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Posts posted by JCrook1028

  1. Personally I'd stick with Win 10. We all know how these Windows release are, 11 is gonna suck, bad. Unless you're really desperate I'd absolutely not breaking your pattern, Build the system yourself even if it means using your old gpu for another year. The value is pre builts, even with selecting the parts, simply is not there. I recently built my system (Ryzen7 3700x on an Asus x570 mb with 16 gig ddr4 3200 and a Seasonic 650 watt 80+ gold) and went to 15 select parts sites and every single one of them was a ripoff both in price and in lack of name brand parts options. I waited 6 months in EVGA queue for a 3070 til I couldn't stand it anymore then caved and paid too much for a 3060 ($629, same as I'm in queue for a 3070 for). I figure the shortage is gonna be another 6 months at least. I'm still in the queue so will probably buy the 3070 when my number finally hits and sell the 3060 for whatever I can get for it at the time. Up to you ofc but just my 2c. Go AMD and build it yourself. Don't ever buy cutting edge tech and especially never early adopt any new Windows release.

  2. 14 hours ago, Maharin said:

    Short of creating a real world construction simulator I don't see how base building and a weight system could possibly coexist.

    Ever played the Undead Legacy mod? That's how it would coexist.

  3. But it would only be "healing you with no effect because you put the wrong bandage in" if you ASK it to. So don't ask for a heal when you're not hurt. Yea in the stream he only put in regular bandages and it went ahead and used them when he told it to. Still useful if you're actively bleeding. How do you know how or if it chooses higher level meds when more than 1 is in it's inventory? You assume it doesn't but that was not shown so you're inventing a problem to complain about that you don't know actually exists? It may already know to use a higher level if one is available.

  4. Just a point I think people are missing. Those icons hovering over the small stones and wood... are ONLY there for the opening quest. They are meant to help the new guy who may not know those little bushes give wood and show that a small pebble is as much counted as a stone as the boulders are. They will not be there for the entire game. That would be idiotic. As for the drones jokes and conversation? Yea that's gonna get real annoying real fast. I like the drone itself tho.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    Well this will be small offtop - in my country a man is trying to get  her driving license. He had 192 trials and still he failed. I know i will never learn create mods, like i will never learn how to drawn ( i have damaged eye ). 

    If someone wanted a story or lore , quotes etc  to his mod i could help no problem you wrote do you want and i will do my best. 

    i have dissorthopgraphy - so i mistake letters, symbols sometimes. I know it sound like small thing.

    But aliens colonial marines had a terrible AI because someone misstake i letter. 

    Making mods is  mostly advancing writing, right?

    If you are writing book and you write "ouar" not "our" it will be small problem- but if you making programming stuff it will make mess


    Actually no. In talking about adding new models it's as "simple" as knowing a friend that can do graphics and having them make the models for you. Or buying pre-made models. Once you have the models themselves adding them into the game is child's play modding wise and a few basic questions in the Mod section of the forum will surely find someone willing to walk you thru it.

  6. On 10/5/2021 at 1:27 PM, Matt115 said:

    Well i mean i want "realistic " zombie types mods-you know riot zombie, yoga girl, soldier in gasmask. mailman, guy in white shirt and tie etc. you know "realistc" type of zombie (  let's say in walkind dead of l4d2 style of design) - not 10 feet metal gigant with 2 mingun, santa clause or inivisible zombie. Children zombie could be quiet good type because are smaller and harded to hit, drowned zombie could  explode and be under water as trap or passive zombie doing noting just lying or zombie like witch from l4d2.  Well most mods add zombie looking like "it's  like asian game f2p fps with tons of skins"

    So how does that change what I wrote? If someone wanted what you want they would mod it. Obviously no one else has. Must be because no one wants it enough to do it. Just like you don't want it enough to learn how to do it. It CAN be done tho, that's the whole point you seem to miss no matter how many people have already told you that.

  7. 22 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    If can be added why we don't have something like "immersive creatures" from skyrim or "extended common infected to l4d2?

    Because no one has wanted it enough to do it. Btw, there have been mods with children zombies. I think it was the winter mod? I could be remembering wrong on which it was. That was interesting because the entire world was buried down below snow, you had to dig down into POI's.

  8. 33 minutes ago, Matt115 said:


    For example you some can create mod changing stats - it will be probably without new models? Yes "just change value" not adding new models. Well ofc people import models from diffrent games but quality of this models are random

    Well ofc. But new models CAN be added. If the modder is either good at 3d modeling then they can add high quality HD models. If they are not they can buy stock assets, of varying degrees of quality. So everything you say about models goes right out the window. New models at high quality can be added. Fact. New story can be added like in Darkness Falls. Fact. Entire new mechanic systems like weight and learn by doing in Undead Legacy can be added. Fact. New locations and maps can be added. Fact. What cannot be added?

  9. 7 hours ago, hotpoon said:


    The stripper zombies are still in the game. They're just not topless anymore. They're now in tiny tight dresses and stiletto heals.  I actually quite like them. I think they've been modeled, textured, and animated really well. Also really comical to see them hobbling around in the heals. 

    Yes, the Party Girl zombie. That's how the Devs referred to her now so she fits in more locations. Not sure if they have changed the file name for the model name for A20 or not but that's what she is, not the Stripper. But yes, they are indeed much better.

  10. Just now, Matt115 said:

    But it was added. So if any guy from governament wanted to take care about it they could right?

    Point is tho that none have. Children being killed is an auto ban under currently existing laws from some countries. You still have yet to name a "sexual" thing in the game that would auto get it banned under current law anywhere in the world. I'll wait.

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