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Posts posted by xyth


    Yeah, I totally agree with giving high priority to major bugs, especially if there are simple workarounds in game without editing anything (different weapon, different blocks). I'd also say the steel production I mentioned earlier is nothing of great importance. I guess what's important is also a matter of personal opinion, a little bit. The most important fix for me right now would be the farmer npc.


    Bug fixes submitted for next patch, hopefully drops next weekend:


    1. fix of IcyFarmerstorage, should last about 2 realtime hours before needing more ice (may replace this with another method later),

    2. balanced clay usage for smiths crafting of forged steel

    3. Rhinos will be tougher to kill

    4. Goats give correct meat on harvest

    5. Rubber needs less scrap rubber to craft, and XRad items need less rubber to craft

    6. Very slight reduction in gauge drops...

    7. Doubled change of glands dropping on boss destroy event


    There will probably be more fixes but I wanted to list the fixes that are commited for the next patch. We have major new gameplay features in testing as well, so it will be a very cool new release when it happens.

  2. First of all, thanks for taking a look at the steel crafting.




    I'm a total noob at programming, but there's something about the logic that escapes me: if the collision is decided by the missile that's fired at the block and nothing else, how is it possible a standard crossbow can shoot through trussings and the advanced crossbow can't while using the same type of ammo?

    My suggested fix is what works in vanilla. If that doesn't work for custom weapons I will need to look at the C# code to see what it's doing. Lots of Starvation custom code dates back to A14 and doesn't get updated unless issues are found in new game versions. How collision is handled is a combination of the models collider and what base code is hijacked to enable the new projectile. Enabling new features outside of simple xml edits is complex and full of potential for odd incompatibility. Also, as we do this for fun, and bug fixing is not fun, so non critical bugs don't get priority attention, nor does support for non windows platforms. We hope you understand.

  3. Hey there!


    Mortelentus, I just read your post. Busy weeks? I know wishing someone less busy weeks can backfire, so instead I'm wishing you fun at your work, lots of motivation and the feeling it's rewarding.


    The reason I came here today is to talk about steel production. I've not been using my smith for some time and while browsing the recipes, I noticed he can craft forged steel. I gave him some resources to try it out and soon noticed two things I didn't expect:


    First thing, he takes ages to process the raw materials. I wonder what kind of forge he's using there, because it takes literally days to complete a single stack of forged steel. At least it's cheaper, right? Well, yes and no! 1 forged steel made in the big forge costs 10 steel, 5 clay and 1 coal, the smith NPC needs 5 lumps of clay and 10 scrapsteel. So I'm saving a piece of coal with every ingot? Not quite. There's a difference between the coal in the inventory and the coal in the forge, it takes one piece of coal for 5 coal in the forge, so you're saving 1/5 coal, which is a slight discount, considering you already need 10/5 or 2 pieces of coal for the scrapsteel, if you're making it from ores. On the other hand, the same is true for clay and instead of 5/5 clay, one piece of clay, you need 5 pieces. That's five times the cost in clay. Might this be an oversight? I'd like to see a recipe saving a bit more material, since upkeep and production of the smith station is already a lot more expensive. What about 100 scrapsteel and 5 clay make 10 ingots of forged steel in the same time that is needed for one right now?

    I never rebalanced the Smith when i did the steel conversation. I will take a look at it. Thanks for pointing this out.

  4. Well .. I play ALL my 7D2D games set at Survivalist to start with and I'm an Old Gamer of 72 ..... And normally leave it there for all play-thru .. So far I've only had to turn it down once since A15 and I think that was for Starvation mod ... but also I stopped playing it because it just didn't work that well for my game style.

    Ravenhearst .. is a hard game at that setting .. but a lot of Fun and done well.


    So .. Have Fun and Enjoy ......... the Old Gamer .. :02.47-tranquillity:


    Wow, someone older than me, not by a lot, but enough that I smiled :-)

  5. Holding the Weapon that should be modified in the Hand, that's the clue. Thanks for your fast and qualified answer. It seems to work now.


    Just fyi, once time when i followed the proper procedure, the insert key would not bring up the attachment list. Other players could do it, just not me. I relogged and that fixed it.

  6. Mort, I just tried the miner event. At stage 3 I got overwhelmed by zombies, bosses and worms so I ran away from the machine. The machine stopped. Later I went back and took out all the remaining enemies. I looked at the machine and it had 700/8000 hitpoints remaining. I used the nailgun to repair it but I was only able to repair it 1 time. It went to 950/8000 but I was never able to repair it again after that even though I had all the repair materials.


    Any ideas?


    PS - 1 repair uses 2-3 parts including plastics and only repairs 250 hitpoints. Imagine how many parts/components are needed to repair back to 8000. It's cheaper just to make another miner base!

    I will check out the repair issues.

  7. *My friends on the server keep talking about quests they got on log in, that have to do with using specific weapons and killing specific things with them. I have yet to get any of these quests.


    *After Placing a farmer, the first time we interact with her, a nullref error scrolls. after that shes fine.


    *Shutter Doors will not allow non-player entities to pass through them. Nor can we shoot through the opened door.


    *New Guns wont hit wolves and bears. (Or rather, don't reliably hit)


    *We run battlemetrics to keep an eye on our servers without having to be on the server........ Some NPCs are throwing an Errors "CrafterWorkScript: Crafter has no inventory" .... It's hard to tell which ones are doing it, cause it seems like even if they are working, this error can still pop up..... This error will spam BM so badly that it actually will lag and lock up the webpage.... we're trying to figure out what is causing this error.


