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Posts posted by xyth

  1. You will find the custom Starvation sounds in the sounds.xml file. For example

     <SoundDataNode name="cowMoo"><AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_Creatures" /><AudioClip ClipName="#husbandry?cowMoo" /><LocalCrouchVolumeScale name="1.0" /><CrouchNoiseScale name="0.5" /><NoiseScale name="1" /><MaxVoices name="1" /><MaxEntities name="10" /><MaxRepeatRate name="0.01" /></SoundDataNode> 

    is the moo sounddatanode. In the entities.xml, there is a call to this sounddatanode called cowMoo.

     <property name="SoundRandom" value="cowMoo" /> 

    Remove that call to the sounddatanode if you dont want random moos.

  2. Not sure if this is still being developed, but it won't read Unity 2018 file structures yet, highest is 2017.3. AssetStudio V.10 does work though, and if anyone can't wait for this to be updated, its a good alternative.

  3. Just had the issue of not being able to log in using steam, checked the update and saw you fixed it, installed the updated version, but still I can't log in, didn't help =/


    That Valve.... suddenly decides to screw people up with how their information is perceived online....


    I just tested it, its still working.

  4. @Kat, editing StarvationWeather.xml is very easy. You find that xml file in Saves/Starvation folder. It looks like this for the coldest 2 "seasons":


    <!-- heavy snowing, heavy temp impact -->

    <!-- snow will never dry out -->

    <Season Param="DayStart" Value="180" />

    <Season Param="DayEnd" Value="210" />

    <Season Param="Type" Value="5" />

    <Season Param="StartChance" Value="60" />

    <Season Param="EndChance" Value="50" />

    <Season Param="MinEffect" Value="0.6" />

    <Season Param="MaxEffect" Value="1" />

    <Season Param="TempModifier" Value="-13" />

    <Season Param="DryChance" Value="0" />



    <!-- decrease in snowing intensity and frequency, some temp impact -->

    <!-- snow will dry out on ocation -->

    <Season Param="DayStart" Value="210" />

    <Season Param="DayEnd" Value="225" />

    <Season Param="Type" Value="4" />

    <Season Param="StartChance" Value="20" />

    <Season Param="EndChance" Value="70" />

    <Season Param="MinEffect" Value="0.2" />

    <Season Param="MaxEffect" Value="0.4" />

    <Season Param="TempModifier" Value="-8" />

    <Season Param="DryChance" Value="15" />



    See the tempModifier? Change that to something closer to zero. If you want hotter summers, increase that value to +10 or so. You dont need to bother with the rest to get the effect you want.

  5. I just realized most of my complaints about the zombie HP from 3.0 were because I had the difficulty cranked up. 3.1 on Nomad is only slightly harder than vanilla, so that's cool.


    Anyway, here's a thing that I'm not sure is even related to this mod, but hey who the hell knows:

    Some zombies show up as crawlers to one player and regular walkers to others. I really only play online with my girlfriend in the same house as me, so I have no idea if anyone has even noticed this yet.




    I think Jax is using a version of SphereII's transmogrifier code that randomizes zeds walktype, spped etc. , and the syncing of walktypes between players has been challenging. We thought this was fixed, but perhaps Jax is using an older version of the code, or the sync fix didnt work as well as thought.

  6. Developed an issue recently. I did not notice until last night when I put up a clean server that when attempting to view the web map it’s fine until I try to log in.


    After making the attempt to log in through Steam it simply returns “login failed”. Now the one server is newly installed but the other has been working along fine. I am admin on both servers so that shouldn’t be the issue. What file to I need to check to see what’s going on? Is this on steam only where the issue lies? What can I post to help determine the issue?


  Is one of the ip’s. Does this seem likely to be a port issue maybe?


    I'm getting the same error last night, continues today...maybe a change on Steams end, as nothing changed on my server side.

  7. 3. Are you aware that insect infestation will appear on your crops with fully functional insect lights, if you leave mature plants unharvested for too long?


    Infestation is a probability. Remediations like bug lights reduce that probability, but not to zero.

  8. Because the Crow is an SDX entity and because they use the vulture flying class they unfortunately can not be recognized as regular animals. Crows aren't dead so i didn't want to give them rotten meat, but without a way to qualify the flying class (vultures also do not count i believe) i could not make them recognize for the animals quest.


