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Posts posted by xyth

  1. So basically, the med carpet is something I will never see...


    We are discussing lowering the perk requirement for it


    - - - Updated - - -


    I assume based on the in-game description that glass block ceilings will permit sunlight to get through to plants, and probably protect farms from vultures or climbers. Has anyone verified that this is the case?


    They let light through, but they block "opensky", which is a requirement for some things, but plants should grow as there is light, assuming water is available.

  2. I built a rooftop garden and planted some seeds, Then a solitary vulture came by and started dive bombing my crops while I was inside my house. Is this intended or was this some strange act of god? Lost my only bell pepper and aloe seeds.


    Im guessing he was targeting you and the crops were in between?


    - - - Updated - - -


    Hey you should put a place or a shoutbox on your website for people to submit ideas or potential requests of additions for this mod project. some people may even be able to quickly provide code fixes for bugged items such as the firefighter zombie headbox hit radius or is this already fixed?


    Cant fix the headbox without having the original unity package, which we dont have.

  3. Yes, I tested it. (Maybe you need to find a new MilitaryGuy to finish the quest, the Guy who gave me the first mission did not have the option of "I've got it", but a new one yes)




    No problem with <item id="Q_FinalExam"> reguard, in mission 5/5 you ask us for 10 different objectives, divide it into 2 missions or ask us for a maximum of 8 objectives and the error will stop coming.

    Also tested.


    Thanks for testing. I'll reduce the objectives down to 8.

  4. I noticed on the F6 in game menu for spawning zombies, that none of the original zombies are there. Is there any way to still access them or do we just use their spawn entity code?


    The F6 screen just isnt big enough to fit all the zombies. You can modify it in xml to hold more per screen if you know how to edit the UI xml.

  5. So what I'm getting here is you download the Alpha 15 version and use that modded launcher to run it into Alpha 16? you gave only instructions to get that launcher and nothing else.


    You don't use the old A15 version at all. You install the 7D2D modlauncher then use it to install the Starvation mod. The old A15 starvation launcher is not used.

  6. I just tried the blade weapon 4/5 quest again, spawning in the animals needed for completion and killing them. Same issue as before, null reference spam locking my game. Since I have admin-access I could recreate my Player file so no harm done this time, and this time around I didnt buy the machete recepie beforehand. I hope this gets fixed, I really miss my machete from vanilla.


    When does it null ref? Exactly after the final kill?

  7. Is there any way to increase the zombie's radius of vision? Do you know how I can do this?


    How to set up a way to be INSANE?




    startingWeight ="1"








    daysAliveChangeWhenKilled ="2"

    diminishingReturns ="0.2"



    only goes until 5?



    <property name="GameDifficulty" value="5"/> <!-- 0 - 5, 0=easiest, 5=hardest -->


    You only get 6 difficultty levels, but each one is customizable. If you want to play super insane, pick 5 and change insanegamedifficulty bonus to a larger number, like 3.0 or 4.0. You can also increase the days alive bonus, and change the killed bonus to 0

  8. On quest id="quest_militaryAid"

    <objective type="ZombieKill" id="radApe" value="1"


    It must be changed to:


    <objective type="AnimalKill" id="radApe" value="1" />


    Did you test to confirm that fixes it?

    If so, i'll add to next patch.

  9. Good morning, STARVATION is currently having what kind of difficulties, what I have to do inside the game, I talk about survival, Boss, Zombie, Horde, new monsters and mission, I played for weeks and did not find many difficulties, the Boss did not come to attack me yet, is there some kind of configuration to increase the difficulty?


    Difficulty is linked to your GameStage. You can increase your gamestage difficulty bonus for your chosen difficulty level, which is in the first line of gamestages.xml. For example, if you are playing on the warrior level, change warriorGameDifficultyBonus="0.6" to warriorGameDifficultyBonus="1.0" or more. You can also add to the bonus for daya alive, and reduce the number that makes it easier after you die. Once you gamestage is greater than 1000, the game starts getting difficult.

  10. hello, i was on the archery quest 4/5 and completed it and changing to 5/5 run in the a Null Ref error . game full stucked.

