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Posts posted by xyth

  1. If we can find time to code extra mid/late game bagslots we will. There is just so many hours we have of free time to work on this mod, and lots we want to do, so this is on the list, but not on the top of the list. We hope you all understand.

  2. Love the new labels that tell us where to craft the things that need specific workstations. One question though, some say "Smith Hammer". How do you craft something with a smith hammer? (Nail Trap) I tried the large anvil with the smith hammer as a tool, and it's not listed there.

    Smith hammer is an NPC survivor tool I think..

  3. How far has the zombie attack range been increased? They seem to hit from 15 ft ( in game looks that far) away.

    I liked melee in the game, and it seems to be a bit in impractical now. You can run through them and circle back, but it seems a bit cheese that way.


    Starvation has not changed the attack range of vanilla zombies.

  4. I am playing on a buddy's server and we are not getting random spawns, als ono spawn on 7th days. What should we bew looking at to help resolve this. It was working then it just stopped.


    You will need to post a link to the server log for us to have any idea what happened.

  5. maybe u could do a tiny change to the notes though...

    i have a "journal-Note-35" (twice) all it says is "35".....

    thats kinda strange.


    Can i get a screenshot of this please? I'm not following, nor finding anything that might cause that.


    talking about beds, maybe it should be possible to create a "permanent bed" or a "choice on beds" like interact: "ignore other bed/-rolls", "common function"

    if u choose first, all newly placed bedrolls, beds will not set a new spawn point

    would also help a lot considering that nice flu....

    in desert... at -57m.... core temp around 20°C (roughly the temp with weathercontroll off) Zero wetness, flu.... bedroll for a min, gone, walk 5 steps, flu..... (a reason why our home got bedrolls as carpet)


    I don't think we will implement complex code to change the bedroll spawn function just to address flu symptoms. Flu is a work in progress, so we will likely address any tweaks to that buff instead.

  7. Are they going back to the other launcher they had?


    The old launcher is being worked on, and may become an option at some point. But the plan remains to continue using the 7D2D launcher as well, as that is the default launcher standard for 7D2D at this point.


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    FYI Item 649 (Smith Station), the text says "Storage bos". I assume it supposed to be "Storage Box"?






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    ok good to know,


    there seems to be a tiny problem with plastic/rubber as well


    some items u can scrap for "scrap rubber", but u can not use it anymore for anything, neither to make new rubber, nor melt it for plastics.



    and for the coal recipe, dont make it to much coal for wood, at least a change of 10 wood for 1 coal or even less. u burn a lot if u use an open fire. but a (dunno the english word) "coal-oven" could efficiently craft coal from wood. would be like a simple cobbelstone-oven for like 10:1 instead of 20:1 for example.


    There will be future uses for scrap rubber, but thanks for pointing it out. Again, the game is a work in progress.....:smile-new:

  8. Just downloaded stavation, find a great place that has a underground base through the well. Finally break through 8000 steel door with my 25 strength axe, killed what I thought was sleepers to find out I just killed my Scientist and 2 other guys that where supposed to help my colony.


    face palm, wish I read that there was colonies. oh well restart


    Interesting, were any dressed as firemen? I found a similar sounding one last night, and there was 3 fireman zeds there.

  9. I am having little bit of the problem. I can still hear the sound from the flies/bees constantly even though I took the flies and bees away from the blocks and buffs. Is there any way to disable that sound file, cause it is irritating as hell! :-(


    The sound is attached to the bee and flies particle. It is also attached to the trashbag that has the 3 flies flying around it. The sound issue "seemed" to be related to the trashbags only, which were removed and replaced with a different vanilla trashbag last patch. Are you running the latest version of the mod?


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    Once installed with the launcher and played once, you can run the game directly from the install directory as in vanilla. Once it stars, chooose a multiplayer game, not single player.


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    Could we technically play this mod with 16.4 experimental ? - I understand you would not have looked at it in great detail and so wouldn't be any support.


    The fixed POI spawns ( revision 8 ) are a must have I feel in my game.


    We have not looked at A16.4 yet, but I doubt all of our custom code would work against a different binary without at least some issue. Give it a try and let us know how that works out. We only build against stable versions of the game.

  10. If they find an opening they will be gone in a flash. I opened a door on my rooftop pen to quickly enter, and 2 pigs ran past me to suicide off the skyscraper roof. Now i use double doors and 3 block high walls. No more problems. Oh, i had 1 climb up a 10 block ladder to try to escape, but she couldnt go past that next closed room. :02.47-tranquillity:

  11. Also, I'm not sure how others are feeling about the balance progression of their game, but for me there is a considerable slowdown in the new version with the quest "Fight the plague 4/7" where it requires you to craft a chemistry station. To unlock that, you need to be level 60 and purchase level 7 in science before you can even unlock the recipe for the chemistry station. That's quite a huge leap just to make some pesticide if you ask me. I never use the stuff anyway because I don't really see it make much difference, so the only purpose was to continue the quest line. Perhaps it's just me though.




