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Everything posted by Riamus

  1. No need to pay twice. You paid for gold and were just given early access on top of that.
  2. Yeah, they have inventory. I don't know how best to deal with them exploding, but I'm sure there is an option that would work. That was just an example that I could think of off the top of my head. I know I've seen other things that I really wanted available to be built, but I can't think of them right now. None of them, AFAIK, were high poly. Hopefully they will at least go through them and add any that aren't high poly before gold.
  3. I think this issue of having too many of a specific block is not a significant problem. How many of the blocks that are high poly would be used in excess? Most missing blocks/items are things people might place a few of and that is all. Are there any specific high poly blocks you think would be used in excess? Windows and walls are your main blocks and those aren't what we are taking about here. Other things just aren't used in excess unless someone is doing something really unusual and I don't think the game needs to limit things because of the edge cases. I don't think it would be necessary to count polygons when placing blocks. Just take any specific blocks that may be troublesome and count the number of those. Yes, this is a generalization rather than exact number, but I think that is fine for suffering like this. It is also less confusing as a setting as you can just say to allow 50 high poly blocks within a chunk, for example. You can even place an icon on those high poly blocks so it is clear which ones are affected by the setting. And if a player tries to place a block that would be too many, the toast message can say that there are too many high poly blocks per game settings to make it clear to the player. Are plain barrels different from barrels on fire in terms of bombs? I've never tried to blow either up, so I don't know. I would have thought they'd react the same, but maybe not. In any case, the non-fire barrels do have inventory (you loot gas from them in the game).
  4. I understand that a player can build something that causes poor performance. That is already true and that is the point I was making. Yes, it can cause problems on a server and I think the server admin can put in place rules for their server, such as that if your building causes significant last to others, a warning is issued to tone it down and failure to comply will cause you to be banned from the server. I see no problem leaving such things in the hands of server admins if it becomes a problem. As mentioned, players can already do this. Just place as hundred bulletproof glass blocks and you will start seeing problems. Can it be abused? Sure. But if a player is having performance problems in their own base, I don't think they will want to keep it that way. I think the percent of people who would abuse this is very low. If the devs think it is too much chance for abuse, then they can put in a maximum number of those blocks in a chunk and can provide notification to the player when using the items that there is such a limit due to performance problems. This could then be a setting in the game. Single player can disable it. Servers can set it to whatever they feel is best for their players. It is a win for everyone. At worst, all the basic items that are not high poly should be added, such as the barrels I mentioned. I for one prefer to keep items in containers that make sense - water in the water dispenser, gas in a gas barrel, beer in the wooden wine casks (close enough for beer barrels), etc. Having certain items disabled/hidden is more annoying to me than if I were to experience performance problems. I have a feeling many would say the same and if playing on servers would prefer to have these items available and then just find a better server if they have too many problems on a given server.
  5. That doesn't seem right, though. If the items are in POI and can be added to POI in the editor, you are going to see them in many more places in the game than if you put them in your base. Besides, we can build things in our bases that are far more taxing (bulletproof glass and trigger plates, for example). And unless we go crazy with those, they really don't have much impact. I think allowing us to use them if we want without needing to use the creative menu would be a good thing. Besides, not everything currently only available in the creative menu is high poly. After all, we can make a barrel on fire, but not a plain barrel and I doubt that plain barrel (or group of four) is high poly. And, in the end, if we can do it with creative menu, all you are doing by not allowing them in the main game is forcing people to use the creative menu and the result is the same whether the items are added normally or through the creative menu. So it sounds like a good reason, but doesn't really hold water.
  6. I had a feeling it would stumble there. I've done some work with chat bots many years ago and you can make them very good, but there is only so far you can go with them. Still looks well made.
  7. Pretty impressive AI bot. I assume it does a Google search and uses results to dictate responses? How good is it at responding to questions related to preferences? For example, favorite weapon or vehicle in the game?
  8. I saw this same thing when I added a new POI using the world editor. It has nothing to do with my POI or with any POI next to the one I added, but instead one that was a couple hundred or so meters away. It was a small construction site I know well and when I went there to check, the items warned about were placed properly, so it apparently loaded correctly after the warning or the warning was incorrect. It did not affect any other maps. I just ended up ignoring it since everything seemed fine.
  9. As a note, in creative menu, use search and type one letter at a time of an item's name. The level of the item will change as you do. Not sure why it works this way, but you can usually manage to get the level you want this way.
  10. A basic wiring setup is to have a door for entering and a door for exiting. On the enter door, place a motion sensor outside, pointing toward the area you want to trigger from (usually right in front of the door). Connect wires from power to the motion sensor and from the motion sensor to the *powered* garage door. It has to be one that says it is powered. Verify that the motion sensor is set to self and allies if you want allies to trigger it. For the exit, do the same, but place the camera on the inside, facing near the exit door. The somewhat more complicated, and far less obvious, method is to have a door that opens both entering and exiting. This requires your sensors to be connected directly to one another (nothing between them, including no relays). If using cameras, place one inside and one outside. Wire it from power to camera one, then to camera two, then to the door. Aim the cameras and set them to trigger for you and allies if you want allies. Other sensors can be used instead of cameras and are wired the same way. It is required that you do not place anything between the two cameras/sensors if you want the door to open from both directions. You can have relays and other things before the two cameras or after them, but not between them. Either option works with and without a vehicle.
  11. I like this idea and will probably try it myself for fun. I think this is a good example of how having some additional electrical wiring options would really be helpful. Even just adding an option for doors of default open or default closed (default being the unpowered position) would solve this nicely. But it would also be nice to have gates available - something that takes at least two inputs and then has options of AND OR NOT XOR XAND available. You can do some of this already if you know what you're doing (AND is automatic of there is singing between two triggers, OR is if two or more triggers are tied together with nothing between them). But having actual gates available with all options would be great. And having something allowing multiple inputs would be very useful as well.
  12. 1) Being able to build just about anything (within limits, of course) is great. I'm not sure I'd keep playing if that wasn't part of the game. Destroying everything goes hand in hand with that. 2) Random World Generator. It could use some improvements still, such as being able to generate just biomes and terrain to find something you like before generating the entire map or being able to avoid maps with oceans (edge of map water). But all in all, it creates a great variety of maps to enjoy. 3) Mostly good POI that aren't boring to go through. And I'll add in a fourth.... Killing zombies. There is just something so very satisfying to mop the floor with zombies. 😁
  13. Better is four storage mods. It carries more than me! 😀
  14. Yeah, at least having half a dozen different shaped rivers would help, but if they could be random, that would be even better. I assume the same issue applies to ravines as well, though they aren't as noticeably one shape.
  15. I'm not sure if this is specific to this game or any steam game... Does anyone know what might cause an invite to not show the play button on the invited person's computer? Basically, person A sends an invite and person B sees that they were invited, but instead of seeing the Play button, they only see a text line that says they were invited. Without being able to see the play button, there doesn't seem to be any way to accept the invitation. It seems that restarting both computers can fix the issue, but is there any other fix?
  16. Yeah, the wastebasket would look a lot nicer against the wall in many locations. And if you don't want it against the wall, rotating it would leave it in a good position, so it would be good not to have it centered.
  17. Riamus