    I research the xml files and i think i found the error in the quests.xml file.

    At the end of Quest Archery 5/5 ; id="Q_WAR5" ; the pointer is <reward type="Item" id="Q_FinalExam" />


    Maybe i'm wrong but i think it has to be <reward type="Quest" id="FEX" />



    a. where is no item in items.xml called id="Q_FinalExam"

    b. in the quests.xml the quest ; name="Final Exam" ; has the id="FEX"


    This error is at all 5/5 quest .. rifle, blunt, knife, ...

    Maybe this can be fixed soon.

    Thank you


    <item id="797" name="Q_FinalExam">

    <property name="Extends" value="challengeQuestMaster" />

    <property class="Action1">

    <property name="QuestGiven" value="FEX" />


    <property name="DescriptionKey" value="Q_FinalExamDesc" />



    I don't see the problem. Should work.

  11. I mean no disrespect but I don't think the wiki answers the question in enough detail for what's being asked. According to the Wiki:

    'Each survivor will need food to survive after recruitment. They will “look” for food on nearby secure refrigerators.'

    Although it does say what container the food needs to be in, this doesn't answer the question all that precisely of how close it must be to survivors, in blocks. "Nearby" could be 8 blocks, it could be 16. Whether the range is also covered vertically is also not addressed in the wiki, so the need to build multiple fridges for multiple floors of survivor workstations is not known. Whether the distance is in a square around the fridge or a circle. also not known, for example, and to assume these things could cost resources unnecessarily.


    The wiki also has a few outdated parts here, take the mechanic for example:

    "Mechanic - needs storage building container for raw mats and a Storage Weapons container for the end products."

    I don't believe either of these items exist anymore due to the paint system A16 introduced. I haven't got this far in my games yet, so I assume that the right box to place is the Secure Storage Box, so one for input and one for output would be needed, unless the team re-added these containers.


    Details for the glass worker station is also not present here so would also be a good one to add, since this station has no documentation as of yet. I haven't built one yet myself but I assume it is for jars and window panes etc since you can no longer make this in the forge.


    Again I mean no disrespect and think the starvation team are doing an awesome job, but if there's updates would be good to make sure the wiki is updated as well as having the details in the patch notes, including fixes (which I see they have been doing for newer things like bees and mining machines) and other things that would affect crafting.


    I'd be happy to help contribute to the wiki as well, someone PMed me and I made a wikidot account as requested, but never got added to the editors team, so if you need help maintaining it, let me know :)


    The square storage box (the paintable one, not the rectangle shaped one) is what you use. It serves for both input and output, and should be close to the workstation (3 blocks close) The fridge can be further away, not exactly sure how far, but more like within 8 blocks. As for the wiki, its always been a low priority, and its worse now that there are not many active members on the starvation team.

  12. Hello,

    I experience a bug with bee products.

    when I am trying to process the raw honey comb (rawHoneycomb) in kitchen table (kitchenWorkbench) it states i need to use Cookingware tool. (COOKINGWARE REQIED in station status) Problem is i cannot put cookingware tool into kitchen table. I looked up into recipes.xml and there seems to be all ok.. Is it any hardcoded mistake? Where I make a honey in big oven or in kitchen table?

    Is it only me to have this bug? Same for others bee products.


    Most of the new Honey items have xml issues, and will be fixed in the next patch.

  13. Ehm, did you guys changed something in Starvation that Spike Carpets arent effective anymore?

    I did one as a fast first/second horde option and the only thing it did was it very raley blow off a leg from zombies, it did no damage.

    ive testet it with one last zombie without leg, i let him pass the spike carpet for more then 10! minutes and he didnt die.....


    No changes to spikes. Most zombies have a 90% damage reduction to hits in locations other than the head, so spike "carpets" will be less effective in Starvation than in vanilla.

