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Everything posted by Fanatical_Meat

  1. I like the idea of a boat or a raft however the map seems sort of small to need one. Adding more water to make is worthwhile to have a raft would just make the game world “smaller” Cool idea but it simply doesn’t seem to be needed, plus god knows what would need to be done to making it so you float out a few blocks and totally avoid the whole purpose of the game, the horde.
  2. 1) Who cares why is this relevant 2) You bough an early access game that has always been marketed as an early access game, assuming this is a problem you should wait for the game to be complete 3) Why do weather calculation need to tie in with a dew/water collector, it is a game it doesn’t need excessive calculations. What it needs is fun & performance. There is a damn bin that collect or makes water there is nothing else to understand Give it a rest man wait until the next alpha and decide if the change ruined the game for you I feel bad however as of now it’s just whining. Nobody likes whiners. 1) Who cares why is this relevant 2) You bough an early access game that has always been marketed as an early access game, assuming this is a problem you should wait for the game to be complete 3) Why do weather calculation need to tie in with a dew/water collector, it is a game it doesn’t need excessive calculations. What it needs is fun & performance. There is a damn bin that collect or makes water there is nothing else to understand Give it a rest man wait until the next alpha and decide if the change ruined the game for you I feel bad however as of now it’s just whining. Nobody likes whiners. I f’ed up an duplicated the response sorry all **Look it is really easy to admit a mistake was made**
  3. Water is already trivial to farm then boil. Do you really have that much trouble with water as is? It’s right in the title of the game. 7 Days to *Die*
  4. Hopefully he fills them with his @madmole BDE
  5. Ah I missed that part. I sort of assumed A21 random world gen would be a completely different result from A20 random world gen. Dammit now I want a Moses Partition perk!
  6. What’s going on with the trees either moving or growing in that small period of time?
  7. Honestly I cannot think of a time in any Alpha where I intentionally drank murky water. I’ve done it unintentionally and it sort of sucks. Typically I have plenty of water almost immediately other than that first day or two that gives one moment of “hmm should I drink that water I found in the toilet?” Maybe part of it is they game hasn’t had a severe death penalty, particularly once you have some stuff in a chest & a bedroll somewhere safe. Dying and coming back with a good amount of health and a moderately full belly isn’t a bad option.
  8. No! Because without tens of thousands of empty glass jars and a similar amount of empty cans I just can’t play this game anymore all the fun has been removed from collecting empty jars & cans. #sarcasm God people are so dramatic about a dumb game they spent a few dollars on.
  9. Oh “Who Moved My Cheese” EPIC and appropriate response. You are an intelligent man.
  10. Aright, that’s pretty funny and it would suit the “Nerd Armor” very well. God I hope that armor change doesn’t happen.
  11. Besides moders and existing mods, why is everyone so bummed out over losing empty glass jars? I am serious guys why do you want or need all those trash items?
  12. I don’t know man, it would be fine if glass containers were super rare but then we’d all be complaining why we can’t drink from plastic bottles or as we have now why can’t we drink from buckets or stovetop pots and so on. Point is water need has been way too easy to fulfill may as well do something different to at minimum extend the time water is rare longer. Also as previously stated water works as gas does and always has worked. There is a certain amount of fuel and that’s it there are no containers. @faatal @schwanz9000 I sort of remember @madmole saying he wants to bring back the old school “Horde Mode” of have/build a base, few minutes to go out and loot them a nightly horde. Basically a game mode mirroring much earlier Alphas. Any update on that?
  13. Good enough, currently I find putting perks into farming or food kind of worthless even though I always do. They are great to have for a few days but ultimately you have more food stuff than you can store. From reading these forums I totally understand the challenge these things are when you want hardcore survival but half the audience doesn’t want to bother with cooking/farming. The question becomes is it worth a substantial amount of work to make systems for something half the audience wants and the other half is totally against it or just doesn’t care.
  14. Yeah it certainly isn’t a perfect fix because I know a high priority for me will be to have 3-5 water collectors per player. Ultimately we’ll be able to craft them. All survival games get to a point where food/water is meaningless so it is to be expected. Ive said before I really like how Valheim handles food/water. Your dude never dies from hung or thirst but does have few hit points & stamina. Different foods give different benefits like this gives more hit points, this gives more stamina, this gives a small mix of both. You cannot shovel tons of food into your mouth in Valheim, I think you could eat three different things and those meals last a good amount of time so you need to plan out what balance of hit points and stamina you need. Cool simple system that keeps different foods relevant.
  15. oops just noticed this and it is good news
  16. @Roland @schwanz9000 So far I like the water change as described. Will we still be able to craft Molotov’s without jars?
  17. Even with the water collector I do think at some point there will be ample water because we will simple set up dozens of water collectors. Pimps could always go the RUST route and have water collectors that can be drunk from but not carry water from unless you have let’s say an empty bleach bottle or similar rare(ish) loot that can hold let’s say 3 drinks worth of water and the water collector can hold max 5 units of water or something similar. As I said earlier I feel water/tea is pretty useless in the current design past the first few days. Once you have a pot you have unlimited water, once out have a forge you have unlimited jars.
  18. Guys, who cares if you can’t drink from a bucket or pot. The point of the change is to make water more challenging and assumably to reduce junk stock like hundreds of empty glass jars or hundreds of boiled water. Overall it sounds like a fun change imo.
  19. Semi serious question and admittedly it hasn’t happened to me recently. How do we suicide if you get stuck? I am assuming glass jars won’t be in everyone’s inventory all the time. Will there be a new broken glass item?
  20. Good water is waaaay too easy to collect, craft & store. To me the starting water crisis lasts until day 3 then you are literally swimming in water.
  21. Everyone calm the F down about the bandits. They are not going to be super masterful works of programming which no game developer has ever achieved. they likely will be smarter zombies that will possibly fire guns at you. They will simply be another possibly tougher enemy to defeat. Calm down or expect to be disappointed.
  22. Maybe in the next game…. Hopefully they don’t forget Arboria & Barin
  23. I envision it like this. Cheap 80s vibe to it with occasional brilliance.
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