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Everything posted by Fanatical_Meat

  1. Hey try to get the Pimps to give us a small overview of what they’re working on besides 7D2D, it is time. Small overview is expect multiplayer or expect single player. Expect building or no building. Expect scifi, near future, current day or past setting. That type stuff would be great.
  2. No it is time, game engine is getting a bit old. Time to wrap up 7D2D before it’s a dinosaur. Then double down and give info as to what games are being worked on plus release a early access.
  3. But….but…. Reddit says A22 will arrive in December with the console update.
  4. What you’re not grateful when your food at a restaurant arrives 3 hours late? More seriously yes gamers can have unreasonable expectations and unusually strong reactions to small things. Mine is the statement “when it’s done” trigger moment for me hearing that. I totally understand why someone could be ground down by it. Also Mole have probably been screwing around with some version of the game for 10+ years and god knows how many thousands of hours all while knowing what’s going on behind the scene. Pretty amazing he stayed so engaged for so long.
  5. I wouldn’t mind either however if that comes with the string attached (which it surely will) an increased price tag plus god knows how many more years of developing and waiting 4 years for the next damn alpha. I am totally cool sticking with Unity. Pimps have been hiring people with Unreal experience, I am confident whatever comes next will be Unreal 5.0. I can wait. @madmole we all would love a reasonable peek at what ya’ll are working on. Something like a screen shot or two, simple overview of what you expect it to be with caveats that it may change is more than fine. I’ll help defend the Pimps if the Whambulance arrives years later.
  6. I like that idea on paper, I have simply learned that either the let’s call it a true trap method will either not yield an animal or barely yield anything and it likely will require more work that it should to have animals be properly trapped. Simple timer works fine but it is not particularly exciting and neither does standing near a trap waiting for it to spring.
  7. Just make the trap like the water collectors. Set trap then wait a day or so and boom there’s a rabbit.
  8. Agreed time to give some info about it. people on Reddit as of last month were speculating A22 December 2023. I assume they haven’t been around 7D2D that long.
  9. This thread is exactly why I want work on 7D2D to end soon then: a) Get solid info as to what the new games the pimps are working on b) Get an early access going
  10. Companies, particularly large companies want recurring revenue far more than one time revenue. Pricing as originally proposed allow them to become Qualcomm a company that holds multiple important patents that relate to networking and mobile devices. As of more than a decade ago they stopped doing anything meaningful and now live quite well off their recurring revenue. This is the goal.
  11. Is there a way to change the text size in the server config xml, the welcome message is what I want to make larger. I want to have “NO POLITICS TALK”
  12. I set one up last night. Pretty much same thing. mess with the xml config file RWG- Name wait about 10 minutes, world absolutely generates faster. there are a few changes to the confit file like chunk reset and some added text to clarify what the item is
  13. Any significant changes to the dedicated server client & server set up?
  14. Holy crap, look at those times. Excellent work and thank you for breaking it down so specifically. this is great news, I can generate a world while we all get into discord.
  15. @faatal what’s the expected time for a server to generate a random world in A21. Let’s say a 8k vs 12k world size give or take. I want to plan how long it will take my machine to generate a world for game night with friends. I have noticed the server client generates worlds slower than the game client. Best estimate is fine Thank You! Ryzen 3800x 64GB of ram, gen 3 NVME drive.
  16. Excellent and exactly what I’d do. Ultra high settings don’t do much for me. I can tell the differences in images, I cannot while gaming. I much prefer consistent decent frame rates vs extreme quality.
  17. I donno know, 30-40 FPS with ultra or most settings at high while streaming isn’t all that bad in my opinion.
  18. Gotta admit I miss the rebar frames, the super old school frames that required the cement to dry and required manually adding cement.
  19. Of course and obviously a newer game engine is more capable than an older game engine, that’s the whole point of newer ones otherwise there would be only one kind. Point being what was posted above, lessons learned from 7D2D can be applied to a new game with a new game engine.
  20. Sure do and it still cannot have a bunch of zombies on the screen at the same time.
  21. Well said. Even in its current state it is a finished $20 game in my opinion. I believe the average selling price as of a few years ago was $18.
  22. I used to think that way, I no longer agree. Time to finish up 7D2D and ideally do it before the game engine is a dinosaur. Next get working on new game or 2nd version of 7D2D with a more modern game engine that is capable of better things like more entities or better visuals or better AI or more players or all of them and even more. Edit: I know one or two games are in development, I simply mean use the saved manpower toward a new project instead of chasing and likely never attaining perfection with 7D2D.
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