  14. I'm trying to install the "combopack" mod, and after what I thought to be a successful merge of the two rwgmixer.xml from both starvation and combopack, the game crashes saying it expected a ">" instead of "s". Looks like the game doesn't want to use a different rwgmixer, is this the case? If so how can I finish merging the combopack? I made a similar post a while pack and was told that I had to compile combopack as a mod for SDX. I really don't want to fiddle around with that and if there are other ways I would appreciate it if you guys told me. Thanks


    Sorry, we do not support compopack with Starvation. Too many of the POIs throw off the mods balance, due to excessive loot like oil barrels.

  15. Speaking of challenge,when are you reworking Blood Moon Hordes? I'm on day 28 and I've noticed no Zombie Cops or Boss Infected in the horde.

    Once you hit GS1000 you will have your hands full with radiated cops and Wall Crushers. Right now at day 100 it takes me and my partner a full day and a half just to repair the base after each bloodmoon. Starvation isn't a few weeks then your finished mod. It ramps up nicely once your at a decent Gamestage. If your in a hurry, increase the game difficulty setting or increase the Gamestage multiplier for whatever difficulty level you pick.

  16. Why dont you want to implement a existing one? I mean there are working ones without causing any problems (on my experience)


    Because to the development team, just adding more normal slots is not something we think makes the mod better. I was a fan of moving to 45 slots when I joined this team, but having played this mod a long time now, I am in agreement with the team that smaller is better, at least until we can code "accessory" bags for things like medicine and ammo pouches, and/or have unlockable slots gained through achievements or quests. The design choice of Starvation is to make things more challenging than vanilla, and just adding a ton of bag slots to a beginning character is the opposite of more challenging.


    - - - Updated - - -


    The insta-kill fix will be in the next patch.

  17. I think the rest of the bandits are just fine as they are - none of the others have instakilled me ever, even with no or low armour and aimbot. I thin the AK guy 5 shot me from 120HP when I first died to bandits, the magnum guy probably does more damage than that, but I think good armour can mitigate most of it. I was just lucky I'd only taken some tools with me to breach into the POI.


    I think where my main issue comes in is I don't mind getting shot, but I'm thinking even 500+ steel armour isn't going to mitigate the damage enough to not get instakilled, even if you got a steel helmet on which may get pierced but hopefully stop the damage being fatal.


    So I was thinking either have a special PSG1 for the bandits that does less overall damage and headshot damage, but then I had an idea... what if the helmet type items gave you a headshot protection buff? I know full radiation suits gives you a buff so this is surely possible. They could possibly go in this order (for quality 600 items)


    - X-rad hood: 3% reduction

    - Hazmat hood / Gas mask: 5% reduction

    - Mining helmet: 20% reduction

    - Football helmet: 30% reduction

    - Team Z helmet: 35% reduction

    - Iron helmet: 50% reduction

    - Exo-helm (unpowered): 55% reduction

    - SWAT helmet: 60% reduction

    - Bandit gas mask: 65% reduction

    - Military helmet: 75% reduction

    - Steel helmet: 90% reduction

    - Exo-helm (powered): 95% reduction

    - Exo-helm (powered with rez gland): 99% reduction


    This would give encouragement to craft the steel helmet as well even if you have a mining helmet, or keep better helmets as you find them. Currently there's no real incentive to use any other type of helmet other than a mining helmet and hazmat hood for the rad zone, so this could change that quite a lot! :D


    Good suggestion. I doubt we will mess with buffs much more as A17 has a complete rewrite of the buff system, so whatever new we add now will just be more work to rewrite in the A17 conversion. I think if the NPC PSG1 is over-powerered, we can just tune that weapon down a bit. I'm guessing hes carrying the "gunBanditSniperRifle", which has a headbonus of 9x rather than all the other NPC guns which has a head bonus of .5 , meaning it does 18x more damage to the head than other NPC guns. Probably an oversight on our part.

  18. Can anyone advise how to get the canned food machine to work? I can't interact with it nor hook it up to power.


    Look "down" onto it from above. I plan to fix that model, but for now you need to place it on the floor so you can look down onto it.

  19. Hi there,

    Me and My friends playing in a private coop 4 people and have issue with ownership the dog.

