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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. Just remove all references to Localization - Quests.txt that you can find.
  2. How big is the modlauncher.sqlite file? If you manually download it, is it smaller or bigger than the version in %TMP%?
  3. There's a log file called 7d2dlauncher.txt in the %TMP% folder. You may be able to manually grab it and add as an attachment here. Someone mentioned there was registry settings for the mod launcher. That's part of the installer project, so I'm not even sure what they are.
  4. Anti-virus software or any other security? The error means it couldn't load the database, so something if blocking or corrupting it. Do you have any log files available?
  5. Sorry, bad link on my part: https://github.com/7D2DModLauncher/Database/blob/master/ModLauncher.sqlite?raw=true
  6. When you said you saved it TMP, are you talking about the mod launcher itself, or did you try these steps: 1) Download directly: https://github.com/7D2DModLauncher/Database/blob/master/ModLauncher.sqlite?raw=true 2) Open up explorer to %TMP%, and save the file there. Re-open the mod launcher.
  7. I'm not much of an expert on this, but how are you applying the upgrade? via a hammer? Did you also update the hammer's Allowed_upgrade_items to include your new item?
  8. The start of your xpath is probably not as correct as it should be. should it be something like /progression/perks/ ? or just add //perks/perk...
  9. I think the reason the above fails is that triggered_effect does not exist off an item node. They are always inside an <effect_group> Either add a // or add in /effect_group <set xpath="/items/item[starts-with(@name, 'mod')]//triggered_effect[@operation='set']/@value">0</set> <set xpath="/items/item[starts-with(@name, 'mod')]/effect_group/triggered_effect[@operation='set']/@value">0</set>
  10. You can add new models for zombies and animals using just XML and Unity Bundles. You would need SDX/DMT if you wanted to add a custom entity with its own animations, etc
  11. It was not sarcastic I appreciate all attempts to help others.
  12. I do have links. The Mod Launcher keeps indexes, but I'm not sure if the download links are still available. The ones on github probably still exists, but it could be hit or miss. You can try this: Click on Open URL, and add in this: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SphereII/7D2DConfig/master/Valmar.xml Be sure to use the Download From Steam option, and pick the right alpha. I think those are A15.
  13. A Microsoft package was missed during your re-install attempt: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8328 - - - Updated - - - Thank you for your contribution and feedback.
  14. ahh you want to do this: <append xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='gunJunkTurret']"> <ingredient name="carBattery" count="1"/> </append>
  15. what does your XML look like? - - - Updated - - - I think it builds an atlas, so your custom icon would probably be something like <property name="CustomIcon" value="ammoArrowStonePaper" /> if you name you item as ammoArrowStonePaper, it should also work without custom icon.
  16. Yeah, it should work as expected, as opposed to as it should. I'll push a fix for it tomorrow. - - - Updated - - - What version of the game was in your steam folder? If it's 18.2, you could try deleting the steam copy, and re-install it, since it looks like its confused.
  17. Looks like you are trying to apply DMT changes against A16.4. I'm not sure if we've tested with that. - - - Updated - - - It's no worry. It's a known issue to me, and i'm still on the fence on whether to fix it or not. If I chose to fix it, then there's more processing to identify which folder goes with which mod; it's not challenging though. If I chose not too, then I kind of enforce a standard that your name should match your folder.
  18. Do you have EAC enabled? Are you using Alpha 17.4 on it as a base?
  19. That's a pretty old Alpha; I'm not sure if its been tested back that far. You may have better luck with the SDX Launcher.
  20. If you have Refresh Mods Automatically off, then it won't update any modlets you've downloaded from the mod launcher. If you manually copied mods, it won't update them regardless of the Refresh Mods Automatically.
  21. I am guessing there's something in the ModInfo.xml that it does not like. Could you upload the contents of that file somewhere?
  22. It should be able too. If you copied a mod in manually, the mod launcher doesn't really need to see it for the game to load it. There is a bug in the mod launcher that if the folder doesn't match then name="" attribute in the ModInfo.xml, the mod launcher won't display it correctly. However, the game will find it. What errors are you seeing? It seems like it may be unrelated.
  23. Seems like it had trouble downloading the database. Try this and see if it helps: 1) Download directly: https://github.com/7D2DModLauncher/Database/blob/master/ModLauncher.sqlite?raw=true 2) Open up explorer to %TMP%, and save the file there. Re-open the mod launcher.
  24. If you need 0-SphereIICore, then you will need to use the DMT tool to 'build' it against the dedicated server. The Mod Launcher does it for the client, but not for the dedicated servers. Take a look at this link to get started with DMT: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?117235-DMT-Modding-Tool
  25. Oh, I think that's out dated information. It requires a special patch to make the file needed.
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