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Posts posted by spud42

  1. cheers Riamus,

    i lowered the desert to 28 and set dithering to 3. adjusted the biome type heights a bit and lowered the erosion from 60 to 40 i think.

    i also changed the river to 2000 to hopefully get less steep banks but i m not sure it made enough difference. 


    1 issue and i think its a 7DTD issue not specific to Teragon , but there are a LOT of empty poi spots on the city tiles. especially in the smaller towns of 3 or 4 tiles there seems to be more empty spaces than filled... western towns seem to be the worst for this... and that empty POI that is always across from the trader. i think i am going to comment it out from the poi list and see what happens... lol


    a question, there is a value in the bridge building command for a limit of 250. do you know if thats is 250 blocks long as a bridge limit?


    P.S. if anybody wants to try a map i post a picture of just ask and i will upload a link. 

  2. flat map should not be hard.  make a canvas size 8192 x 8192 , for an 8K map, in gimp or photoshop and then floodfill it with a 30,30,30 grey. export as a 16 bit grey scale then use that as the height map and remove all height map commands.  to get all the bioms on the map you will need to create a biomws map and disable the generated ones.... 




    here is my first 0.41.0 map... still not all the traders just loel reckt and jen...

    now im torn... i am 10 or 11 days into a game on the 0.40.0 map now i want to play this one..lol 

    Thanks Pille for the work you are putting into this software.

  3. 9 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

    as someone who been doing real blacksmithing (poorly but still)
    i APROVE 

      Reveal hidden contents



    the Hardy hole is too far from the edge.  it doesnt seem like it goes all the way through.... 

  4. @Pille you have done an amazing job on this software. 

    so far 0.40.0 is easy and results are very good. any shortcomings are me not knowing yet what each variable does and how to change it and by how much.

    This can only be learned by experimenting.  

    Boy am i having fun experimenting! I had stopped playing the game because i was bored with it and the wait til A21. i now find myself playing each map i make for at least 7 ingame days before i get another idea and try another map.

    Thank you for all the work you have put into Teragon.


    BTW in the last map i made i was impressed by the flowing and natrual way the roads built to all those wilderness POI's. 

  5. preview.thumb.jpg.7972e82a69acc9d138153bc8f56bc0d3.jpg


    first test of 0.40.0

    Rivers and erosion on.

    forgot to change the diffusion range in biome map, i usually prefer 3 its at 6 default. didnt change biome heights. left at default for first try.

    min town size 6 max 60

    max town 10

    wilderness spawn limit 300

    altitude deviation 16

    max altitude 100

    region poi's

    alt deviation 16 , flatness 15

    ok its an 8K as opposed to the 10K maps i usually make but this only took 1 hr 56 mins and 27 seconds plus the time halted at preview. I think this is a very usable map. a little dissapointed that with 6 traders i got 2 rekt 2 joel and 2 Jen. no hugh or bob......

  6. im with zztong, a majority of intersection tiles is a bad idea. i know you said that its been improved since the city layout you posted the pics of , but there are a lot of poi's in the green tiles that have no roads at all. 

    cities especially commercial and business districts generally are straight line roads. in the current vanilla tiles i find it frustrating when the lanes on the roads dissapear or at a change of tile lead into oncomming traffic (  if there was any ) . more attention needs to be taken as to how tiles fit together vanilla as well as teragon.



    EDIT: its a quarter past 1 am here.... brain fading fast.......  trying to fix typos....


  7. 520727744_smallpreview.thumb.jpg.eaac1259e1b58147c98a9ba70808a923.jpg


    ok. this took nearly 5 hours and i would say over 4 hours was the bloody roads. This is really the bottleneck on this tool.


    anyway this is that quick and dirty height map i made a few weeks ago. Teragon 0.39.0  rivers on and erosion on . max cities 5 max size 60 min size 5, 250 wasteland POIs.

    i think i had to increase the terrain level from 8 to 16 to get these towns. check out those bloody small roads in the lower right quadrant ! 


    drawing a height map this way does seem viable but more time more steps... towards the end on the mountains i was doing 10 to 15 block difference between painted greys.  i started with a universal 10240 x 10240 at 30 grey... could be why there is @%$# all desert...


    would like to play around more with this but Pille needs to work on the road generation. using only 1 core of a 16 core processor is SLOW ! 

    at 5 hours a map i can only get 1 test world in a night.


    those rivers though.. lol.


    EDIT.. hmmm bloody is ok but b u g g e r isnt? lol

  8. just updated to 0.39.0 will test as soon as i stop playing.  i must say that the rivers no matter how they were adjusted still had steep banks. 

    However they do add an extra element to the game. how to get accross when the trader sends you 1.3 Km away and the river cuts through. do i follow the bank? left? right? do i just angle down the bank and then up the other side? ive had lots of coyotes and zeds hanging around in the rivers... 

  9. @bobrpggamer    

    I think you are confusing 8 bit and 16 grey scale images with the 0-255 or 0-100 of the colourRGB. the colour doesnt have anything to do with bit depth its just an arbitrary scale for each of the primary colours. 0 being black and 255 being 100% of R or G or B. if you set the scale to 0-100 then you can think of it as 0 to 100% of R or G or B.  the graphic you make is then exported as a 16bit greyscale png image. i tried to upload an image of that quick and very dirty height map but for some reason the forum kept rejecting it.  ok had to resize it in paint 50% 3 times now it loads if more time is taken a quite detailed map could be produced.