    Using collar and beat dog nothing happen to 3 of us, only one succeed... guess who? The host is the only one can own the dog, how can we fix this, is this a bug? Please help


    This should be fixed in the latest release. Are you all playing on a dedicated server or 4 people on MP?


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    So I was off adventuring yesterday in my SP world and I found something very interesting - not sure who's discovered this yet so going to put it in a spoiler, but Morte or Xyth maybe you can answer a question I have about this conundrum... :D



    So, I ventured around a town and found myself near one of those silos. Now that rubber pieces are found more frequently in cardboard boxes (and I know that the silo usually has lots of them) I thought great, let's go there and see if I can get myself a bit more rubber or scrap so I can make myself some more. So as usual I hopped over the gate and proceeded to start killing the military zeds on the surface that spawned.


    Then things got... NUTS. I heard a zombie bear down in the silo and I could hear it fighting all the other zombies and waking them up. I knew the zeds won eventually because the bear stopped making noise, however I was hearing some very weird noises... and before I knew it a headless zombie was running up trying to kill me. The rez boss was down there somewhere and that explains how the bear didn't kill all the zeds... well crap. So I had to make sure to destroy all the bodies as I went so he couldn't regenerate them...


    So, proceeded down and found a couple of girl and bikini zeds - those are creepy. Killed them all and knew the main action was in the kitchen area. At this point I could hear the rez boss, many radiated wights, and... something new. I'd never heard this sound before and all of a sudden I found my character being slowed to a crawl. My leg was fine, but... I looked in the kitchen and behind the 2 wights that rushed me, I saw... MORTELENTUS! And he didn't look good. He was puking on me and letting the rads catch up to me. So needless to say I got out of there and went to the lower floor to try ambushing from the other way, thinking there couldn't possibly be worse underneath that area...


    But I was wrong to go that way. There was not only another radiated wight at the bottom, but a rad gorilla! And not to mention the rez boss was still restoring some of the rad zeds as I killed them making the whole thing super difficult to get through. All kinds of builders and soldiers mixed in with the bunch. Eventually found a couple of doc zeds and even a clown in the back where the munitions box was behind the stairs. Finally managed to kill them all after about 30 minutes of fighting, until only Morte and the rez boss was left.


    Thankfully the rez boss got stuck between a door so I took him out easily with my crossbow, and finally got up to kill Morte as well. He actually didn't notice me sneak back in but there was a lady zed with no limbs and no head trying to get me as well. Took her out and then, one crossbow bolt to the head finally took him out (although I had previously peppered him with the MG4 in a blind panic) and down he went... But on looting him, he had zippo on him :(


    So I learned 2 things

    - Steel armour is BEAST

    - Avoid that place when looking for rubber


    And so... is killing Mortelentus meant to be a quest you do or does he have anything special you can get from him? Needless to say my gun collection grew by a fair margin that day... :D



    Mortelentus isn't a special quest, he can be found often if your unlucky.

  20. We have had the same issues with rain collectors.. we built six, placed them.. they were working fine. logged for the night and came back next day, rain collectors were all missing. not sure what it is but we havent tried to build anymore.


    Please clarify what you mean by missing. Was just the watercollector gone from its surrounding framed area, or were other blocks gone as well? Does this only happen when more than 1 collector is in the same 10 x 10 block area?


    - - - Updated - - -


    Thanks for the reply Xyth. Another RainStorage disappeared after logging back into our multiplayer game. :(


    In my solo game they are still working fine. Someone mentioned something about objects 'deteriorating'? FYI, if so, our multiplayer game is maybe 21 days in and my SP game is about 46 days.


    Not sure if any of these factors have anything to do with it but I thought you should know.


    We did have an incident with farming.... My husband built the base out of cobblestone and I had two bigish farms on it with animals housed towards the back. The front end where the rainstorage were (four of them) collapsed while we were off on an adventure. But the back where the animals were was untouched. Perhaps the Starvation gods believe we are not worthy of a garden if we cannot build a substantial base... Anywho, the rainstorage haven't worked since the collapse.


    My first elevated base also collapsed. It is easy to underestimate the weight of farmland and lose SI. Cows weigh much less :-)

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