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Everything posted by gpcstargate

  1. Good Day Subquake .. Hope you are doing well And WE are still waiting on Alpha 17 I see. It might be awhile still coming **Joel Huenink** did little video on it the other day and still looks a bit BUGGIE by what I could tell. So let's not hold our breath to long for this update .. I think it will be a bit longer than we hoped. Anyway have a great week and Enjoy .. the Old Gamer …
  2. It's all part of Playing Modded Games .. So - Just Have Fun and Enjoy
  3. FROM MAIN FIRST PAGE: Ravenhearst 4.3 Has Released Welcome to Ravenhearst 4! A scary new world of mutations and freaks unleashed upon the world of the undead. This time around we have peppered our world with new changes and ideas. We hope to gain feedback on these ideas as we plan our future going forward into Alpha 17! Below are some of the horrific and mind bending changes you can expect in this new world. There are many more to be discovered but this should be enough information to set you out on your course of destruction! We are proud to announce our final version of Ravenhearst for A16 Patch 4.3. There are a lot of changes and additions so read up below and head to our Discord for install instructions, guides and much more. We thank everyone for their amazing support and look forward to what 17 has to bring to Ravenhearst. Patch 4.3.1 Notes Release 9/16/2018 Wipe Required
  4. If YOU READ THE Update Notes for 5.3.3 .. you will see survivors and Bandits REMOVED for Performance reason … (mainly due to they kept causing issues at the Trader.)
  5. @ KhaineGB Okay all is good on Lockpicks .. just finished double checking .. Both need to be in inventory, said the blind man. Iron is just a bit faster than basic. Have a good one, waiting on Florence to come for a visit .. hopefully won't stay long … the Old Gamer ..
  6. I tried it on a big gun safe .. still a NO on lockpick with a tag yellow pick .. I will try again and let you know. the Old Gamer ..
  7. @ KhaineGB Can confirm Lockpicks are not working at the moment for some reason .. Tried on all door types and used right and left click, stood on my chair, lol .. but no luck. Have a good one … the Old Gamer ..
  8. @ KhaineGB Sure Glad I waited on uploading game for this bug. (always give them a couple days for other players to Test them for me .. lol) I thought reinstalling this weekend just for Fun until A17 drops and then will uninstall all 7D2D Games at that time or after Mods Updated. Doing good for now .. just getting old, LOL … the Old Gamer ..
  9. @ Subquake Just waiting on A17 .. Like everyone else is. And then a Newer "Undead Legacy will be coming. Have Fun and Enjoy … the Old Gamer ..
  10. @ KhaineGB Good day Sir: Just wanted to say Hi and Hope all is well. I will sure be glad when A17 comes out, so we all can update our Games and I can start Playing Again. Always enjoyed your mod and can't wait to start again .. Have tried Ravenhearst 4.3 … But having a major issue with No traders or outpost. Gone thru 5 cities .. found only 1 overrun outpost. TO Be Honest .. even went Airborne. AND I Can See You did a lot of work on Ravenhearst .. I see a bunch of stuff you have done Just Started WW 5.3 .. not bad, but it is missing the things I like that you do and Jax's does. I guess I can't have everything, bummer .. lol Anyway, Just waiting on A17 .. Like everyone else. Have Fun and Enjoy … the Old Gamer ..
  11. @ JaxTeller718 Good day JaxTeller718 .. Maybe it's a case of just a bad map .. But on Traders: Been playing since (4.3 came out on 14 day Horde - SP) and I'm having a major issue in Finding "A Trader" (found one outpost - overrun - no trader) been thru 5 cities some large with the large POI's in them and a couple of the smaller cities .. No traders TO BE Honest .. I even went air borne .. still Could Not find any. Also while in airborne motion I found several POI's that you could see in the distance, but as soon as you got close - they would disappear and could not be seen again .. but at a distance: So far … A train on bridge … a mini warehouse yard type structure and a looked to be maybe an walled Army base. Just I would let you know about those … But the trader issue, not sure what that is all about .. just 1 trader outpost in all my searching and it being over run (that part No biggie) .. I'm good on that after playing "Darkness Falls" Have a good one and Enjoy … the Old Gamer ..
  12. @dwallorde I've been playing "5.3 - 14 day Horde" for a bit and I just notice when trying to wire up my shotgun turret .. that there is NO Wireless junction boxes anymore ……. Did you leave them out or not using them anymore?? It has been awhile since I last played, but I thought I remembered them in my last build. I do Know that there are couple of other modders that do use them and they are a Great add on to the game. Thank you for a great mod and I'm really Enjoying the New Play-thru and all the new stuff … the Old Gamer ..