    Test 1 10K  greyscale map.jpg

  10. ok colours in GIMP can either be 0-100 OR 0-255 . i think you can do the same in photoshop. GIMP is free and runs on every operating system.


    you have 2 overlapping squares that are the foreground and background colours. if you click on one you can set the RGB values and other things.

    In GIMP ther are 2 boxes at the top in the middle marked 0-100 and 0-255 pick one. Then you can either move sliders to adjust colour or type in the rRGB value direct. if you make all 3 the same you get grey IE black at 0,0,0, to white at 255,255,255.


    yes you can random lassoo areas and fill them with a colour BUT you will need to do something to blur the edges. if you have an area at say 40 grey then an area of say 50 grey you will have a vertical wall of 10 blocks on your map.  Gimp has a smudge tool that looks like a finger pointing down. you can use it to blend the different heights.


    give me an idea of what you want a quick sketch of area size height etc and map size and i will see what i can do to make a height map.


    i was trying to learn how to use plasma filters etc to generate a map like this but i gave up . but the random lassoo of a random drawn area set to a colour then blended sounds easy , well easier.. 


    Edit : quick and probably nasty height map. lasso area fil, rince repeat with different height colours. final blur with a gausian filter.

    10K map proof of concept.   http://gofile.me/6ZBka/TAaSbloyC


  11. 15 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    Ok, you lost me there... :confused2:

    heard of a game called GO ? just a grid and black and white tokens. simlpe game. surround the opponents tokens and turn thm into yours. person with the most tokens wins. simple premise but  very subtle and complex .

  12. in gimp or photoshop make the RGB values 30 and you will get a 30 grey. you can flood fill the eniire map at 30 then save it as a base for future maps. then just set colours to 35RGB and paint on with a brush with feathered  and lowered opacity. this way you can paint a height map any way you want.


    dont forget to save as 16 bit greyscale though..lol


  13. On 2/17/2023 at 2:55 PM, Riamus said:

    Here's another fun map to show the POI improvements.  4k map with max POI of 2500.  I'm sure we don't hit 2500 here, but it definitely shows that it's far easier to get POI now.



    i would absolutely hate to see how long it would take to generate roads/paths to all those POI's.  I know this was extreme to show that the POI's in the wilderness have been fixed. but Damn thats a few days of work there..lol


  14. the reason roads take so long isthat they basically only use 1 thread. it skips from core to core but seems like only 1 core at a time.

    press ctrl+shift+esc  then the performance tab then on CPU. i have a 5800X with 8 cores and 16 threads. you can watch the load when generating roads etc. the initial part of generating the maps uses multiple cores.

    should have time this weekend to try a few more maps....trying to download height maps from tangram .

  15. using real world height maps is cool but doesnt work if you try to use too big an area like i did with the whole of Tasmania.

    the map gets too compressed in the xy axis but not in the z axis . its very hard to get flatish areas without destroying the height map you captured.


    picking smaller areas like a city or a few square miles/Kms of terrain will be better.  will have a go soon as i have free time. 


    getting some good ideas from you guys so keep it up..

  16. you seem to be using "world previewer.ini"  as your base for generating worlds.


    I am using "world generator 1.ini" which is what Brad said to use in the tutorial video. I wonder if that will make any difference?

  17. the only reference to bridges are in "create Main Roads" and "create side roads" in both there is a variable "vertical bridge offset"


    on main roads it is set to 0 and on side roads it is set to 1. 


    maybe put a big number in there? or you can try a negative number? no idea what that would give as a result. its nearly 1 am and i got to go to work at 7:30... no time to test what happens. i will leave it to you to try.

  18. i dont think it would help because i am using a custom height map. i play with the settings and the height map to get something i like. the map of Ireland took all day today. i downoaded the heightmap twice from Tangram heightmapper because i stuffed up the first one and realised that if i go f11 or full screen then on my monitor i get a 1920 x 1200 image. which i have to crop to 1200x 1200.  then resize to 8192 x 8192 in this case. 

    if i had a 4K monitor i would get a higher resolution and have to scale up less. I also tweak the curves in GIMP to compress the low to high range. 

    I had to generate about 10 or 12 maps before i was happy to go on with generating the roads.  


    For a quick from memory guide.


    i adjusted the set sea level as well as the flat water table. i adjusted the height limits for the biomes, i adjusted the wilderness poi's to 500 left the min town size to 3 and set the max town size to 60. adjusted the settings for slope allowed to build on whatever that setting was.  Then kept generating maps. i do not believe that any two generations in a row are the same. so even if you had my settings and the height map i dont think we would get the same map. that is also the glory of fractals which a lot of the random generation is based on.


    using the settings as discussed in Brads video tutorials i have not had any issues with basic Teragon generated maps. Just take your time to check the preview to see if there are enough wilderness POI's for your liking. remember the more wilderness POI's there are the longer the road generation takes.


    for reference i have a Ryzen 5800X 16GB ram and run from a NVMe SSD 1 TB. the 8K previwes were taking around 15 minutes each but the final render with roads takes over 1 1/2 Hrs.  roads seem to only use 1 core. you can watch on performance monitor as it stops on 1 core and switches to another. 

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