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Posts posted by xyth

  1. Did something change in the way the 16.4 and Starvation mod load up graphics? I was playing on 16.3 and things were great. With 16.4 starvation mod I get major stuttering, even when im just standing still looking at the ground. Other mods and vanilla are fine at the moment.


    It feels like something is causing the game to continually reload up all the graphics on the screen every moment..., I am not sure, just wondering. Thanks.


    Is this on single player or dedi?

  2. I have a friend trying to play this mod but keeps getting ....


    ArgumentException: The requested value 'Sanity' was not found.


    ... and that's as far the loading goes.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    7D2D has been uninstalled / reinstalled, used launcher to make a directory just for the game.


    Without seeing his complete logfile, we cannot help. All that message means is "The mod didn't install correctly", with no clue what he did wrong.

  3. Is the latest Starvation compatible with Alpha 16.3?


    No, it's 16.4 only


    - - - Updated - - -


    Hi Guys,

    Have a weird bug ever since installing Starvation. I use the Mod Launcher and had WotW running from it but then downloaded Starvation. What its done is to turn my avatar invisible so on the profile screen and when riding a mini bike it looks weird as any are not covered by clothing is see through. It has no effect on gfameplay at all, the zombies, animals etc can see me without any issue. The bug also affects WotW in the same way. As I said it doesnt affect gameplay in any way shape or form but thought it worth reporting back to you.


    Thank you for the Mod its absolutely brutal! :)


    Most invisible type issues are due to running out of video ram. Lower texture size and retry.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Does anyone know what the issue is here?


    There was a post about running Starvation on Linux. Should be on this thread or pinned in the Starvation public Discord.

  4. So I put this up on my dedi. It just stays in initializing forever with this as the last log entry:


    2017-11-09T21:13:43 56.688 INF StartAsServer
    2017-11-09T21:13:44 56.836 INF createWorld: Random Gen, DOBStarvation, GameModeSurvivalMP
    Exception: Block with name 'lootRad' not found!
     at WorldBiomes.KH (System.String ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at WorldBiomes.NH (Byte , System.String , System.Xml.XmlElement , Boolean ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at WorldBiomes.NH (Byte , System.String , System.Xml.XmlElement , Boolean ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at WorldBiomes.AH (System.Xml.XmlDocument , Boolean ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at WorldBiomes..ctor (System.Xml.XmlDocument _genxml, Boolean _instantiateReferences) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at GameManager+BI.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
    (Filename:  Line: -1)

    Is this an actual dedi using the Steamcmd dedi build, or is that a client load on a dedicated server?
  5. We shouldn't be getting loss from a system on our home network, should we? Everything shows great speeds, and the server system is a top of the line i7 surface pro 4.


    If your on a local lan then it isn't likely you have an issue with ping or PL, but it is possible. You can run tests to check, but beyond that I don't have any new ideas to offer. We didn't change the vanilla Zed's reach or delay, and I'm not seeing any issues on my dedi install on my lan.


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    Hello, I would like to ask about the Starvation mode as it can be applied to the server with the kamradem we want one smaller start and so we would be interested in the mode we are very interested in. We pay the server at Fakhad.

    Sorry, but I do not understand your question.

  6. Thank you, but I don't think, that they can help me.

    Due to radiated burnt forests begin spawning at ~7000 meters, it's no vanilla rwgmixer.xml problem. I guess, there's another data somewhere, that blocks the rwgmixer.xml rules to take effect.


    If Tin can't help you, you are indeed lost. Only 2 files that you need to look at is rwgmixer and biomes.

  7. We've got another 6 hours in, and we did see rain for a while, though it only lasted 15 minutes or so.


    One thing we are noticing, is it looks like we are getting more of that "ten foot reach" from zombies. On occasion, there have been times my wife wasn't close enough to hit them, but they could hit her.


    I thought the pumps had reduced that issue... Is there any potential solution for it?


    We were lucky enough to spawn near desert, so food hasn't been you bad an issue, since you can always go grab some yucca in a pinch.


    Most likely you are experiencing the effect of lag or packetloss, which throws the sync off between client and server. Not much we can do to fix thet. If you want to change the zed hit range, for vanilla zombies, the range is set in the handmaster: <property name="Range" value="1.65" />


    Other zeds use different hands, so adjustments would need to be made there as well.

  8. Moon;756284']Manually installed by downloading the master zip from github and copying to my game folder.


    Short question : What happen if i enable eac with the mod on? Can i get eac banned or somenthing using it with eac ?


    With EAC on you will get a black screen and the game will not load.

  9. I guess you have me at a loss here. It does not have a blue top but I've clicked on the snowballs everyway I can see possible and nothing changes. There is no upgrade option and clicking on the snow does nothing


    Btw there is no roof over her head. Nearest overhang is two blocks away


    You upgrade the icebox exactly like you do any block. Put snowballs in your backpack. Put a tool like a stoneax in your hand. Aim at the block you want to upgrade, in this case the storagebox. Right click and after a few hits the model changes to having a blue top.

  10. Moon;756253']Hi guys sorry if this was asked before but the other topic is 341 pages long and this one is already over 43 pages. I tried the search function but couldnt find a proper answer.


    Since i'm having a LOT of issues using the sphereii launcher. Is there a possibility for a manual instalation process ? I've seen it for previous version but i couldnt find the process/files for the 16.4 one. Also the starvation launcher is not working anymore so i assume you guys are using only sphereii launcher.