    Lol. See, I think that allowing players freedom in using creative ways to beat the zombies is good. No need to prevent things that work, even if other players think they are "bad". After all, other players aren't zombies, so you aren't hurting their gaming experience any.
  18. I wouldn't want POIs to be that fast to complete. If they are that fast, then there isn't anything to them. They are essentially a small one floor house at 5 minutes (maybe 2 floors if they are empty). That sounds extremely boring to me and is likely never quest and probably not bother looting at all, which would probably mean never playing the game again. Other than the large two between tier 4 and 5, I like the POI setup we have now. We just need more of them. This isn't meant for a casual have where you play 10 minutes a day.
  19. Doesn't need to include aliens. Area 51 might have nothing to do with aliens, but instead zombies. Both are about equally unlikely. 😜
  20. Riamus


    I don't really see a problem with the spear and backpedaling tactic. Just because it works with slower zombies doesn't make it bad and in need of "fixing". They allow slowing down zombies, so there's no reason to limit tactics that work against slow zombies. If you use fast zombies, that tactic is of little use already. There are far more cheesy tactics to avoid fighting than that one of you want to "fix" things, including simply jumping up onto something the zombies can't reach (easy to do with parkour). At least with backpedaling, you still have the chance of being hit. If it were real life, I don't many would stand in place again zombies and would instead use anything they can to avoid being hit. There isn't anything wrong with that. If the zombies were people and it was competitive play, then you would need to fix things that make it unbalanced for the zombies. But that isn't the game we have here.
  21. Yeah. I know we will have at least a couple, but I'm hoping for half a dozen, though I doubt we will get that many. Now, if they would add Area 51, we could really have some fun. Lol
  22. And if you're really feeling chatty, can you let us know how many of the new ones are tier 5? That is a weak point right now as there is little questing to do that isn't just repeating a few POI over and over right now. Even one or two would help considerably. Did someone say torches??? I'll take two.
  23. Need to hope to get the magazine for finding honey in trees or the recipe for antibiotics. 😀
  24. I said it wouldn't work well. It isn't an issue with ruining the gaming experience. It would be a setting and therefore wouldn't matter to anyone not interested in it. The issue is that it won't work well at higher tier quests. And the reason is that there are a limited number of them available. The game will already send you 4+km away for a tier 5 quest if you aren't near a T5 city. If the game were to go through all available quests first before doing them again, that would be fine. But limiting it to once only leaves you with no quests very quickly, especially at tier 5, where there are often only 3-4 on the entire map. The fix isn't limiting quests at each POI; it is increasing the number of POI so it doesn't feel so repetitive. But that takes time and effort, especially at tier 5. Also note that the traders send you to other traders specifically to get you to do quests in other locations rather than repeat ones nearby. Most people seem to just complete that quest and then go back to the nearby trader rather than questing in other towns, but the hint is there. I'll quest in every town to some extent and will get all traders to tier 5 even if I have to travel far to do it. It is less repetitive that way, except at tier 5, which as mentioned has few POI on the entire map.
  25. Note that the spear will be changed in the next alpha so you have a real power attack instead of throwing it. Also, I believe I saw that you will be able to attack through holes and bars with it. I think with the increased reach compared to other weapons, it will become a good option for many people.
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