    @Jax I use these on my birds: <property name="EntityType" value="Animal"/> <property name="Parent" value="Animals"/>


    That might solve this issue for you.

  9. Update: I tried running on the most basic settings, and then again on ultra;


    The stuttering is exactly the same on both settings... So I can only assume somethings up with the installation...?


    Try adding an explicit exception for 7Day2Die folder and executable in your AntiVirus. That has solved it for others.

  10. The Objektive is, to place a "small Generator". Its the 2nd Time in my 4th Run i am not able to fulfill this Quest. I have to place a "Small Generator". This objekt can be found by looting Containers, i know. But you can also craft it. So the Troubles starts.


    To build this Item, you need:

    - Metal frame

    - small deposit

    - mechanical Parts/small Motor

    - copper

    - console


    Crafting Console & small deposit at "normal" Workbench, no problem.

    Crafting Metal Frame at Big Anvil, no problem

    Find Copper ... little Problem


    Crafting the small generator ... not possible. At this Time i have the normal Workbench, the scientific workbench, the normal forge and the big forge. The info says the Item can be also crafted by a NPC ... that is be called by the Radio tower, that can be build if you have Electrical Energy, that you have if you can craft a small Generator.


    I searched the Net about this Problem and have seen that i could build a Mill first (V-15) ... so the troubles expand. I can not build a mill or a boiler. The Icons says i have all the needet resources, but i have not the option to build. Trying to craft, theres a Book on the right Side, but its grey (not active). Why?


    I cant build the Generator, cause i have no NPC, i have no NPC cause i have no Energy, i have no Energy cause i have no Generator ... thats confusing.


    Use a vanilla generator for power..then build the radio tower

  11. I just tested it. Now the advanced crossbow is able to shot through trussings.


    Thanks for validating this. I will commit the change into the next patch.


    I'll backout the gauge reduction. Apparently I'm the only one that has too many of them.

  12. First of all, thanks for taking a look at the steel crafting.




    I'm a total noob at programming, but there's something about the logic that escapes me: if the collision is decided by the missile that's fired at the block and nothing else, how is it possible a standard crossbow can shoot through trussings and the advanced crossbow can't while using the same type of ammo?


    If you or someone wants to test a fix for the crossbow, add this property line to Action0 of the smallcrossbow:


    <property name="Hitmask_override" value="Arrow" />


    Let me know if that solves your problem and I'll submit it to the next patch. I just don't have time to test this right now, so thanks in advance for your help.

  13. Hello dear developers and players! I have a question for you. I have survived with my brother for 100 days. Approximately after 80-88 days, at last monsters and other pleasant creatures began to come to us. BUT IN NUMBER, NOT MORE ONE OR TWO! is there any file where we can edit the appearance of new mutants? We want a serious survival, where the slightest error is punishable by death. I really hope for your help. Thank you!


    I would also like to know where you can edit the appearance of the bases of bandits and walking bandits. until about the middle of the day there were a huge number of them, both on the bases themselves, and roaming the world. But now there are none at all! help me please!


    There are two kinds of bandits in Starvation. The old type are not very dangerous and hang out in certain POIs like the church and the Traitor's trader POI. Use cover to approach them and then they are easy kills. The newer "bandits" are a boss with a plasma rifle and his sidekick, a gal with a MP5. They are more dangerous, but only spawn in or near the wasteland. The girl isn't a tough kill, but the boss is a challenge as he can vaporize a rock your hiding behind in 1 hit. I find running away is a good strategy for dealing with him.


    If you want to increase monster spawning, that's done in the gamestages.xml, and the entitygroups.xml. There are posts in the modding forum discussing how to edit those.

  14. Yeah, you can shoot through trussings with a lot of my preferred weapons, luckily. Iron Bars! They are fantastic, I love them and use them a lot. Sometimes you specifically go for something block-shaped or ramp-shaped though. The trussings are a good option, because they take a lot more hits than scrap frames. They are also very good early on, because you can forge several trussing blocks for the price and time of a single piece of iron bars.


    No one ever mentions Steel Bars. I made those special for Starvation, and unlike IronBars, they can be looted and repaired "through". This was done by placing the model collider only on the center section of the bars, so there is a gap on each end which doesn't have a collider that impedes looting and fixing blocks below. I use these as a floor on horde nights so i can repair the structural supports below and loot as time allows. They also hold up well to cop vomit, though wont protect you from it. Give them a try.

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