    Either way, when i click on the launcher to install starvation, it gets stuck there. A friend of mine told me its a 68mb long mod so it should not take that long ( 30 min ). Since the launcher has no "download bar, i cant tell if its downloading or not.


    Its more of a 700 meg mod, it takes a while unless you have a big pipe. The launcher has a direct download switch. Try that.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Is there a place to melt down scrap rubber? Looks like rubber is only craftable in the campfire and it doesn't even use scrap rubber. Seems like a waste. I'm new to the mod so I figured I'd ask just to make sure.


    I'll sort this out in the next patch.


    - - - Updated - - -


    I have a problem. I am getting very few zombies at blood moon. Day 7 and 14 was at maximum 8 zombies, even though my settings is blood moon enemy count 64 and max spawned zombies 70. I did not have this problem when running vanilla server. Anyone know a solution for this?


    The GameStages are pretty much vanilla at this point. You won't see many zeds for the first few bloodmoons unless you somehow got your GameStage up really high.


    - - - Updated - - -


    1. is a mistake

    2. should be mill.... u can get that with the right book, its a steam powered workbench for sawblade, radio tower and the generator

    3. yes a survivor, you need that radio tower, so you need the mill before (steam powered book) and nice energy, then they can craft it sometime (not sure if u need to teach em though)







    besides, now a few things i noticed...



    1. pizza got no picture

    2. goulash got no picture



    3 you can exploit with lathe... craft empty can 2 scrap iron, you can place em in forge for 5 scrap iron, or just scrap em, 500 cans 1000 scrap iron, scrap 500 cans, 1875 scrap (via forge 2500)


    crafting (errors?)

    4. you can not melt glass in the forge, but you still have the recipe for broken glass there :D

    5.1 solar bank..... said at workbench, well i havent found one where i could craft it.....

    5.2 solar bank.... Mill and crafter.... well mill aint got that either....

    5.3 solar bank (and cell) crafter, well ok, i admit aint got survivors yet



    6. a recipe to turn scrap rubber into rubber

    7. a recipe (as perk for science 10?) to craft that stupid "GAUGE".... at level 105 i havent found any yet, no matter where, cars, workers, working stiff.... (its rare tool loot....) but maybe a level 120+ should be able to craft a gauge (for 10000 steel and 500 rubber, but at least be able to)


    (moonshine needs 3 gauges, that quest with small generator another)



    (almost forgot)

    8.forge a machete blade 200 scrap steel, if u melt it back only 20 scrap steel back :(

    was ok when u could craft the blade for 200 iron, but loss of 90% material when u melt it back?


    I will check on these and fix what I can confirm in next patch.

  11. All:. We are actively working on a new UI that uses custom C# code to enable new features. We are not spending time changing or supporting any changes to the existing temporary UI. People who continue to ask for us to change this policy or support their efforts to change the UI are only causing us to back away from working on this model any longer. The current discussion has already slowed work on the mod, as some of the team are becoming annoyed at some of the forum posts. This happened before, and resulted in the team withdraw ing from development for months to take a stress break. It getting close again. Please don't continue to use the official Starvation forums to ask for something the team already said we are not ready to support. Thank you for your understanding.

  12. I started playing this mod recently and I really like how much there is to do in it so far, however the balancing seems off for me personally. Within the first day I found 2 functional guns, ammo, a fireaxe, and a machete. Is this the kind of abundance I should expect for the rest of my playthrough or did I just get really lucky?


    Balance is still pretty much vanilla in terms of loot and progression.

  13. Can someone explain exactly? How to upgrade the the farm storage ? I put the snowballs inside and nothing happens. The farmer starts working just as I give him storage (ice covered ) from creative menu .


    Assuming you have snowballs in your backpack, right click on the farm storage box and upgrade it like any other block in the game.


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    How long can server initialization take the first startup ?


    In my experience, under 5 minutes to build a new world. If its taking a lot longer, check the server log as its probably spamming the log with errors.

  14. First i would like to say i love your mode it's the best i have see for 7D2D in a long time.

    my question is is there any way to disable the Sanity in the game?

    thank you for making this mode for Evey one and the hard work that win it to it.


    In entities.xml, under playerMale, change: <property name="sanity" value="True" /> to false. I have not tested that this still works with all the recent work in process sanity changes, but if and when it works, that's what you change to switch it on and off.

  15. hei guys, i dont want to stress you or something.. But my game updated to 16.4 and so did my server on the site where i host it and there is no way to downgrade the server and now i cant play anymore. Do you have some kind of eta for the update? Not trying to be annoying but we just started playing the mod :(


    Sometime between Wednesday and Saturday.

  16. Is there an update list of Benches and station that are needed to make other things? I have this from a15:


    Steam Power -> Boiler -> Mill

    Electric Power -> Small generator / Diesel Generator -> Lathe / Lights / Insect and Rodent detergents etc.

    Gas Power -> Gas Tank with filled cylinders. Fill with Bio Digresser. -> Moonshine


    Then you get Smith Station, Mechanic Station, Cook Station and Farming station, which can only be built and used with NPC survivors.


    Is this still current?


    I cant remember how to make anything in Starvation


    It's the same as in A15. Only new workstation is the glass and ceramics workstation and steel was moved to the bigforge.

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