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Everything posted by n2n1

  1. n2n1


    ....nooo, this shouldn't be.... (it shouldn't remove any tabs....) Perhaps these files should be on both the server and the client?.... Well, you can try a more complete set of files so that nothing can be confused... https://disk.yandex.ru/d/xgJfvQueo9a6yw Wait.... What version are you currently using? these are the files for CSH 19.4.01a ...
  2. n2n1


    I made changes to the chat window a long time ago, in a18. Then everything seemed to work... I'll see what might be wrong, but i don't have the opportunity to check - i don't use multiplayer due to the fact that i always have a different version of the mod (those who tested it for me - are now busy). UPD: I think i found an bug, here is the corrected file: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/h8ghavUZLQQv8g (i'm without the ability to verify - so it's not entirely accurate) Tell me if it works.
  3. n2n1


    I wouldn't call Your videos "poor".... but perhaps it's Your modesty. Personally, using voiceroid seems very good to me, because the communication of two characters on the screen looks appropriate. In addition, it allows to make a more natural joke. (but maybe you're right about the mass public .... i feel something similar) - requirements for heavy tools and weapons - apply to athletics skill (i've now noted this in the description). - regarding the numbers of the requirement - Thank You! I also corrected this discrepancy.
  4. n2n1


    The "commented" lines start with <-- and end with -->. They are displayed in green. This means that they are not processed and do not participate in the work. This is what comments/explanations in the code do - to clarify the code. Better use Notepad++ to edit such files - a regular notepad won't do. Here, replace this file, i don't remember exactly, but this should be enough: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/x9jNk8WSJV8MgA (this is a ready-made file that does not require correction) (music.xml - it turns out that it is unnecessary to touch it)
  5. n2n1


    MOD version UPDATE - CSH_v19.4.01a TEST version for A19.4 stable link in OP. Now available in modlauncher. completely incompatible with previous saves and worlds from CSH19.3x (but it is 99.99% compatible with the CSH19.4.01 - one building will hang in the air) - there was a generation adjustment for 14k worlds Big Thanks to ひろけーえぬえぬ from the Hiro Knn Game ch. channel for their help in correcting the language when translating into Japanese. (the translating is still ongoing) YouTubeで非常に興味深いゲームプレイとビデオコンテンツ-日本の選手のおかげで! Thanks to the Japanese players - very interesting gameplay and video-content on YouTube!
  6. n2n1


    Yes, it was done intentionally. In this mod, there is a slightly different "battle atmosphere" so this music was inappropriate. This is constantly confusing and does not allow you to listen to the surrounding environment, and it also showed that the player was noticed by the enemy. In the future, i will try to remove this completely or make it work in a different way. For example, the feature of "silent ninjas" that silently creep up on you has been removed, but added sounds to identify different hazards.... I'll tell you more - i certainly understand how battle music affects player.... and i specifically want that to not happen - here you do not need to fall into a "battle rage" or in a trance . The secret is that - we don't need external stimulation if what's happening is interesting enough. At the end of these files, you will see commented lines: music.xml dmscontent.xml uncomment this - you can return the battle music. In general, for now - it's just a matter of taste, but then i plan to redo it thoroughly so that it works differently. For vanilla, one thing is suitable, and here another... it's just vanilla habits
  7. n2n1


    @DominionZA Thanks! That's right, modern vanilla goes the way when it departs from the concept of the GAME, turning into an ordinary grind. Not all people accept this. So there is CSH!
  8. n2n1


    Unfortunately, this is really unpredictable. (right now i'm tuning up 14k worlds... nothing has changed in terms of the number of cities. Last time i got 5-6 major cities on 14k map, but there were also 3-4 cities.... when as... ) PS: try hur950p97 "Mavisi Mountains" - i got 6 cities with it, including not very large ones. (but i already changed the code a little - maybe everything will be different) PPS: i sent via PM new RWG file for 14k
  9. n2n1


    Yes, You will need to generate new worlds. The old ones don't fit at all.
  10. n2n1


