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Posts posted by spud42

  1. Ok guys, a bit of fun with this first one....  1 big generated crater in the middle






    now back to using custom height maps.... had enough of trying to get the craters to look good....






    Thid last one is tweaked a bit in GIMP and rotated 180 degrees







    gonna give Teragon a rest for a bit. got a few worlds worthy of playing for a few weeks in game....


    EDIT: Kudos to who guesses the height map... lol


  2. Thanks Riamus, 

    I will look into it.  The range of usable values is not clear or intuitive. some make a vast difference by changing by 1 othere by,001 and some seem to not make much difference... some seem to be blocks like the crater size 512 to 2048, others dont seem to represent any relation to blocks. 

    Anyway i'm having fun working out what works for me... 

  3. ok back to tweaking craters..

    this map has 3 craters one at 256,one at 768 and one at 1024.  heights have been changed and slopes as well. still not sure why 2 of them go to the water table but hey why not.  spawn should be in the forrest north west corner.




    small preview.jpg

  4. Well, i didn't check the map or do a fly over till just now..

    those craters are not good... steep sides too tall and 2 of the craters seem to have exceeded the build limit . There is a sheere vertical drop about 10 to 15 blocks wideat the 255 build height limit and the missing bit has been created at 0.  so the bit it couldnt build at the top was built at bedrock!  this is a terrible map. i mean the map is good the craters are very bad..lol


    off to create a few hundred maps over easter so i can figure out which parameter does what and how sensitive to change they are.

  5. On 4/3/2023 at 10:35 PM, paulj_3 said:

    @spud42 "this time you dont start at 0,0 ( i hope i got it right)  you should start in the forrest on the east side of the map."

    um. . . .  no. . .  I actually had ten minutes of swimming practice, Spud! It seemed to be about half-way between the edge of the map and the burnt forest . . .  and deep underwater.   🐟


    Your spawnpoints.xml reads

    <spawnpoint rotation="0,0,0" position="4764,-1433,0"/>


    It needs to be "east-west number",  altitude,   "north-south number", as the example below. 

    <spawnpoint position="1961,32,1376" rotation="0,0,0"/>

    SORRY PAUL. aparently its a unity thing to mix the co-ordinate system by making y = height!! 

    i fixed it and reuploaded the file link.

  6. On 4/4/2023 at 6:39 AM, Riamus said:

    Yes, this would be the correct format.  The altitude shouldn't matter as you're supposed to always spawn on top of ground.  I think the only time it would matter is if there are multiple levels you can spawn on at the same location, such as in a skyscraper, where the altitude will determine what floor to spawn on.  But out in the open, you'll always spawn on the ground (or in a tree if there happens to be one right there, but changing altitude won't fix that).  :)


    spud42, did you manually edit the spawnpoints.xml file or did Teragon make that?  If Teragon made it, we'd need to get that fixed.


    EDIT: Actually, I believe it is N/S, altitude, E/W.  I haven't tested to verify, but I am pretty sure that's what it is.


    yes i manually edited the spawn point xml.  well thats a stupid way to do it. what happened to x,y,z ?  this is x,z,y ??? will have to edit the xml again.  i manually wrote Gcode for a laser cutter back in 1982... co-ordinates were always x,y,z..... x=e/w,y=n/s z= height( always!!!) 


    B U G G E R ! !  (because the filter wno let me type it) 



  7. @Pille   is there a way for teragon to append something to the end of the world save name if the name already exists? cant remember how many times i started a new world generation and forgot to change the save name... today i overwrote the world i am playing in !! lol


    i managed to copy the original before it was completed then renamed both worlds... still playing that world and so far it seems i got away with it.


  8. updated to 0.42.0  craters are fun to play with...lol the novelty might run out quickly though.


    2 craters added to this map. craters after create rivers... interesting affect on the rivers... 



    Added a third crater, this is a bigger one before the rivers are created...




    I may have over tweaked some parameters...lol

  9. thanks, i tried .3 and .4 but didnt seem to get any increase in tier 5 . just doing a map now that has 16 tier 5 poi's and 17 traders. 

    will try dropping the value tomorrow, its nearlt 3 am here in Aussie..lol

  10. image.thumb.jpeg.b6fe5ec7ac58975a9542aa0003ce1515.jpeg


    ok... changed extra_link a few times..  this is at 0.99 i think 0.1 is the default. corrupted my ini file by thick thumbs..lol had to start from last save and forgot to adjust the steepness in the "filter logistic square mask" . 

    This map has nice HUGE citites and lots of square roads. It has 14 tier 5 POI's and 15 traders.. funny the 2 biggest cities dont have a trader

  11. 9 hours ago, Riamus said:

    These both look good.  I think my only suggestion is to use the Search box in Teragon while on the map to verify that you have at least one or two of each of the tier 5 POI that you want.  For example, Dishong (skyscraper_01) and Higashi (skyscraper_03) may not appear depending on your town layout and extra_link parameters, so if you want those, you should search to see if there are any on the map.  If not, try adjusting the layout and extra_link parameters for your regular_town.  You'll probably need to bump the extra_link value up a little to get a few more downtown intersections.

    ok, where are these exposed in the teragon software? opening the ini file in notepad++ , i find extra_link in the opSettings_9 section. how is anybody supposed to find this let alone know what it could do? going to give it a try see what happens. im only getting 4 to 8 tier 5 poi's on the whole map according to the counter printed on the side of the map now. 

  12. 1126285899_smallpreview.thumb.jpg.3f6b95dd44f83d6dc8bab753e99087e8.jpg


    playing with the noise biome maps.  reduced the frequency to 0.0003from 0.001 

    without doing custom height maps i havent been able to get towns/cities in the snow biome. i prefer the height based biomes but the normal generation hasnt been able to give large plateau type areas for a snow biome town. you do need some harder areas for endgame or games that are played over 60 days... 

    it would be nice if the two types of biome maps could be merger... like a green forrest area but with snow on top of the mountains as well as snow areas , wasteland areas.

  13. its much easier in Teragon.

    click the advanced tab then in the right list click on "filter logistic square mask"

    all the parameters are in the box underneath.


    i do like using notepad++ myself if there isnt a graphical interface.

  14. 2025901311_smallpreview.thumb.jpg.985bf11d8653524869ccb2121b69c7cf.jpg


    another tweak. changed the steepness in "filter logistic square mask" from default of 0.05 to 0.005 , liking the not square edges


    yes its a 10K map and i think there are enough big cities, smaller towns and heaps of wilderness POI's.  i think too many cities make the game too easy. too much loot opportunities. go explore and find stuff.. lol


    Besides im Aussie. we have huge distances between cities here.... trips are discussed in how many hours not how many Kms  . . . lol


  15. image.thumb.jpeg.fdfc8f58377de85bf89b8154f3612707.jpeg


    this came out ok. tried a few minor changes to the height map paramaters... trying to smooth it out some more. 

    i tried the "hires"png output and its softer and worse than the jpg preview. you can zoom in on the jpg version but the png is just blurry. 

    EDIT: in GIMP the png is pin sharp at 100%. its windows viewer that is blurry as heck at 100%... 

  16. @Riamus  on previous pages you talk about editing the POI property list to comment out certain POI's we might want removed.


    could you let us know where this file is? i have spent a while now going through the Teragon files and the 7DTD files  and appdata files and cant find it.


  17. again Thanks for the work on this software. it ha reinvigorated my love for the game. 

    trouble is i want to play every map i try, or most of them anyway.... i need to retire so i can have more time for this.. lol

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