    We are pretty sure this error is related or caused by the NPCs that suddenly stop working, even when they have parts and food to work with. Sometimes, like with the farmer, i've even seen them appear to be working, while actually producing nothing.


    *Baby farm animals are able to spawn through walls and doors.... sneaky devils.


    *Goats seem to only be giving birth to Male goats.


    You only get those weapon quests when you complete the first step of the starter quest.


    Baby goats are just regular goats scaled down on creation by code, so the collider gets too small to work properly at times. have fun chasing them!


    Crafter inventory error is known, but we cant find the bug yet.

  8. seems to be a lighting issue, i can move the cursor around and get weird beads of light following it.


    Might be a video driver issue. Also, if you just have 8 gigs of ram, you might need a to allocate space on your SSD for memory swapping if you don't already have that enabled.

  9. I found this earlier in the thread:


    Q:Having an issue with the rolling garage door, i have built a concrete floor framed in the doorway with concrete (all reinforced concrete) tried to place rolling garage door and it keeps telling me, cant place here, block below is not solid. any hints as to what im doing wrong?


    A: This is on the issues list. You can build on dirt, asphalt or stone... I'd suggest putting asphalt for the block you're building on, and the lowest block on each side and try that. You can then replace the blocks as long as you keep the door supported while you're doing it. I think when it says "solid" it is referring to the Ground underneath the "Blocks" that you are placing the door in.

    I think that you have to start with "solid" terra firma, and only have one man made block, and then the door.


    - - - Updated - - -




    Neither have I. I think they are super rare drops (from harvesting, not looting). I've only found 2 gems so far as well.


    I harvested 100+walbreakers and no glands. I think we will increase the drop rate next patch.

  10. Is there a way to play the 15.2 version still? I could play that one just fine but with the 16 alpha I keep getting constant fps drop lag. As in going from 60 to 11 or so and it only happens on the newer starvation. Makes the game unplayable



  11. Feel free to "mute" them, it's a simple xml edit. Don't ask me to change them though


    To mute the sounds you dont like, you need to make edits in the sound.xml file. Look for entries like <SoundDataNode name="fart_sound"> and edit to use new sound clips, lower the volume, or change however you wish.

  12. As far as latency, my dedicated server is sitting on the left side of my desk, the switch is behind my monitor and my gaming rig is on the right side of my desk, router and modem are in the same room. Only my wife and I play on our server. All machines are using a wired connection. I don't think latency is my issue. On aside note please don't take any of my posts as complaints. My wife and I truly enjoy this mod and appreciate all the work that goes in to it. Cheers to all of you.
    Thanks for that input. Perhaps something else is at work. Unfortunately I can't reproduce it after months of play. I've never seen the inventory error either.
  13. Ouch, that makes the entire experience worthless if every time we try to level up a crafter he /she may or may not bug out and we lose out on all the materials spent.... If i do get one to a high level, will he/she be able to craft things that i never will, or is the entire thing just a novelty?


    I have the same game loaded on a dedicated server, and have been playing it for months with family who live around the country. The crafter NPCs are all max level, and usually stand around doing nothing for weeks, except eat all my cornbread. Even through the last dozen patches to the server, they never walk away, never disappear, never stopped working when i gave them a valid task...all is working as intended. The code is fine. I'm going to guess that any issues you experience is due to latency glitches between you and your server. That isn't something we can easily fix, even if we knew what the networking issue was exactly.


    and considering in the planned A17 update, later the wellness system is gonna be removed, we can conclude that we can forget whatever i said above and just go back to sleep.


    thanks for reading btw xd


    Lol. Yea, the food balance is bad. Pam will do it soon if she has time, otherwise I will do it. It needs fixing before A17, as that will be a big conversion effort, so the A16 version will be around for a while after release.

  15. 1. Less impactful and more for logic consistency: screamers are attracted by the flickering warm light coming from fire, not from cold electrical light, because half of the abandoned buildings are lit electrically. So, adding candles to heat map: yes, insect lights: no.



    Bug lights spark and flicker and make a loud snap when zapping a bug....so they need a heatmap. I only made it equal to a candle, which isnt much, imo it should be much more but this seemed a good compromise.

  16. 2. Beeswax candles cannot be placed on walls. Can you make them act like torches?

    3. Beeswax candles give a *huge* light source. I think 1.5 or 2x torches. Is this intended? (Want to keep balance)


    They were intended to be high quality table candles, the model isnt for a wallcandle. I was intending the light to equal that of a torch. Maybe I will adjust it down a bit.




    1. For the snowy seasons, will they fill up the rain collectors? If not, snowy seasons makes the rain collectors useless.


    I hope it does. We would like to freeze most water in the future s until then this would be good.

  17. The donkey idea is not a bad idea, as long as it's not instant and requires the donkey to actually travel to the destination. If it is instant there is no point creating storage/chests outside your base.


    As for food, I think canned food needs to be modified to be more useful. RNG generated canned food is only useful during early game when you are scavenging and can't farm. By mid and end game, the higher tier foods can make your hunger last for quite a while. I'm all for more food recipes/buffs and also more animals.


    Oh, just wait till the new patch drops ...you will see the value of can food in a new way.

  18. That Parent error happens even in vanilla, and (if I recall correctly) its related to 2 blocks occupying the same space, with one being invisible. It probably doesn't have anything to do with that particular model, it can happen on world gen where terrain decos collide with invisi world blocks. I can be solved by taking a rocket launcher and blowing up the colliding blocks. The bigdecoration radius might need increasing abit, not sure if that might help on spawning. I can look back at the unity model if needed, but I think its fine.

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