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Posts posted by spud42

  1. On 8/2/2022 at 3:58 AM, Roland said:

     They are finishing up this game and have started preliminary work on two new games as well as on bringing the full version of this game to consoles with cross platform compatibility to PC servers.


    confirmation that the game has consistantly been dumbed down over the last 5 or 6 alphas to shoehorn the game into underpowered consoles. 

  2. what about the helmet filter that somehow magically cleans the murky water you drink from jars? Will this still remove the chance of dysentry when drinking from a body of water?


    there is so much glue in the world , i dont think there are many times in the last 4 or 5 playthroughs that i have ever needed to craft glue! I think i have nearly 200 rolls of duct tape in my storage right now .


    so we are to believe we have several "VIRTUAL "canteens that carry out portions of goldenrod tea and our red tea etc... 

    are we to loose the empty can as well now? i mean it has no purpose at all except it can be scrapped.


    cant scrap jars to get the broken glass to make scopes. 

  3. a 20% chance of drop means exactly that. every time you break a stump there is a 1 in 5 chance.  However probability does not mean you are guaranteed a drop if you break 5 stumps. Its like the old monkeys and typewriters writing Shakespeare meme its not likely to happen but it could. 

    Some days RNG gods are not on your side... 

  4. all i want is for water to be flat on the top and if a block is placed underwater then removed that the block is replaced with water and not an air block as it seem it does now! just to be able to build a castle with a moat and not have holes in the surface of the water would be a win!

  5. @Tallman Brad  just rewatched you video on Teragon. 


    you mention a release date of April. now i completely understand that was a hope not a guarantee.... 

    Have you heard from Pille? its hard to google Teragon as it either lists an Audio program or tries to change to the herb/spice Tarragon...lol

    Is there an updated release expectation? Wondering if the last few point releases of A20 have been a setback?

  6. 15 hours ago, Beelzebubs Ghost said:


    It would be a funny thing if they did, considering we ended up with a ridiculous drone which turned out to not only be far less useful than I first imagined, but also seems to slow my game down at times with checks.


    2 things the drone does well. 

    1-  7DTD's answer to Lydia in Skyrim. always in front of you blocking shots and blocking doorways.

    2-  instantly destroy all stealth. which kind of makes sense as drones are very noisy in reality so an apocalypse drone wouldnt be quiet. 


    i have a level 3 drone with 2 cargo mods in it. It lives in the bike and is only used to carry excess loot the bike cant hold...

  7. 14 hours ago, overgoat said:

    Feature Request for A21:  Could we please get an option to favorite or lock items in your inventory?  This could prevent accidental scrapping/selling/or transferring when doing transfer all.  I just accidentally scrapped my nerdy glasses today which made me think of this, but it could also be useful for keeping a stack of fuel in your vehicle that doesn't get moved out by when you select all inventory or a stack of first aid kits in your drone that you don't want to take out.  

    there are mods that do this. 

  8. in what way do you think it ignores gamestage? 

    i am 115 game days into this  but the traders still are offering pipe guns and very low level stuff the only tier 5 guns i have were loot. if it wasnt for quests i would still be rocking a tier 6 pipe pistol. to me it feels like the trader inventory is trying very hard to hold me back/slow me down....  not a bad thing as i am still not bored with this playthrough

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