    Wanted to also add that when I started my game up today, my pigs that I had tamed and put in a pen de-spawned even though they had a trough with animal feed in the pen. Was I supposed to do something to keep them around?


    You make a good point on the quest. We will discuss options for that progression.


    Can you provide more data on the missing pigs? Were they enclosed on all sides at least 3 blocks high? Was this Sp, MP, or Dedi?

  12. Hi


    Just some feedback.


    I love the challenge your mod brings, but in my opinion no groups of enemies should ever in any game or mod just spawn on top of you out of nowhere. Referring to the airdrop and car alarm spawn triggers. One should always have a reasonable chance to survive a encounter with enough experience. Spawning a horde right on top of a player is not challenging, it's taking a bit too far.


    Good feedback. Maybe we should have them spawn a bit further away now that the zeds are faster.


    We will discuss. Thanks!

  13. nice. btw. the glass&ceramic station uses a strange item....

    the Tool&Die Set can be placed into, just no recipes use it ;)



    and if i may add a tiny prayer.... so much wood, why cant one turn it into coal like one does all the time at a campfire?


    That workstation is new and a work in progress, just like the entire mod. Its not finished, I just made it and moved the existing glass and the one problematic porcelain item to it. I tossed the tool and die set in there as a placeholder. I plan to make custom tools when I have time, setting it up like the cooking station.


    All in due time, lately work is getting in the way of modding.


    Thats a good idea for a recipe,..thanks!

  14. That's a "nice" way to report a possible bug...


    Noted for analysis when possible.


    Thank you.


    Yup, I think this ones my bad...missed that the recipe needs iron when i migrated that recipe to the new workstation....


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    hope that wasn't meant zynical ;)


    since the insulator is a recipe for the glass&ceramic station, it needs the chance to melt iron


    He meant it sincerely, You explained it well, good catch. This was my mistake, things get missed in mass recipe migrations to new workstations.

    My bad.

  15. I'm getting the flu an awful lot, without getting cold or wet. Is this intended, or is flu buggy? It makes no sense.


    Flu is being reworked over the next few patches. It is no longer tied to being wet like in A15. It is seasonal, and contagious now. The current discussions involve adding a progression beginning with a slight cold, moving to more flu like symptoms if left untreated.


    Please remember that the current release is a WIP, work in progress, and Starvation is far from complete at this time.

  16. Hey,

    I dont read anything about that issue before. U can avoid food from spoiling in ur base( or whereever) easily....just keep the food/drink in the fireplace, and it will never spoil. A Bug, a feature, an unknown problem?... maybe one that cant be solved...dont know.


    My proposal, let it spoil (maybe even faster then in backpack/chest) ..so u have to take a look at ur cooking place.


    We are aware of this Vanilla issue. Its on our list to code this exploit out at some point.


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    Just home from work and followed the dedicated server guide and FRIED GOLD first try. My dedicated server is up and running was quick and painless!! So the step I was missing was using the SteamCMD to set up the server instead of the dedicated.bat file in the steam directory. Thank you very much for the guide would love to stay and chat but got some zombies to deal with :-) !!!!!


    I'm glad the install document was helpful. Its always great to hear that feedback!


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    Hey there.


    How big it the mod and is it possible to get it without the mod launcher?


    Tried to load the mod launcher but it didnt work a quick tracert with ping plotter shows me a huge packet loss at the source.



    No i managed to get te loader from another player, i copied from my steam folder and snyced mod. It didnt work. Its vanilla



    Ok, i redownloaded 72d2 via steamcmd and sync... now its refreshing... the network monitor shows me a traffic from 2.1 mbit/s. The launcher didnt give any information how much time it will take. Hours? Minutes?


    That depends on your connection speed. Its 701 megs, so it could be hours for some with slow connections.


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    any ideas how to fix frameskipping? I don't know if its caused by mod or not but any ideas will be helpful


    You have v-sync turned off?

  17. Why not have support for bigpack mod. UI mod is one thing- 45 sure- I mean most people will enjoy that.


    But why not just add the support for SDX or bigback mod in the first place?! If people want it- they will download it. Its not like you have to add it by default- just give mod support.(option)


    Other mods have done so and are they worse because of that? On the contrary. If you can give people options to choose- options are nice every time.


    Most other mods (if any) don't have as much custom C# code that effects the UI like it does in Starvation. The UI is not just XML driven, so custom UI edits may break starvation badly. The exo suit heads-up display for example probably would not work without serious UI hacking, if at all.


