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Everything posted by StiffJOHNNYP

  1. Hit repair when the streamer got into his vehicle to see if it would repair the 4x4. Something else happened. Screen changed color for a lack of better decription and his arms no longer lined up with things. Arms were way too long. Not sure what does that or what else you need. Let me know! Repair happens at 4:20:53. Including the link set right before the event so you can see the dif. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1926165649?t=04h20m44s
  2. Beautiful work from what i could see. My server and locally are throwing block miss errors for some reason. Fresh install same issue. Not sure if i'm missing something here. All installed correctly as far as i can tell. I have a ton of mods and prefabs maybe something is blocking them or i'm missing an addon? Would love to add them back to my world
  3. Yay more things to burn down! Awesome work. About to gen something right now...
  4. District Zero x Fire mod
  5. Tried the bedroll sleep thing on my gportal server. Crouch on the bedroll. Nothing. Same time passing speed. Gonna confirm in a pc side server real quick just to make sure it's not me. So i went and figured out how this works in my single player test. Works. Loaded on to gportal vanilla, pulled all mods. Not working. Nothing happens even after i wear myself out. For sure works in the single player. Time jumps quickly. Hopefully that helps. If you need more info or testing let me know! 🖤
  6. Oooo about to burn my whole new map to the ground yay! Love that circular healthbar style. Very nice
  7. Got this running with District Zero. First flying drone I shot down, crashed into the trader and burned it down. This is day 1... Finally the chaos I crave thank you. Better be ready out there hahaha
  8. Fall damage yesssss. Been waiting for that one. Much appreciated. You the best!
  9. Yessss been watching and waiting for these! Really looking forward to Winter... I hear it's coming
  10. Already love it. Can't wait to see where things go. Been running it on a dedicated gportal and local and so far so good.
  11. These monobikes are so much fun thank you! Working perfectly
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