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Posts posted by JCrook1028

  1. Just now, Matt115 said:

    Well stuff conected with sex is banned in some countries too in games. If i good remember gta and sabouter had this problem

    What's "connected with sex" in this game that could be banned anywhere? Is there anything? If so this would be the first time I've heard of it.

  2. 2 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    strip club and strip are good and people will love it but zombie teens too controversial.

    The difference is that child zombies will get the game banned in certain countries. So no miners, period. Not inconsistent at all, simply don't want the game banned from parts of the world.

  3. 9 hours ago, Life_For_Dead said:

    Are you serious for your game ? Take a look of this video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ln3jrW-uYc



    It's in french but that explain nearly the way to do to don't have zombie during BM because zombies don't spawn on player block (here tested with/without claim/bed)


    & so I think if we place "one million" blocks all around us to +500m, we will not have zombie during BM ? ? ?


    If it's right, that will be very stupid...

    That's an easier way to avoid the BM. Turn it off.

  4. 4 hours ago, Ashlockheart said:

    Well the main important reason why I will keep trying to put the game in a category is because of balance, and it is too easy to throw the game off of what made the game fun, and pulling people into it. One update could put the game into full Minecraft mode, and it would take a few years of updates to pull it back down to survival. Another update could put the game into full RPG Skyrim, and it would take a few years to pull the game back into Shooter/Survival, and vice versa. Every game has at least a main core to it even if the game does more than one category so its easyer to keep the game developed on the correct direction, and its less likely to rear off road, and throw the game in a very bad state that would take a long time to pull out of. Mixing things up is great but one of the category's is the correct one that made the game popular, and held peoples interest. So I will always keep asking what the main category is because I am sure the devs did pick one. It would be weird for devs to make a game that they don't know what type they dreamed of making.

    I'd say TFP have done a magnificent job of pulling people in and keeping them interested. How many other games do people play for thousands of hours? Pigeon holing 7dtd would destroy it. Leave it a beautiful jumbled up mix of genres and never even think of trying to define it would be my advice.

  5. 4 hours ago, ZenTex said:

    I started playing again, last time I played was... 18.4?


    I too am having major issues.

    Not knowing about the insane food issue, I plopped down a quick shelter as my base of operations. The nearest small town wasn't very far, but still a good run.

    It didn't take long before I got hungry, just from running to town and back.


    Now I'm based just outside of town, but things haven't improved much. Pretty much all I do is raid kitchens all day (canned food is very scarce it seems) and go hunting just to not starve and even then I had to spend all I had on food at the trader.. Rabbits are a bit of a hit and miss exercise as they're so damn fast and don't sit still long enough to draw my primitive bow and actually hit before they run off again, so I'd say they're energy neutral.


    Not knowing anything about the current version, I didn't know about the food issues, and did put a point in regeneration (it really consumes food for health?). Did put a point in master chef and the animal tracking ability, that's the only thing keeping me from starving. Farming is not an option yet with no seed recipes and no seed found as of yet.


    While I always though this game was a bit too easy, it seems horribly hard now due to the lack of farming at my level, absence of big game and lack of knowledge of the current version's food issues. and that's with over a 1000 hours in previous versions. I'm on day 6, have @%$# gear due to raiding kitchens only, and spending my dukes on food  blood moon is coming soon and I'm underfed and woefully unprepared for even the tiniest horde.

    Sounds like it's working as intended then. Brace yourself, they've already said food is getting harder in A20.

  6. 2 minutes ago, dcsobral said:

    Well, you couldn't do that either in alpha 18 or previous alphas either. Rebar was heavier and had more structural integrity than concrete and to get around that you get to go through hoops much more complex than what seems to be coming on alpha 20.



    Aye, I know. But A19 it was sweet to have strong and efficient rebar frames to work with. My 2cents? I'll miss rebar. ymmv.