    So basically, its a workload issue to support more than 1 UI build. Once the new UI is built and running, we can take a look at what might be done but we are not investing any more time in the current UI.


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    I believe the sanity skill only goes up when you actually gain sanity from meditating. If your bar is full, no skill gain. At least that's how it has worked in the past.


    I completely agree about the need to know what is required to craft items. A hammer icon next to everything doesn't help because we don't know which crafting machine each item is made from. Any way to get custom icons for each workstation on the recipe? (forge, big forge, workbench, etc) I have this problem with the beaker. I still can't figure out how to make one, but the recipe is there.


    Yup, this is on the issues list, will be fixed in the next major release


    I like this idea, or maybe make the treatment for spider/snake bites easier to craft early on, but require you to apply it every 4 hours or so until cured, kinda like antibiotics in the real world.


    We also discussed this and will do something to help mitigate bite early on.


    My vote is for some sort of bag functionality, where you have our current default inventory space when you start, but you can craft bags and backpacks to equip that either increases your inventory size, or maybe right click the backpack to open it's inventory to be used like a chest. If the latter, you'd need some sort of deterrent to keep people from using more than one, like reducing your movement speed to really low or zero if the bag is unequipped to your inventory. Something like that.


    We have discussed having the player start off with more slots that are locked until unlocked by perks, quests etc. That can be done in code, and might make it into the next UI at some point after release.

  18. I was told I should come on here and voice some of the issues that are making starvation not as fun for me as it was in a15. And to the point that I am not wanting to play it like I did then. There are so many things I do love about this mod and I hadn't came and voiced these others things as I didn't want to seem negative to people that are working so hard on a mod.


    So lets get down to business.


    1. The flys - too often, too loud, too long of a buff. Was very cool the first time and then after that super annoying. As a streamer that sound isn't something I want my viewers having to deal with much either. I think the bees being added was enough buzzing. If they are kept maybe drop the sound some, make it way more rare, and reduce the length, and add some bug spray to keep it from happening at all. Something craftable or lootable in the first week of play.


    I provided Morte with new fly particles with sound turned down, 50%, 25% and to 10%. Morte will pick one to his liking. I hope you like the choice as well. We will probably also reduce the probability of flies living in trash too.

    2. Stealth/Sneaking. Seeming nearly impossible to keep from being found by the zombies in the day time. Plus zeds are seeing me from way too far away. Feels this needs drop just a tad. I have not been out at night to see how that is working.


    Starvation has much more aware zeds than the dumb and deaf ones in vanilla. Line of sight is critical now. You cant stealth in the light and expect not to be seem. Sound is also more important now, they can hear you looting if not stealthed. Stealth does work, its just not a get out of jail free card like it is in vanilla. You have to use the shadows and things that block line of sight now. Ever play Thief? Think that way.


    3. Nearly run speed zombies. With all the other stuff in game that can kill you adding that too is just over kill, especially since it seems you can't seem to avoid the zeds as stated above.

    We might dial it down a notch, but I hear a lot of folks like it so finding a balance will be hard.


    4. Hills and this might be just the map I got with the seed Starvation but really having a hard time finding a decent flat spot to build. I like to build outside of a town and not right in it. But again this just might have been my seed.


    5. Lastly. Pack space. Way too much added in this mod to be able to enjoy looting/game-play with the size pack that it has. I know there has been talk of maybe a 10ish more slots. That would help but in all honesty the best thing I think could happen would be choices in the launcher for a small (current size), medium and large packs. Choices like that are a good thing and tend to make way more people happy.


    I'm pushing for a 45 slot bag when the new UI is released. You got my vote on this one!


    Lastly I would like to say thank you to all the modders working on this mod. I know you guys put in a lot of your time and love into this.


    Thanks for the feedback!

  19. The mod is 700 megs compressed. It takes a very long time to download. It might be best if you do a direct download and install it that way if you cannot get the launcher to maintain a connection long enough to finish the download then start the game up.

  20. If the main post would have said the step one about installing the vanilla server game and

    then paste starvation server files over, that would clear a lot of things.

    Those steps should be in the main post IMO.


    I thought your feedback was good. Many folks need more help getting started with setting up a 7D2D server. I drafted up a beginners install guide to help those folks get started. It uses Starvation as an example, but you can follow it to setup any mod onto the 7D2D dedi install. You will find that now listed on our Tutorial website:





    I hope this helps. Thanks for your feedback.

  21. Love the mod guys like most have been waiting for it since a16 was released.


    Few issues so far, even with machete blade crafting unlocked the repair and creation of the machete is locked behind a quest. And if I remember correctly it's the bladed weapons kills quest but that quest doesn't exist unless it's in paper form or I'm missing something.


    You get the recipe when you complete the 4th step of the bladed weapons training quest.

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