the negative, I did learn that my computer can handle a higher graphics setting then I had... so there's that, I suppose.


    This is on Single Player as well.


    p.s. Even with the stuttering its a great mod.


    7D2D is very processor intensive, Starvation make it even more so. What processor you running? Once you have a decent enough videocard, its the processor that becomes the issue. In any event, Starvation runs best when the load is split between a dedi server and the PC client. Starvation is a huge mod, no way around that, and with 7D2D currently not optimized, it makes it worse. Most folks don't have that stutter on PC, but I know what you are referring to as I had that on my older ATI video card. You said you have high frame rates during the stutter, do you have Vsync off as recommended? What are you looking at when it worse? More information would be helpful.

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