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Posts posted by spud42

  1. Lockpicking isnt terrible but it doesnt seem to work properly. i remember MM saying the countdown starts at the point the last lockpick broke. i woud guess that over 90% of the time if the lockpick breaks at low 2's or high 1's the next lockpick always starts over 3.5.  

    The most frustrating part is when you go through 6 or 7 lockpicks most breaking almost immediatly you start .

    so yeah i seem to only lockpick the high HP containers. if its only 2500 HP then i whack it with the pickaxe.

  2. Damocles, thanks for this tool. i have generated a few maps now and they are damn good. This last map i made has large areas of flat dirt without grass. Mostly appears to be around the water table level. Just wondering if i have a setting wrong? not really changed too much from default settings.

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