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Posts posted by JCrook1028

  1. 21 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    we can assume that people who have a game don't buy it twice.

    Yes you can assume, but again you'd be wrong. I've bought it 3 times, one for me, one for my daughter and one for her friend so they can play together. Stop assuming and making things up.

  2. 23 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    ok quick question : how long game is selling usually? you can find statistic about that . the best sell is in first month in the most situation or after big sale . well i'm sure that 5-15 guys buying after sales on steam for example company of heroes 1.  BUT it will not be like coh 3 - i'm sure that at least 1000 bought this game in preorder

    You can't back up your claims with any data so instead you think I should have to show data to prove you wrong? That's not how it works buddy. Nice try inventing even more fake stats in your latest post tho. Some people never learn.

  3. 23 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

    Nowadays guns are more frequent than friggin' antibiotics and funnily enough, than ammo

    What do you think would happen IRL if you closed up all the ammo manufacturing plants for a few years? Still think there would be more ammo than guns? In game makes perfect sense in that regard. Tell me how many people are gonna be able to reproduce primers for casings?

  4. 21 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    this was realeased in 2013 so people had... 8 years to buy?  ofc  a lot of people have on pirate version too but they are playing without buying so i don't count them. always 7dtd can get "fresh air" like the last stand to l4d2 like : 200 new pois ,50 variants of zombie etc - something so big that people in yt , news pages will talk about it

    Ah I see, You invented them. Thx for letting us know you have nothing to back up your assertions.

  5. On 6/4/2021 at 2:58 PM, TWORDY said:

    The fun part happens when You don't dig up to a treasure after a few swings, then treasure relocates itself magically if the process takes too long.

    That does not happen. Possibly a bug but have never seen it reported.

  6. 37 minutes ago, Roland said:

    Proof that the game is still complex and challenging despite what you often hear from players on this forum with 1000's of hours under their belt who want it to continually evolve into even more complexity and a tougher challenge.

    Nah, that's just proof that some people never learn anything even after playing a game for years and years.

  7. 2 minutes ago, saoron666 said:

    you telling me i can REVIVE A TEAMMATE ?!

    I dont think so, when she dies its like gone, the body dissapears..


    Are you sure you can revive a teammate in coop ? when i see my friend die he just disappears so quickly ..

    and then what happens? He revives all by himself, at his bedroll. What you're asking for already happens.

  8. 17 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    well honestly i'm not so sure about npc. more likly they gone work in mix of traders - friendly guys sit in warm safe place and bandits  are  animal and zombie

    Wrong. Bandits will be exactly that - Human Bandits. Not friendly traders and not zombies. They will not be in A20 but A20 does a lot of stuff needed for them to be in later.

  9. 1 hour ago, jorbascrumps said:

    We already know their next game will be in Unreal - I doubt they will reuse what they've built for 7 Days for future games. There are many limitations that have hampered their true vision too many times.

    Ahh but which of their new games will be which engine is the real question. They're working on 3 after all.

  10. 5 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    when TFP want to put 18 models of bandits

    That number makes a lot more sense if you realize the bandits are split into 3 separate groups. White River/ The Duke and .......... hmm, the bad guys group. forget the name. SO it's only 6 types per group.

  11. 12 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    or even just reacting to posts (excluding faatal).

    To be frank, why would you want any more than Faatal answering? Sure better him that Joel that typically actually knows very little about the behind the scenes stuff. I want to hear from the man doing the work.... Faatal, Kinyaju etc. Gazz posts good info when it is a  question in his area too.


    Just because the Devs aren't as active in here I take as a good sign. They're doing more important things. 90% of the questions asked in here either are repeats or asking for info about stuff that isn't coded yet so can't be answered accurately anyway.

    29 minutes ago, ShellHead said:

    While i agree that TFP has no obligation to balance around niche playstyles, i’m not sure that’s a completely fair characterization of an on-perk INT build.

    Each other attribute can go exclusively with its own gear and go off-perk to cover weaknesses, the question is are the weaknesses INT can cover with off-perk weapons substantially larger and more numerous than what other attributes have to deal with, taking into account the fact INT is not a combat attribute?

    PER can go exclusively rifle+spear and center their playstyle around maximizing their strengths and mitigating their weaknesses and do well in pretty much any sphere of play, As can AGI with a knife+9mm/.44 build. Can INT go baton+turrets and do the same while not being a torturous experience, harder than other attributes in terms of combat is fine because they have huge advantages in progression, but still viable (which is to say not massively wasteful of resources) and fun to play for it’s own sake not just because it’s the hardest way to play? 

    I used your post just as an example to all the similar idea about how bad Int is as a tree. Here's a link to a playlist from a friend of mine of an Int only build and combat isn't even close to being an issue. matter of fact it shows Int being damn near Op in combat.



  12. 8 hours ago, hotpoon said:

    Default would be set to on, but having an option to turn them off would be great.

    I think it's funny how often this gets brought up. I mine at night, almost every night in fact. I have yet to have a single zombie ever dig down to me or even try to dig down to me. I mine the same way I always have. at bedrock. I dig a shaft down from in my base then run off in cardinal directions. Problem solved. All you have to do is the same thing we've done for multiple Alpha's.

  13. 19 hours ago, Subquake said:

    Minibikes have a chance to give minibike wheels when wrenched. Only motorcycles will give motorcycle wheels, not cars, not trucks, not bicycles, not minibikes, all have their own specific wheels they can give :)

    Aye, that's why I have the minibikes wheels I mentioned in my original post. I've just not seen a motorcycle anywhere in Navezgane so far to wrench. Nor have any of the traders had a motorcycle wheel.

  14. 3 hours ago, Blasphemous said:

    I know it's balance and all but my pet peeve is shambling, brainless zombies being able to burrow through reinforced concrete and steel plate with their bare @%$#ing hands in seconds or minutes. That thing should be almost indestructible. I'm all in for making it either super expensive or super time-consuming or both but when I finally get to the point when I can improve my base with that stuff, I expect it to easily last an entire horde night, even on the highest difficulty/highest block damage setting.

    As it is right now, end-game base building materials are just so inadequate and flimsy.

    So turn zombie block damage down. It's in the options for a reason. Use the tools given to you by the game.

  15. 7 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    If they choose to be PVE that's mean on coop/single balance will be good but PVP will be unbalance

    There is no IF. They have stated repeatedly and for a long time that the game is built around PVE and that maybe after it is finished they will give PVP some attention.

  16. 22 hours ago, Subquake said:

    Wrench broken motorcycles that have visually wheels on the model, check traders, loot pass n gas and stiff crates :)

    Ok, so in other words just keep doing what I'm doing. Tho I have yet to see a broken motorcycle anywhere. I did see a broken minibike but no motorcycle. Thx.

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