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Posts posted by xyth

  1. I was told I should come on here and voice some of the issues that are making starvation not as fun for me as it was in a15. And to the point that I am not wanting to play it like I did then. There are so many things I do love about this mod and I hadn't came and voiced these others things as I didn't want to seem negative to people that are working so hard on a mod.


    So lets get down to business.


    1. The flys - too often, too loud, too long of a buff. Was very cool the first time and then after that super annoying. As a streamer that sound isn't something I want my viewers having to deal with much either. I think the bees being added was enough buzzing. If they are kept maybe drop the sound some, make it way more rare, and reduce the length, and add some bug spray to keep it from happening at all. Something craftable or lootable in the first week of play.


    I provided Morte with new fly particles with sound turned down, 50%, 25% and to 10%. Morte will pick one to his liking. I hope you like the choice as well. We will probably also reduce the probability of flies living in trash too.

    2. Stealth/Sneaking. Seeming nearly impossible to keep from being found by the zombies in the day time. Plus zeds are seeing me from way too far away. Feels this needs drop just a tad. I have not been out at night to see how that is working.


    Starvation has much more aware zeds than the dumb and deaf ones in vanilla. Line of sight is critical now. You cant stealth in the light and expect not to be seem. Sound is also more important now, they can hear you looting if not stealthed. Stealth does work, its just not a get out of jail free card like it is in vanilla. You have to use the shadows and things that block line of sight now. Ever play Thief? Think that way.


    3. Nearly run speed zombies. With all the other stuff in game that can kill you adding that too is just over kill, especially since it seems you can't seem to avoid the zeds as stated above.

    We might dial it down a notch, but I hear a lot of folks like it so finding a balance will be hard.


    4. Hills and this might be just the map I got with the seed Starvation but really having a hard time finding a decent flat spot to build. I like to build outside of a town and not right in it. But again this just might have been my seed.


    5. Lastly. Pack space. Way too much added in this mod to be able to enjoy looting/game-play with the size pack that it has. I know there has been talk of maybe a 10ish more slots. That would help but in all honesty the best thing I think could happen would be choices in the launcher for a small (current size), medium and large packs. Choices like that are a good thing and tend to make way more people happy.


    I'm pushing for a 45 slot bag when the new UI is released. You got my vote on this one!


    Lastly I would like to say thank you to all the modders working on this mod. I know you guys put in a lot of your time and love into this.


    Thanks for the feedback!

  2. The mod is 700 megs compressed. It takes a very long time to download. It might be best if you do a direct download and install it that way if you cannot get the launcher to maintain a connection long enough to finish the download then start the game up.

  3. If the main post would have said the step one about installing the vanilla server game and

    then paste starvation server files over, that would clear a lot of things.

    Those steps should be in the main post IMO.


    I thought your feedback was good. Many folks need more help getting started with setting up a 7D2D server. I drafted up a beginners install guide to help those folks get started. It uses Starvation as an example, but you can follow it to setup any mod onto the 7D2D dedi install. You will find that now listed on our Tutorial website:





    I hope this helps. Thanks for your feedback.

  4. Love the mod guys like most have been waiting for it since a16 was released.


    Few issues so far, even with machete blade crafting unlocked the repair and creation of the machete is locked behind a quest. And if I remember correctly it's the bladed weapons kills quest but that quest doesn't exist unless it's in paper form or I'm missing something.


    You get the recipe when you complete the 4th step of the bladed weapons training quest.

  5. Love the mod guys like most have been waiting for it since a16 was released.


    Few issues so far, even with machete blade crafting unlocked the repair and creation of the machete is locked behind a quest. And if I remember correctly it's the bladed weapons kills quest but that quest doesn't exist unless it's in paper form or I'm missing something.


    Also are your mod specific zombies and bosses in the game? Went through two horde nights now without any bosses, or will they only come during later game stages.


    Yes they are in game. Some are poi bound, and others come later at higher gamestages.

  6. Maybe this is my error? I have been downloading the dedicated server files from the github page but then copying them into the same directory as the single player files? On the virtual machine I use one of our guest Steam accounts to log into steam perform the steam install of 7 dayys to die then start an unmodded 7DTD server. Then shutting it down I copy in the dedicated files from the github (with merge/replace).