    MOD version UPDATE - CSH_v19.4.01 TEST version for A19.4 stable link here: CSH v19.4.01 TEST (completely incompatible with previous saves and worlds). This is a big patch. Added content, all sorts of improvements, changes, a little redesigned GUI, including: - improved the work of the scalability sliders for large monitors - please note that the woodLogs now do not work as before. They can still be placed on the ground and on top of each other, but they do not cling sideways. They are knocked out by zombies very easily, and require an upgrade to become a solid structure. - the distribution of biomes has become more unpredictable - so it is recommended to check the worlds in the previewer. (later, after my tests, it will appear in the modlauncher)
  11. Ты заметил что какой то квазимодо обсирает посты которые не нравятся разработчикам? ;)

    1. Survager


      Да, я как-то с одним из таких даже срался в личке ))) Бесполезный тип оказался, не умеющий аргументировать и воспринимать чужие аргументы )

    2. n2n1


      причем, сам он не делает посты никогда.... человек на форуме, если он реагирует на посты всегда ,когда нибудь зачет написать что нибудь ;) а если не пишет - то значит у него есть еще акаунт, я думаю так ;)

      Как только идет неугодная адекватная критика - появляется этот  квазимодо. 

    3. Survager


      Я видел, что ты его отслеживаешь )

  12. I have not seen such things except for UABE. (it seems to have been a very long time ago, but, they only work with very very old Unity) This thread contains only 36 pages - scrolling through it, you may find a lot of interesting information, including the names of other utilities.
  13. I don't remember, but it probably supports it. I think they are not extracted for some other reason. (give me the file and i'll just check it out).
  14. n2n1


    Fightings in the firestation:
  15. n2n1


    Thank You! Now i fixed it.
  16. The replacement of the mesh was made by me earlier, but the result did not meet expectations - this is due to many problems that i described. But, please note - that the main topic now is that the UABE databases are outdated!
  17. n2n1


    I would like to translate the mod into Japanese... But i can't do it myself. If you want to help, please contact me. (The primary language of the mod - is Russian)
  18. this is better... i didn't like "glowing speederman" Now i like three new models. Stripper, dog, and burnt. Gaser/gazer ... or whatever his name is - it looks bad. The old "guy in the Hawaiian shirt" is nicer. Why do these screenshots appear on the forum after the "social networks"? The developers do not consider the forum to be the main platform anymore?
  19. I do not know of any other utility (from modern) that can edit assets. A many years ago there may have been more, but they are outdated and do not work with a version of Unity older than 5 or even 4...
  20. AssetStudio GUI. It is a good viewer, but it can't replace UABE.
  21. I confirm that i can't open this file via UABE either. Probably, the reason is outdated UABE databases. Because other utilities open it successfully (but they don't have the ability to edit it).
  22. n2n1


    A look at the past.... A16 in 2021 : (Mod CSH gameplay for A16 !!!) What do the A16's capabilities look like in 2021? The past versus the modern
  23. n2n1


    Thank! The ores are present underground - i haven't touched them since A16, but the showing of textures (new ores and soils) - doesn't work. Only standard ores are visible. In my opinion - mining is now bad both in mod and in vanilla. But, its very good in the A16 version of the mod. I am waiting for the developers to fix this problem - i can hardly do anything about it myself. I don't know much about network technology. But i suspect that for multiplayer - the usual way of creating a server, like vanilla. Mod do not have a separation of the mod versions into client and server.
  24. n2n1


    I am very happy that people like the primary/basic features of the mod. But, in addition, most of the work is on details and nuances that are not immediately visible. Therefore, interesting situations are possible even with a long game. I'm just holding back so i don't spoilerize . Yes, You can use the same world(map) again. The main requirement is - to have it generated in the mod. But the maps maybe also be incompatible if you change to a new version of the mod (i report this in changelogs).
  25. Thanks! Okay, i get it. I will use this entry (perhaps temporarily), at least just to show the link for those who want to download it manually.
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