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Posts posted by xyth

  1. Hey Xyth! Is there a way to increase the probability of the Junk Items? I added a recipe to craft Scrap Polymers using Acid, Oil, Glue, Cotton and Scrap Rubber. Only problem is I can NOT find scrap rubber anywhere. I think since I installed the mod a week ago, I have found like one rubber item. :( Even with loot cranked up to 500%, and the Dev Loot Glasses.


    You can edit the loot.xml file. Easiest way would be to increase the number of times the rubber lootgroup is listed in the JunkItems lootgroup. So this would triple the chance of rubber items over other types:


    <lootgroup name="itemJunk">

    <item group="paperJunk" />

    <item group="steelJunk" />

    <item group="rubberJunk" />

    <item group="rubberJunk" />

    <item group="rubberJunk" />

    <item group="mechanicalJunk" />

    <item group="electricJunk" />

    <item group="clothJunk" />

    <item group="plasticJunk" />

    <item group="woodJunk" />

    <item group="stoneJunk" />

    <item group="brassJunk" />

    <item group="ironJunk" />

    <item group="electronicJunk" />

    <item group="glassJunk" />

    <item group="leadJunk" />



    Alternatively, you could just add the scraprubber item directly into the vanilla <item group="itemJunk" /> group list with it dropping multiple counts

  2. Glad the video helped. I learned the little I know about Unity just playing around and making lots of mistakes but it gets easier.


    I assume your using the tutorial project that had the flag example in it?


    Try moving the T__Mesh_B tag to the Polest object. In general, that tag should be on an object that has a collider component. I guess when I did that example I never tested picking it up. I will fix that.


    If its not that, then you might not have your xml correct. Do you have a these lines in your xml? <property name="MultiBlockDim" value="1,5,1"/> and <property name="CanPickup" value="true" /> ?


    I uploaded a version 2 of the tutorial template with the fix. It has the new export script as well.

  3. I don't use SDX any more I have lots of problems with it I was using an elevator for my hotel in A16.4 I added a phone booth to the SDX and the program swapped the elevator and changed it to a phone booth it's hard to ride a phone booth in an elevator shaft lol


    I know you have done a lot of work on the flags in unity I wonder if you can help me please to make 4 small items for my Castle The link below has my textures in order


    1. Black Knight Reliable Bridge Security Poster "need this on a Block"

    2. Black Knight Hanging Pub Sign "need this on a Block"

    3. Black Knight Castle Coat of Arms "need this on a Block" so I can place it on my castle wall"

    4. Black Knight Coat of Arms "need this on a Flag".




    Do you think you can help with this


    Best regards




    You don't need SDX to make the 4 things you want, and I made some video tutorials that will teach you how to easily do this. You can find those links in the tutorial section. Start here: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?72130-Creating-and-Exporting-Models-from-Unity-for-use-in-7D2D

  4. Just a FYI on the "Xythomatic" Xray device, it will appear to render very darkly in some biomes due to TFP adding a "fog" overlay onto the cameras to obscure distant terrain popping in. The device works very well is you use Dust2Death's HDHQ mod which removes much of that nasty effect. I won't make his mod a requirement for using the Xythomatic moddlet, but please be aware of its limited usefulness in some biomes like the burnt lands without his fixes.

  5. Is salvaged bats missing a progression entry? Cannot craft lathe or mods.


    Yup, my bad. Will fix shortly.


    Fixed. I removed the check against the progression xml. If you have the schematic, you can make anything in this mod.


    Regarding repairing bats, I don't see how anyone could repair a aluminum bat so you need to find new one. Wood bats are not as good but you can always make a new one once you have a lathe.

  6. What's a fair guess as to when starvation might come out for a17? One month? 5 months?


    We have not heard from our coder Morte for several months so at this point I'm guessing there will not be a Starvation A17.

  7. (DMT is for mods that use scripts or patch scripts, compiled by the DMT tool)

    (Modlet is a mod crafted with XPath edits and merged directly by the game)

    (API is for mods that use an API, like server managers)

    (Pack is for curated collections of XPath modlets that work well together)

    (Overhaul is a game change done by manually overwriting xml game files)

  8. In Unity, a block and an item is the same except for two things. First, you do not need to add a collider or a tag on an object that will be used as an item in game. The second difference is the positioning of the object. Blocks need to be at 000 (xyz coords) but items need to be aligned with a position dictated by the handhold position in xml. The best way to align an item is to extract an item's mesh from the games resource file, one that uses the handhold that you plan to use with the new item, and use that mesh as an alignment tool.

  9. Updated to Version 1.3


    Changes include:


    Added localization by Wolfbain5

    Added Salvaged lathe workstation created by Chaos - crafted only. Make wood bats here. Will animate the lathe when time allows. Alum bats in loot only

    Added required schematics for most bat mods and added to loot tables.

    Added recipes for all the things - still need to add some additional items like tennis balls and gears to the game then will redo recipes

    Adjusted some weapon mod properties on a pre-balance pass

  10. Version 1.2 uploaded. Adds 1k textures to most things, and fixes several mesh issues. These changes were generously made by Dust2Death. He provided 4k textures so a 2k version may be available at some point but the file size is larger than github will allow.

  11. Thank you in advance if you can help me!

    Watch some of your videos and I have a hitbox problem!

    I recorded a short video showing!





    I'm not very good in English, but I have good will to learn!


    What multidim setting do you have in xml? if thats incorrect you will get that effect. Also, consider using the tag manager provided in my tutorial project as having the T_Mesh_B tag in the wrong tag spot in Unity can also cause that issue.

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