    Maybe what I need to be doing is using the Steamcmd to download the server and then copy the github files into that? Now that would make sense since that's how I have been doing it for my Linux virtual machines. Will try it that way after I get home from work tonight. Thank you.


    Your on the right track. Take a look at the Dedicated server install guide I just put together and let me know if it was clear enough for you to get your dedi up and running.






    If you have questions, please let me know. GoodLuck!

  7. I, for one, think the antidotes for spider/snake/scorpion debuffs should be made more available in early game, OR the debuffs nerfed a bit. If you get hit with these debuffs, you're probably better off committing suicide, especially if you're going to lose wellness anyway.


    That said, I have a question. Does EAC need to be on or off in order to join the official servers listed in the first post?


    EAC off for any modded server, including Starvation.

  8. I've long noted, hoping it would be fixed by now, that it often just doesn't rain. Forest and pine forest biomes. Is there any fix for this, to make it rain more often? I know about the command console, but I'd like to get it to rain once in a while without cheating it in. And without rain, rain catchers do nothing.


    I'm pretty sure the weather setting in Starvation are all vanilla, but I will check. If other folks are having this issue, we can take a look at making some small adjustments in a future patch.

  9. First off, let me just say how happy it is to have Starvation back. I have missed the challenge and work that has gone into this mod. Much love to everyone who works on the project.


    Bug: When trying to place a painting it's orientation is such that it wants to be placed on the floor and rotates horizontally.

    Press R to select then enable full rotation, that's an A16 feature.

  10. Firstly, apologies for my ignorance in this question and if it's been asked.


    But will the mod launcher install this to a hosting service like Bluefang via FTP and can Starvation run on a hosting service like this?


    The RAM requirements, those are client side requirements or server side? Again, apologies if I've missed this already being asked and answered.


    No, mod launcher will not do server installs. Yes, Starvation can run on hosted services, we use KillServers who know how to install the mod correctly. Pam, our server team member, can help with that server config, which depends on number of player slots you require. Client requirements are covered in the opening post, but the game is a heavy user of both RAM and video RAM. 16G and 4G respectively works great, less than that you will need to adjust settings down.

  11. Description of First Aid Kit says it removes animal bites, but can not remove spider bite, seems the bite can not be removed.

    It is a horrible debuff. -3 stamina every second + you lose wellness? duration 30 minutes? that is more than just over the top


    You need the insectBiteAntidote which at this point needs the sciencestation to make. We will discuss if we should make this easier to craft in early game, add more to loot, or nerf the stings a bit. Snake bites are the same way.

  12. - - - Updated - - -


    Oddly this mod seems to exaggerate the games issue with standing dead zombies.. :(




    Yes it does. That most likely due to the vanilla bug caused by over-damage. In Starvation with its Romero headshot mod, massive head over damage is likely. We will try to code around this in a future release.

  13. Make a wooden spear, or if you can, a combat knife spear. Then make sure the area behind you is clear and run backwards. As the zombies chase you, aim for their heads and attack. The spears have a long reach so you can hit them long before they are in range to hit you, and if you hit the head, it one shots most zombies (at least the knife version does). It has a long refresh before you can attack again so it takes a bit to clear large groups of zombies, but it's a decent way to kill things early on without using a ton of ammo. That should help.


    Great tip. I use the "run and bop" technique and pretty much never get hit unless im out of stamina or get cornered carelessly. Run and bop means run at your target zombie and time your swing so it lands right before you pass "through" the target. Run a little past the zombie, turn, and repeat till its down, then 1 or 2 head hits while its down finishes it. Zombies have a swing delay so you will never get hit doing this. Standing still in combat without a spear is dangerous.


    Note to self: Randomize Zombie swing delay in transmorgifier at some point if folks says the mod is getting too easy...:smile-new:

  14. ok that it.. im done.. untill a update with less zompies..


    it day 2.. I run to the air drop.. when i got there.. 1 boss spawn 3 zompies.. ( 2 running ) and dogs.. in day 2.. no no.. that just not fun or playable at all.. :( the animals are fine.. but the zompies just kill the fun in the game.. :(

    normal the Stavation mod is the best mod i know.. but now its just not fun at all..


    i even try to kill them in cheat mode.. take over 10 bullet.. for a zompie in the head.. and my game is only on normad :)


    hope for a better update.. :)


    Sorry that the mod is too hard for you. Airdrops are high value/high risk events unlike in vanilla. There is a random chance to spawn a boss, which sounds like what happened to you. Bad luck there. Most people complain the animals are too tough, harder than zombies. You say the opposite. One bullet into the head of a normal zombie should kill it, a few head hits with a poor club will kill most as well. How you can't kill a zed with 10 head shots doesn't square with my extensive play experience in this mod.