  7. 2 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

    If you are really that concerned, then lay out that entire build out with particle board and then replace each block one by one with a full version of a higher upgrade type once you're finished

    The problem comes with the lower SI of the wood frames as compared to the old rebar frames. Metal has more SI. This new system seems to be leading to not being able to lay out high SI use structures with frames at all and requiring the use of final solid blocks.

  8. 22 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    I wasn't talking about that... maybe read again the post I replied to.

    Your post was responding to having to break up blocks if you made a mistake as compared to picking up rebar saying that Madmole wouldn't like that so it must not be like that. It IS exactly that. There are no rebar. To build concrete you lay a concrete block and if you place it wrong you have to break it up. Either upgrade to concrete from wood frames if you want to pick them up or lay concrete blocks and break them upon a mistake positioning them. Your choice but those are your two choices.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Kosmic Kerman said:

    Going to repeat an earlier question that I don't believe was answered. Are rebar frames gone in A20?

    Building with concrete now eliminates the need for them. Since concrete no longer upgrades to reinforced concrete. Why would you want to make concrete AND rebar frames when only the concrete is needed?

  10. 19 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    and another guy  will say " use game launcher because some mods can't not work without it" so i hear 2 diffrent opinions now. I know update can destroy game if mod is added - even to l4d2 well this is normal.  Just i'm saying workshop will be the best option  to avoid problem with mods - you will have everything  in one place no mod launcher needed just click to sub that's all

    TFP has said that Steam workshop WILL be added. After Gold. So.........rather useless topic now.

  11. 18 hours ago, Lord Gem said:

    ok well I notice Roland had posted something here in my notifications so I thought I would look again....and you all know what I find funny.....JCrook1028 is so busy telling me what I am or am not that he keeps replying to a post I said I was leaving....so I wonder what does he has to prove.....me I don't care what he thinks of me....if he is on his mid 50's he seems pretty childish still play king of the hill but....have fun all be well and stay safe

    Hmm, need me to show you another fact you're ignoring? I responded again to another direct post of yours.... not to the original one so............... yea. make up some more stuff to distract.

    21 hours ago, Roland said:


    Yep. The better question would have been to ask JCrook how many times he got out of bed to pee last night. He's no spring chicken...

    Hehehehehe True stuff! Answer is once!

  12. 2 hours ago, User2010w said:

    There was a problem! From time to time, when trying to get on a bike, minibike, motorcycle, character sit down in order to ride! But! It becomes impossible to ride this transport, the character begins to swing to the right and left, while he does not go anywhere but stands still! The rocking of the vehicle is very strong! Getting off and sitting on a new one does not help! What to do?

    ver 2.4.28

    You're too heavy for the vehicle. You need to find and add vehicle storage mods.

  13. 15 hours ago, meganoth said:


    On how many wrong sides of your bed did you get up this morning?

    Lol it just drives me crazy when people think they know something about me personally when they have no clue. Using my age as some kind of basis in his argument? Pure ignorance and yep I'll call it out as BS every single time.

  14. 4 hours ago, Rabbitslovecactus said:

    @faatal First person view sounds great for vehicles. But I've got to say, the physics and controls of driving the vehicles is a priority IMO. Right now they feel robotic and stiff, especially the Gyro. Would be nice for the gyro to operate like a helicopter, or similar to the gyro of the Road Warrior movie. Lift off right from where you are, no need to drive forward to lift off. Either way, keep up the great work!! Best game ever!

    The gyro flies like what it is, a gyro. It is not a helicopter and should not fly like one.

  15. 17 hours ago, Lord Gem said:

    But the facts exist because of the ease of obtaining and modifying the AK- 47 it is still the most common assault rifle available to the common citizen, apparently when different groups defend themselves they cite the need to use fully automatic rifles for hunting.

    Em Canadian military and you think the AK's found in the US are "assault" weapons? Nope, no full auto, just plain old semi auto rifles. As for the hunting with full auto? Again either showing your own ignorance or pushing an agenda. I assume you're referring to the AR15 - not full auto either. Stop with the uninformed BS please. Especially when throwing in that you're ex-mil. Someone gullible may actually think you're speaking truth.

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