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Everything posted by Beelzybub

  1. The game shut down, or your computer shut down?
  2. Words don't have intrinsic meaning, they have uses. We are in the process of adding to the meaning of the word bullet. This isn't the first or last time this tragedy will occur. Am I being a bully? That word used to mean lover. Am I being nice? That word used to mean ignorant. Relax, it's not worth a mod. Have an ice cream instead.
  3. Another thing you can do, If you can't complete the quest, is to exit the game. When the you re-enter the game, the quest will be reset to the beginning, and you get to try again.
  4. Your allocs server fixes seems broken. I'd remove that and see if things improve. You can update it later, but first try it without.
  5. Your log shows 0 zombies the whole time. Do you have a log from when you had the problem?
  6. I think if you pm @Rolandhe can sort you out.
  7. What happens when you press the Start button?
  8. I get over 100 FPS with a i5 3550 and a gtx 1060. More info is needed from you.
  9. https://buffer.com/resources/willpower-and-the-brain-why-its-so-hard-to-avoid-temptation/
  10. @part12studiosI think that machine defaults to 1440p. You could try lowering the resolution to 1920 x 1080 or 1600 x 900. Dunno how much you want to invest in an old machine, but a memory upgrade to 16 or 32 Gb will help, (only if you have the 27" model) as well as upgrading the hdd to an ssd. I haven't used a mac in a while but there was a good cleanup utility call ONYX (I think) that helped performance a bit. Post a log file and maybe someone can narrow down the problem.
  11. You can run the dedicated server and play a client at the same time, on the same machine. The dedi server runs all the time, independent of whether the client is running or not. @Jumper You probably have a port forwarding problem, or a firewall problem. Did you open the server ports in your router? Post your port settings and maybe someone here can figure out your problem. Also, you don't need another account or license to run the dedicated server, it is free.
  12. I showed graphics settings at the beginning of the video. I validated files before the new game. I deleted all games from the "continue game" menu before validation. There were no games to delete, this folder was empty. All that said, I went back and did it all again (deleted all games manually by deleting the save folder). Validated again, and still had the same problem. This is what fixed it though: I went back and used the "clean game" menu to reset my settings and that fixed the problem.
  13. Just want to mention that this happens both in Windows 10 - A20 (b34) - directx, as well as in Alpha 19.2 (b3) using Linux and openGL. YouTube Video: output_log__2020-10-14__14-56-05.txt
  14. Oops, sorry. I checked the bug reports but forgot to check the changelog.
  15. I mean the generated worlds. They are distinct from saved games. You can have many saved games created from a single generated world, or Navezgane. Generated worlds are in the generated worlds folder, usually found in the appdata/roaming/7daystodie folder. You need to delete generated worlds from previous builds.
  16. Yes, if it was from a previous build. You should delete your old worlds before playing b180. It was fixed a while ago, you're missing something in your setup. Post a log.
  17. @Twigg, I did a video, the link is in the original post.
  18. Sorry, but this might not be a bug. It didn't occur to me that there may not be a quest associated with that poi.
  19. I've only gotten this when logging on to a friends modded server. Logging off and back on fixes it.
  20. I think the op's problem is the same as this issue, which I can reproduce in Windows or Linux in the latest public exp. (currently b169)
  21. I re-tested on the AMD machine that had this issue and it is no longer happening as of b152.
  22. Tested again in b149 and I still get a black screen with reflections on. (only with the AMD card & Linux. Nvidia card & Linux doesn't do this.)
  23. This repros in Linux using b144. Summary: Distant POIs Flicker Platform: b144, Linux, Intel, Nvidia Game mode: Navezgane, SP Repro steps: Go to location in dbs, view house through scope. YT link: https://youtu.be/JyKjh7Bx2Yk output_log__2020-06-18__12-25-25.txt
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