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Posts posted by spud42

  1. interesting, but thats just what i need more walls to stop me driving around... lol


    Does look interesting though... can you affect the width of these inverted crevices? some look a bit "Berlin wall"if you get my meaning... 


    if you could get the crevices to alternate inverted,normal,inverted you could do some wicked iron age fort type earthworks..  look up Maiden Castle in the UK.....

  2. even with VOIP there are still recognisable phones on desks . or even headsets for call centers and helpdesks. 

    there are no mobile phones  lying around either even as props and unusable for scrapping. 


    of course there are inconsistancies but this is a GAME . its not an appocolypse simulator. chill out go have a frothy with Jawoodle on his latest balcony watch the sun set and get ready for the next hoard..... im out of ammo and dont have time to notice most of this stuff in game....



  3. On 8/15/2023 at 3:12 AM, Riamus said:

    That didn't really help as it doesn't explain what you changed and disabling commands doesn't cause the problem.


    Thank you.  This explains the problem.  It has nothing to do with disabling things.  You can't have 0 for the loop.  If you don't want craters, just disable them.  Don't set the # of craters to 0.  I'll see if Pille can do something to prevent that problem.


    Update: Pille has put in a fix relating to the loops for the next release.

    turns out i did the exact same thing as Paul. just checked that loop it has 3 define custom tag lines in it. i only disabled the craters line. when i checked the basic section it turns out i set craters to 0 there to.

  4. 19 hours ago, Riamus said:

    Strange that it's taking so long.  I can generate an 8k map with crevices in about 35min on the current build, including rivers, a crater, and main and side roads.  Cliffs will take a long time depending on your settings, as will craters and crevices.  These are similar to roads (especially side roads) in that they are going to be time consuming, so your choice is a longer generation or not using some or all of these features.


    i left the start loop and end loop commands enabled and just disabled the crevice command. it got stuck in the loop. when i went back and disabled the two loop commands it worked fine... this was from the advanced tab of course.


    As far as directional biomes, if you swap column A and column B, you'll get snow in the south.


    how is this done?

  5. not a big fan of the crevice, disabled the crevice line and nearly 2 hrs later the map still hadent finished. seemed to be stuck.

    i had to disable the start loop and end loop lines as well. 

    have run 4 or 5 maps with riamus preset. not bad maps. cant seem to get a full water border though like i was getting with previous builds. 


    Is there a way to invert the biomes in the directional biomes map? I know is trivial but those of us from down under have the snow in the south and the desert in the north.. lol

  6. 7 hours ago, meilodasreh said:

    Yeah I wasn't exactly sure what direction it was, also because y and z axis are used differently over the countries of this world. In some y is height/elevation, in others it's z. But in either way, onemillionsomething is way beyond whatever 😄

    ...dang now that I'm thinking about this topic, I have to fire up the game just to check where 0.0.0 is (center of the map, bottom left, whatever). Why am I such a guy who can't go to sleep with the feeling of something hasn't yet fallen into the correct place in my head.

    Thanks brain. Love you too.

    0,0,0 X,Z,Y is the center of the map. west is negative number (X) and south is a negative number(Y) . height (Z) goes from 0 to 255 bedrock to build height limit.  desert ground level is around 30 from what i can remember. when you hit M for the map it tells you your height  as you dig it approches 0..lol

  7. On 8/10/2023 at 4:09 PM, meilodasreh said:

    but locating this wrong position would be impossible, because that is the bug, isn't it?

    Just look at the "minus in the millions" number there, this has to be "out of bounds"

    co-ordinates are x,z,y so your negative numbers are WAY below bedrock ! 

  8. its my fault not Teragons.

    i used the default and changed it not a copy. i was writing on each setting what i changed but i did not backup my presets so mea culpa ...

  9. that would be a good idea. maybe dropbox link or google drive link to the preset? each time teragon updates i forget to save my presets and the get overwritten... 

    note to self: go backup those presets!


    i need to get back into this and try some height maps etc. need to learn how to generate a plasma in greyscale for height maps. ok off to google now to search.....

  10. that resolution will kill you.. 

    im running a 5800X,RX 6800 , 32 Gb ram...... similar to you.. 

    im running 1920x1200 with everything ultra or as max as it goes. I'm getting 100+ FPS....



  11. ok, just watching jawoodles second stream.  he just found a workbench in the wild that works! is this a thing again? This was upstairs in the truck stop. 

    will trader workbenches work now too? Or is it just random workbenches in poi"s ??

    played a A20 game recently where i got to the 80th day befor i found a trader to sell me a workbench and still have not found the schematic. 

  12. most of the recent alpha changes have been trying to force people to play the way they want insted of the way we want to play. 


    im going to try to keep an open mind when i get to play it. i dont think i will bother with the experimental this time . i will wait till the public release. hopefully some more balancing and fixes to this #lootbaggate happen.

  13. On 4/22/2023 at 2:14 AM, meganoth said:


    "More and more people" does not matter when TFP needs or wants to support old hardware, and now also consoles where time practically stands still for years.


    so the PC side of the game is hamstrung by having to shoehorn it into a weak xbox.  not surprised , seen it coming for years. 

  14. 3 hours ago, Philipp said:


    I got a general question about these "did a Prototype, Stopped working on it stuff" 


    How does it comes like that? Is it like, you get the job to program a raft, because someone thinks it's a great idea, and then, when testing, someone decides it's not as fun as its supposed to be as Feature, so it's cancelled? Because, at some point, someone has to had the idea, that the game needs a raft, am I right? I just try to understand how it works since im not working in a gamecompany, neither am I a Programmer. 

    Just need clarification, because every stuff thats gonna be programmed an then canceled is lost time in game development or not? Hope you get my point since my english is not flawless at all. 

    Thanks ✌🏼


    If i remember correctly the raft was put on hold until they got around to fixing the water. how can you raft when the water surface had holes in it? you would also leave a track in the water surface behind you as the water blocks were destroyed. 

    i remember building a castle in water quite a few alphas ago. every zombie thay came into the water and was killed destroyed the water blocks on the bottom of the lake when they despawned leaving unsightly holes ... plus i think i remember a gurgling water sound too..  we have been asking for water to be fixed fo 4 or 5 alphas at least.


  15. just tried out maps with the compo pack. 


    Must say that im 50/50 on this.   While i enjoy the new and varied POI's what i dont enjoy is POI's not logically placed in the world.

    a huge Mall in the middle of nowhere with nothing near it for hundreds of blocks. it doesnt make sense.  Now TFP also had and probably still do have POI's that make no logical sense either.  For example the elevated highway remnants... no where near any roads all turned 90 degrees to each other IF there was more than one in sight. but even 1 on its own without supporting infrastructure just irks me.


    Tried several maps , even though wilderness spawn limit was set to 300 on the advanced tab i got well over 300 pois. I had to change total spawn limit in create region pois to cut the number down. This was not ideal and when i tried a normal map it does limit the normal town poi size too. 


    I think i will leave it to others to make maps with the compo pack for now.  I am not going to go through all the POI's and change the biomes in which they can spawn! far too many of them.

  16. will have to play till i get a gyro then...lol  fly out and see if there is somewhere to land...

     im using the second map of my previous map post. looks like there is a ship pretty close in on the SW side of the lake.


    no one guessed the height map area yet? taken with tangrams height map....

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