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Everything posted by Fanatical_Meat

  1. I don’t like those words when someone asks when do you expect x to be released. I still cannot imagine any modern business using “when it’s done” I still haven’t been show an example of a business using them except the john carmack quote from 10 years ago. I do not like those words. I would not let people I manage use those words to external customers. Why people keep questioning me about this is unknown to me.
  2. I’m not asking. I am saying “When it’s done” is a rude non answer. We don’t give dates is a perfectly fine answer & policy. Apologies I think I got links mixed up. that was 10 years ago.
  3. Quick points I am fine and have been fine with them saying we don’t give dates. I am not fine with semi trolling of when it’s ready. I am sure the fun pimps want to follow Duke Nukem 4 (sarcasm). Point being is the last person to used it went bankrupt.
  4. Plenty of other word choices to “When it’s done” as Hitler said it is rude/disrespectful.
  5. Where did you get I am demanding? I am not. I am perfectly fine with “we don’t give dates” or better “we are trying make it by end of the year and it may slip” I do not like “When it’s done” because no answer was given.
  6. Where is that? I do not see what you are saying listed. BTW I did a ninja edit about while you were posting.
  7. Where do I find this? I see no mention also it appears to be some crappy casino(?) game site *I think*. I highly doubt the Pimps want to have a business like presented.
  8. Show me another entity in this industry that uses the term instead for saying something to the effect: it will be ready in days/weeks/months/years Being general is fine, I find “When it’s done an incomplete and boarder line trolling answer. The statement offers zero value.
  9. Okay give me a scenario where a business should address customers in this form? Pimps don’t count.
  10. Nah that’s a great video. I have missed the Hitler videos and that Hitler can easily be me at work. Listen I’m glad your are the apex guy at work and can get away with stuff like that. Overwhelming majority of us cannot. Again when it’s done is not an answer and it certainly is a rude or boarder line trolling answer. We all learned when we were children not to speak like that and expect good results. I do not like the phrase “When it’s done” in the given context.
  11. Hitler videos are back? I will check this out later.
  12. Two points “Roughly this date is a date” classroom jokes don’t count unless you enjoy being the subject of a joke. Which you may have fun with that. See earlier post from dude whom I forgot. I have zero complaints about it taking time to complete.
  13. Okay try it with an investor or a sales prospect. however as I said everyone is free to their own opinion. I really hate those words for items I have already stated. Not my company to manage or run. Pimps May run it however they feel. I would never agree to an incomplete answer like has been spoken of as a communication.
  14. Where did you get a threat or the thought I’d hit them? That’s crazy. Try using when it’s ready with your boss or how about a subordinate uses “when it’s done” with you. It is a crappy incomplete answer. Everyone should speak what they mean and not hide behind trite sayings and such. A question was asked and answer should be given. Don’t avoid questions about stuff that is relevant and important.
  15. Again you’d never say that to someone face to face so why is it fine with anonymity? In my opinion it’s something people don’t have the guts to do in person so they do it when there are zero consequences. I have a thing for words and I find the “when it’s done” a completely unacceptable answer mostly due to reasons above. If you are good with it that’s fine. You are free to have your own choice.
  16. Don’t mistake me I’m not complaint about the slow pace. I’m saying “When it’s done” is a @%$# answer. As I said truth is always the best answer. There’s no demand. A question gets asked and an answer should be given. ”When it’s done” is not an answer it is designed to avoid the question.
  17. Point is imagine any other business using that line. How would it make you feel? Imagine depositing a check and when asked at what time will the funds be available they said “When it’s done”. Personally I’d be pretty @%$#ed off that is literally the worst answer to a question. Why the pimps spout this term when you know you’d never use it in nearly any other context or even face to face with another person is beyond me.
  18. Cool then the answer is “We don’t provide dates” then deal with it. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Anything else falls into passive-aggressive or trolling territory.
  19. Good then the answer will no longer be “When it’s done”, the answer will be “We are trying for the December steam sale”
  20. Funny and it’s still a passive-aggressive statement. Obviously there is some sort of time frame and that time frame may be something we disagree with as in it’s ready now but we’re going to wait for the steam holiday sale so we can gain more sales. Regardless there is some kind of time frame and giving a non answer is simply avoiding the question which is pretty weak thing to do. Truth is always the best answer.
  21. Donno, I play with dudes who join each other’s games all the time and never heard of this problem. While I do not claim to be an expert it sounds like a driver or settings problem to me.
  22. Yes, download the server client and steam works(?), port forward and all is fine. Game & server client run on the same machine fine. I had 32GB of memory, I suspect it would work fine for two players at 16GB. One important thing that I learned is in the server command box type “shut down” to shut down. Killing it in steam can corrupt the save.
  23. Sounds more like a game video setting than a bug. I run the server client on my machine with 4 to 6 players and that never happens to anyone connected.
  24. Just the cost and overall inflexibility of laptops sort of limits things, most obvious is the video card or adding memory in the future. Desktops simply don’t have the lower power and space restraints laptops do. If you need a small or portable machine a laptop is fine, if you’re just going to un-box the laptop and set it on a desk there simply is no reason not to have a desktop.
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