  13. How much Ram are you running in your Computer .. Hopefully at least **16 min for any modded game**
  14. FIRST Off you need a **min of 16 Ram** to run a modded game smoothly .. get more ram for that computer.
  15. @@ Suicidasestao FIRST Question …. DID YOU DO A *** Complete Wipe ?? *** 4.1 requires a complete wipe. I want to thank everyone for their extreme patience and understanding while me and the team worked around the clock to bring you what we feel is the best version of Ravenhearst yet. Just wondering
  16. GOOD DAY Subquake You Know .. you are going to make Fun-Pimps jealous with all these changes that are improving the game. BUT .. Keep up all the Great work. Have Fun and Enjoy … the Old Gamer ..
  17. IT's a wording issue that did not get changed: Archery Class Archery Expert Questline Level 300 Iron Bow 250 Iron Arrows Exclusive access to create Stone Crossbow Bolts Exclusive access to the Arrow Crafting perk Exclusive assembly of the Repeating Crossbow Exclusive access to the Legolas perk End Quest Reward: Hazmat Gloves Q600
  18. Good day Subquake, AS KhaineGB SAYS … ** Quote .. You, sir, are a big tease. ** BUT When do WE get to see all this wonderful new items in new game … Any Thoughts about when the Update will be ready for release?? .. OR .. Will it be after A17 pops? Have a great week and Just Wondering … the Old Gamer .. PS: When it does .. could you add the Wireless junction box that KhaineGB uses .. as part of your mod .. I just Love that Box. Thank you
  19. @@ Phoenix the II and jasonsaffle13 OK, Sounds good .. SO Have Fun and Enjoy … the Old Gamer .. Watch the trades they can have a problem sometimes with Zeds and NPC with the ** NRE ** where the game can freeze.
  20. @@ Phoenix the II and jasonsaffle13 DO YOU Pre-Sync your mod every time before going into game to make sure it is up to Date .. one thought and the other you could have had a Bad load on mod (it does happen sometimes). THE OTHER Thing .. I can not tell from the picture (to small) WHICH Version are you trying to run?? …… THE CURRENT one is 5.2 the other is an Older version (Not supported) …. SO You Want .. ** War of the Walkers Bigger Back Pack 5.2 ** Just a couple of thoughts … the Old Gamer ..
  21. I always wondered WHY .. I couldn't charge up my batteries in this 7d2d game vs the others I play also. Thanks for info on edit if I need to, Wonderful mod .. sometimes a bit much on the junk .. but still enjoy it. Enjoy the weekend … the Old Gamer ..
  22. That would work better .. a bag or crate would pop into inventory with the quest items in it .. You know HOW "Games4kickz and Kage848" PLAY ALWAYS running around with Full inventory and Still Looting .. lol. But Good thought … the Old Gamer ..
  23. Good Day KhaineGB, Sorry about incomplete sentences, but I see you figured it out .. as I was typing I noticed that my keyboard was delete words as I went along. Had to reboot computer to get to work again. Anyway .. Enjoying the game and everything seems to working just fine except highlighting maybe "main words" lol Have fun … the Old Gamer .. - - - Updated - - - You Need a ** HUNTING ** Rifle .. it is different than regular rifle.
  24. Good Day KhaineGB, TWO things .. update first to .. Start New Game for 1.8 And is " The Man Eater " quest your add on .. if so _ if possible can make '' Kill some MALE Zombies ( PUT MALE in Red ) I wondering why at 21 dead zombies I wasn't getting the count .. when it was only asking for 10 .. until I read it again in a different light condition and saw " MALE "
  25. Good Day and Thank you KhaineGB, Lovin the INTRO sounds .. alittle loud but good. You didn't say start a New Game anywhere for sure .. BUT Thought it was a good idea with that big of an Update and Changes. SO Far very well balanced .. making a starter base at poor Trader Bob's _ "Now Z's Bob once a trader". And Trader Rekt is just down the Road. Both were with-in 400 meters of my starting point on my map and the seed looks like it might a good one so far. Map seed if anyone needs one .. ** DarkenPath69DF ** (without the **) .. all one word. If you use it let me know how it works for you, thank you. Keep up the great work and Hope all is going well _ Enjoy the weekend and Have Fun … the Old Gamer .. PS: Using Mod version from the Launcher .. Darkness Falls BBM
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