    You can expect some game play adjustments over time, but Starvation will never be as easy as vanilla, nor as hard as several other available mods.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Well done getting this going for a16. I downloaded Sphereii's launcher and installed the mod. After starting the game through the launcher, it seems to hang at the main menu, without showing menu options. I always get stuck at "Loading..." and I have to Alt+F4 out. I can't get to my console.


    I generally wait about 15-20 minutes before I exit out. This machine had no issues running starvation in a15.2. Any thoughts?



    I also tried installing manually to no avail. Same issue.


    EAC off?

  15. I know everyone will have different tastes, but being a survival game to much UI transcends into more of a HUD and that then I feel distracts the immersion and the survival aspect. Most if not all information can be seen in the biometric screen anyways and has it all there in one place. But on the playing screen ?, nahhh to much clutter ( unless it can be toggleble so those like me can turn them off ~ optional UI )


    As previously stated, a new HUD is under development for next major release. It will probably have all the requested extra features on the main screen. I will see if we can comment the xml to help indicate where certain screen elements can be hidden by commenting them out.

  16. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)


    2017-10-23T16:56:02 13.602 ERR Loading and parsing 'blocks.xml' (Model '#AirCon?AirConPrefab' not found on block with id 1499)

    2017-10-23T16:56:02 13.602 ERR Loading of blocks aborted due to errors!


    In my experience, if you get missing block/recipe or item errors, it means you closed the launcher before it finished downloading all the game files. It can take a very long time to finish this process, depending on your download speed. Could be 5 minutes, could be 30 minutes or more. If you close and restart, you may get corruption even if the next time it completes successfully. I have personally seen both happen. The launcher does not need to be closed, even after the game starts.


    If you did get this error, I recommend you delete your 7D2D/StarvationMod folder and restart the process.

  17. How do you run a dedicated server with this mod, all the instructions show how to run a single player only.


    Read your own post please, it clearly has a link to where you download the server files. In case you need more info:


    Step #1, setup a dedicated server install of the vanilla game. #2: Check that it runs as expected. #3 Download the Starvation server files. #4 copy/paste the starvation folders over your vanilla dedi server install folders. #5 Start up the dedi server and have fun.


    If you do not know how to setup a vanilla server, there are posts elsewhere on these forums to help you.


    - - - Updated - - -




    Cudos for the work done in this mod- it gives a different meaning to 7D2D.


    My question would be is the bigger backpack mod and bigger storage mod working properly with this overhaul?


    Regarding mod Author on the bigger inventory slots- not all people have so much time to play(job family etc) What bigger inventory gives you is saved time- sure some people will always abuse the system but for other people its better to have such an option and still enjoy the mod than not to have and make compromises for worse.


    This was discussed in an earlier post, but again, we "may" slightly increase the backpack size not larger than 45 slots, but as we do include a donkey that will carry your stuff for you once you get one. Pack animals and vanilla bike storage is how we compensate for a small backpack.

  18. Why are some of the custom zeds white? Is this due to graphics settings (I have some settings like shadows disabled to gain performance)?



    That looks exactly as designed by the modeler "Pacco". Its how he wanted it, and will remain that way to honor his memory.

  19. I thought I posted this, but seems not.


    I am trying to use the rain collectors. I have them in a 9 square hole, as I did in A15. But now they don't seem to collect water. Is this broken, or has how rain collectors work changed? I noticed they have a new texture.


    They work on Dedi. Fix for Sp and MP in next patch.

  20. The issue of A15 with the Sniper schematic still exists. It randomly disables the Sniper schematic after having read it. Making you have to read it again and again.


    There are some crawling zombies around that have movement speed of a speedboat (seen on the Official Starvation PVE Europe)


    No idea on the sniper recipe issue, the xml looks the same as on other weapons. If others report it I'll take a deeper look. Are you seeing "crawlers" on their belly, or "spiderwalkers" , on hands and knees? Spiderwalkers can go upto 1.1 so can be very fast. Crawlers should go no faster than .5 and Vanilla zeds go .3

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