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Posts posted by spud42

  1. switching between 16:9 and 16:10.

    The image seems to be preserving the view of the 9 and stretching it to the 10 with the disadvantage of cutting off the sides of the screen. instead of keeping the width and showing more top and bottom. its making the picture look squished like a 16:9 video on a 4:3 TV.


  2. ok just started the game after the update and now the world looks wrong... it looks like the workd is stretched vertically! ceilings look higher than they used to. fov is set to default as always so no idea.. has anyone lese noticed this or is just my old eyes playing up??? 


    Edit. im playing on a 16:10 monitor like i have for the last 8 years... it looks like the game is stretching the 16:9 to fit a 16:10 screen....  

  3. Thanks for the updates.

    There are quite a few help items that are just basically a quick description of the parameter with no explanation of what the value change really does. 

    Some make a huge difference by increasing by 1 some need to be increased by 1000 to see a difference.

    I know documentation takes time and is a pain in the A$$ to do. so Thank you for what we already have and these updates.


  4. image.thumb.jpeg.cc2d0f33ebc87ffbc34585238ac335bc.jpeg


    10K teragon 0.50.8  , could be a decent map. might try this after i tire of the vanilla RWG game currently playing.

  5. Two things i noticed after the update to V1.0

    there is a noticable  vignetting when you crouch.

    The bleeding seems to be far more excessive after being hit by a zombie. 


    got to day 5 on saturday before i had to stop.... a bit of a learning curve on some things and others remain the same. Overall still enjoying the game after 3000 hours !

  6. computer is a AMD 5800X ,32GB ram. AMD XT6800 graphics. so should handle it..


    discord wouldnt accept my login kept telling me the username or password was wrong... they were not wrong...

  7. i added the 3d previewer to the preset and did another map. 

    i got an image of the map that appeared to have 3d models of the poi's in view but i had absolutely no control. couldnt move it or zoom out. no keyboard commands did anything......   i just realised i didnt click on capture the mouse... DOH ! 

    couldnt log in to discord either... 

  8. image.thumb.jpeg.171237e099470c0e348e4fb3efacd0f4.jpeg



    firts attempt with the new 0.50.7 using my old nice rivers preset... i like the little character at the spawn points...

    #D previewer isnt working.. have downloaded the latest and installed here C:/Teragon/Teragon Previewer/Teragon Previewer.exe . When i press F4 i just get a black screen.

  9. ok , so i am not running the experimental version of 1.0 so if i make a few maps now do you think they will be compatible with the release version of 1.0 ? i know its a loaded question as it depends on what other changes TFP make as they have just released a new version of the exp b327...

  10. If i could afford to retire i would have way more than the 3000 hrs that steam says i have...i seem to only play on the weekends now. that will change with 1.0 im sure...  i probably have another 1000 hrs playing this game with an eyepatch and peg leg before i saw the light and gladly bought it..  


    condolences on your loss Space4Ace..

  11. 1 hour ago, Riamus said:



    Yeah, making it possible for grass to break through the road in places is as easy as having some parts of the road in the splat file be biome instead of asphalt/gravel.  If you put a few biome pixels here and there down the roads, you have chances for the biome decorations to appear in the road.  For forest, that means mostly grass decorations.  For others, you'd get other decorations related to those biomes.  Even if no decorations appear, you still get a patch of biome terrain in the road that makes it look broken up.  This is something that Teragon offers, so I know it does work well and it is easy to do, even by hand.


    If added, I'd suggest it be an option in RWG because we've had people using Teragon ask how to disable that so they get solid roads.  So I know some people prefer not having that.

    lf you have biome voxels in the middle of roads , dont you run the risk of a tree growing there? its bad enough running into all those industructible shopping trollies! lol

  12. 9 hours ago, Riamus said:

    As spud42 pointed out above, you can make it square instead.  It'll just be a diagonal that is rotated 45 degrees.  So instead of the path from home plate to the pitcher's mound being north/south or east/west, it'll be NE/SW or NW/SE. Makes it easy to make look good.  :)

    Not bad for an Aussie... lol  we dont go in for baseball too much though it is played here its just not a big deal.

  13. 10 hours ago, Laz Man said:


    I think we have talked about that idea before.  That would probably fall under our park category.  Wish we had diagonal fence pieces, probably the main reason we haven't made any of those.

    why do you need diagonal fences? the bases form a square.  something like the ones in the yellow outline. Document.png.1a18b489ba3f0c493e6ef458b378e576.png

  14. in those days you could use doors or other blocks to make air pockets to breathe. all you had to do was make a few doors and walk along the bottom to the crate. just pop a door down and open it.. instant air.  glad that the water in A21 is better than that.. but hopefully they will give it more love in 1.0 and ongoing. 

  15. i miss some of the old flooded basement poi's from the early alphas. rivers and lakefront/beaches need a bit of love. Pier poi? like santa monica pier? pontoon jetty for river? i dont know whats in navazgane caust i havent played it since alpha11... waiting for gold to play it...think i will wait another year to see the road map finished and see wether the bandits are a good idea or not.  someone said an indoor mall... heck yeah  Blues Brothers style! lol


  16. it was a RWG map not teragon.. if i remember it was the first game of the new a21. i wanted to see the funpimps rwg before i started a teragon map.


    i am also not American so a lot of things that seem off to me could just be the way Americans do things??  like driving on the wrong side of the road...lol joke dont get your knickers in a twist...lol

  17. i agree but there should be some limitation on how many of the same tile can be put in a row.  I had a map recently where the same tile/ farm was 4 in a row along the street...


    I'm too old and lazy to learn how to make tiles.. leave that up to younger people.. was just curious what was involved...





    this is the new Tassie map i made... nice wide rivers.... i wish that 7DTD didnt let the air drops land on water. that would be a nice QOL improvement!



    another view of the river... 7DTD can be quite beautiful!

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