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Posts posted by xyth

  1. Hi here !


    We just tried to install this amazing mod on our server (G-Portal auto-installation) and the server is not responding.

    We've got this strange message at the end of the logs :


    ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary.

    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[Vector3i,PowerItem].Add (Vector3i key, .PowerItem value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at PowerManager.AddPowerNode (.PowerItem node, .PowerItem parent) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at PowerManager.Read (System.IO.BinaryReader br) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at PowerManager.LoadPowerManager () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at GameManager+VI.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


    (Filename: Line: -1)


    Anyone have an idea on how to solve this ?


    Thank you in advance for any answer,


    The install is incorrect. Starvation can be difficult to load properly on some commercial hosting servers due to restrictions on loading certain types of files. I wrote an install guide for self hosted dedicated servers, but cant help you on commercial ones. The link to that document is: https://7d2dsdx.github.io/Tutorials/DedicatedStarvationDedicatedServerInstallGuide.pdf

  2. Hello there. I played all popular mods and so far this is the best ever, I can't imagine returning to another one.


    I'm wondering why in the game when I hit F6 I can spawn a donkey, abominable range and probably more but in the files I can not find anything related to it. Nothing in Archetype.xml or another file about it. I'd like to have them spawning on the server as the others animals or zombies.


    They are found in entityclasses.xml

  3. @xyth - Thanks for all the tutorials brotha, I do have a question. Is it better to have all your prefabs in 1 unity3d file or multiple. I wasn't sure I do notice the loading menu takes an extremely long time if there A LOT of unity3d files. So for performance sake - would it be best to place as many as we can in a single file? or does that even matter? I have a little over 200 prefabs I am working on and have individual unity3d files for however, I want to make sure my team when we play doesn't get too impacted on performance just loading the game.


    I haven't seen anyone address this anywhere or if it even matters or not. Figured you would be the man answer all this.


    2nd question, With the newest versions of Unity, does the export script only work with the 5.3.8p2 update only still or can we move onto the newer version now? Wasn't sure if that was updated yet as well or if we are still stuck with the 5.3.8p2 version.


    Thanks in advance

    - FastBurst


    I have found that packing several objects that share meshes or textures creates smaller .unity3d files, often dramatically smaller, so it is generally a good idea to place those things into one file. I have not tested loading times but I'd expect that a few files will load faster than many.


    There will be an updated script for Unity 2018.2, but the export process will be the same. You will need to re-export all your assets, but other than perhaps evaluating the shader choices you made (The game will likely change how old models look using some shaders) , you wont need to do much in the way of changing your models.

  4. Well I just look and there is not a lots information about it. Lots questions and no answer thats what I saw. This is sad people can't even answer with a real answer or they don't answer at all.


    You go inside the buildings, find the deep water tank with 2 reactors under water. swim down and load in both rings and enriched uranium. wait upto 2 game days in that facility without leaving the chunk (area). Swim back down and get your uranium.

  5. I may have misunderstood your question about texturing. The in-game painting tool only works on certain game models, and I have not spent time figuring out how to use it on custom (ModelEntity) models. The seperate meshes you mentioned are for the "New" shapes, and those models are built using code in game. T_Block is what we used in A15, as that video is very old now. Use T_Mesh_B, and make sure its in the correct tag order: Tags.jpg.02a916133fd8892f9fe106452f29bab2.jpg


    I think you can still use T_Block, but the layer selected must be the terrain layer. You can try both.


    I messed with the tree generator a little, but it was limited, so I'd recommend using speedtree for a month subscription if you need to make a lot of good trees quickly.

  6. Here is a video I made a while ago for making and animating doors:


    Unless you need to interact with blocks, like open them as a container, or to pick them up, you do not need to tag new blocks. If you want to interact with the new block, add the tag T_Mesh_B to the child object that has the collider you want to interact with.


    The block can be a single mesh, as long as the UV is set correctly, and you have a texture that will wrap the block. You would make that shape in blender and set the UV, but I'm not a blender expert, so others can explain that better.

  7. Well... I'm back for more punishment lol

    So Flu...

    First thought was to take them out - flu and flu2...


    Looks like I can edit the buffs xml and possibly change the increments to 0? Or can I just add water to the cure in the buffs(?) xml?


    Up to you. You can cure it by eating fish,resting, or you can modify the xml as you suggested.

  8. Giving RavenH a run through before A17. Looking great!


    Few issues on day one. Loot is doubling on goreblocks, always. Beginner weapon quests requiring using woodclub and woodbow exclude using starter weapons like iron bow and siked club. Those are easy fixes in xml.

  9. I have always imagine that the Starvation dev team wanted it this way, as to make you try every aspect of the mod. Want to know how to build something? Make all of the workbenches/tools to find out. Some of the descriptions give you hints while others leave you in the dark.


    That is indeed part of it, the other part is we all hate writing documentation. :smile-new:

  10. I'm having hi it"NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" spam every time I try to interact with a guard station survivor. Any ideas?
    yea, the guards are broken. Will fix for A17.
  11. I didn't use a link since I wasn't sure what the rule is about link were,

    we see some of the zombie boss in here:


    we can see "wall crusher"zombie, the cop zombie at the very end of the video and some other I don't remember the name and it is a commercial product which is why I was wondering about where those zombie models came from.


    It might not be the best video to see those zombie, but we can see some of them with slight texture modification with colors.


    if they were bought or free then there probably no problem, it was just in case they were handmade by member of the starvation team that I decided to bring it up.


    All of the ones shown are free to use models.

  12. Broken iPad etc are just junk items to scrap for parts. If you have high enough doityourself perk, they scrap. Starvation for A17 remains undecided. Much depends on the teams available time after A17 stable drops.

  13. Not sure who Jim Sterling is...link? All the entities in Starvation were done by Pacco (RIP) or myself. The models were either bought from various sources, or are free for non-commercial models. Some were made using tools like MakeHuman or Fuse.

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