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Everything posted by Riamus

  1. Coup works... The chickens are going to stage a coup against your workstations every 15 days. 😁 Ever played Lord of the Rings Online? You can run around as a chicken trying to avoid being attacked. So it's a reimagining of that quest for 7D2D. 😀 As for my guess, since that scene is Chunk from The Goonies, every 15 days, you can do a quest to obtain one Baby Ruth bar, which will give a significant buff when you eat it. The quest is time limited and there are three possible directions you can find it, so you have to be really fast and really lucky.
  2. One other thing I'd also like to see would be the window blocks having versions that included glass of each type (regular, stained, etc). If it is meant as a window, we should be able to have our choice of glass in it. That includes round window blocks and triangular window blocks and any other blocks that are meant for use as windows (including the new windows that were mentioned as coming in A21). I know we can fudge it by placing a piece of glass against the window block, but that only looks good in one direction. Just look at the stained glass in the church POIs. If the POI didn't let you get close to the window or you only see it from one direction, it is okay. But when you do see it from both directions up close, it looks bad from one direction. I've seen this in a residential POI as well where the stained glass was above a door. From one direction it was nicely framed and looked great. From the other direction, it was just a flat piece of stain glass on the wall and looked really bad. I don't fault the POI designer. It's a limitation of the blocks and not the design. Because this is a voxel world, you can't frame both sides of the glass unless you have a really deep window with the glass between two blocks and then frames added. That really only works in something like a tower that you can't climb. Close-ups just don't work that way without looking very odd. The only option I can think of is having the glass already part of certain window blocks. You could get away without glass in windows you want clear glass in, though having the glass would be nice. But stained glass currently can't be used except in limited ways without looking bad from at least one direction. Stained glass can look great and could really use a bit of love.
  3. Loving the art. Especially the t-shirts and posters. Great work!
  4. Good point. I wasn't thinking of the wandering zombies. Seeing those become dynamic would be nice.
  5. I'm just guessing, but the wording suggests that those biomes just add a fixed value to your actual gamestage. So if your gamestage is 50, desert might be 65 and wasteland 75, for example. Then spawns are just tied to that. If that is how the biomes are more challenging, it makes sense why they never actually feel any more challenging other than that zombies in the wasteland seem to swarm when you start a quest or that there are more bears in the wasteland and snow biomes to deal with. The only thing that really seems more challenging is driving in the wasteland or landing a gyrocopter in the wasteland (not on a road). The last is..... interesting. Lol.
  6. Yeah, that is why I suggested just having an extra version of those including a plate as part of the object. Rather than making a fundamental change to how the blocks work, it just adds some extra objects with the plate attached so it will work with a plate wall.
  7. There are a couple more things I'd like to see added. 1) Other uses for brass. I don't care what for, but unless you are using a ton of bullets and aren't looting enough casings, you quickly have way more brass than you have any use for and you find so much of it. In a solo game, there simply isn't any reason to make casings except rarely unless you waste ammo or use a lot of SMG auto turrets. I'm always maxed out in brass in my forge with a bunch waiting to be smelted. 2) I would like to see a new block similar to the 60 degree 1/2m wedge and the 60 degree wedge tip left/right. The wedge tip is 1/8m. What is like to see is 1/4m. This came up in a tunnel I made. I apparently can't dig straight and once I finished and went to put in walls, I had to use 60 degree angles because it went off at an angle instead of straight. That was no problem. Using two 60 degree pieces made a wall that at least appeared straight. However, I wanted steps into a side tunnel and the steps aren't angled. Putting it in the wall left a 60 degree wedge gap on the floor, which didn't look good. I ended up using the wedge tip, which is okay, but I would rather a 1/4m wedge that was level with the first step in the steps instead of half height to the first step. 3) Probably too much to ask, but I'd love to see some of the most common furniture that you'd place against a wall be available with a plate wall piece behind them as part of the same block. There are some POI that I'd like to make with plate walls instead of full block walls because it looks better, but if you need things placed on both sides of the wall, it doesn't work. If some of the common furniture has a plate as part of the block, then it could work. These would mainly be things like nightstands, beds, couches/sectionals, chairs. It would need everything because you can work it out pretty well if you at least have the main ones. Like I said, probably not going to see it, but it would be nice, especially for residential buildings. 4) Might also be nice to have an arch block or blocks that work on a 60 degree angled wall and perhaps a 45 degree angle as well, but that is more minor. In the end, I should just learn to dig straight while underground. Lol. 😁
  8. Please, no! It's bad enough we use imperial instead of metric (most of the time) in the US. If we had metric time as well, I think I'd cry. Bad enough to have 12-hour and 24-hour time.
  9. Yeah, this is normal. Surprised me my first horde night when I quit and then came back to find a bunch of zombies chasing me. Lol. It really shouldn't do this. It should set a flag when the zombies finish attacking so the game knows not to start an attack when you log in again if you already completed the horde even if the night hasn't ended yet. That said, as you get to later game stages, this doesn't matter as the horde will attack all the way until 4 anyhow.
  10. Yeah, should be able to takeout him near you and the truck and he can pick it up (if it is empty) and you can teleport him back. If it is full, tell him to have an empty inventory before teleporting him and he can grab everything from the 4x4 and then pick it up. If too much, teleport him back to unload then twist to pick up the rest and the truck. Should be able to breathe long enough to do this easily.
  11. That is a good point regarding air drops. Having a functional runway might not make a great deal of sense, though the air drops might be just fear of landing in an infested area rather than lack of landing space.
  12. This grid tile suggestion would also work well for the elevated road/train that is depicted in the images/videos section. Right now, it can only be done by making a custom map. With a grid system, it would be easy. As a side note, in the original thread about the airports, I provided a way to avoid the very long runways without looking odd if you want to take a look.
  13. Yes, I was talking about gold release. That is what the original quote post seems to be suggesting... That they'd be fine with a buggy release rather than wait.
  14. Lol. Honestly, one of the worst things a developer can do is release a buggy game instead of delaying the release to fix the bugs. The negative reviews from a buggy release can seriously damage overall sales.
  15. I am not considering a full RGB color choice, though that would be nice. I was thinking only of using the current dye colors. So you only need one byte because you have fewer than 10 colors. You could increase this number past ten with one byte by using characters instead of only numbers to reference the color if you wanted more color choices. And, yes, you would need 6 bytes because of 6 sides. I didn't think of each side being different.
  16. One idea regarding the long runways taking up too much space... First, limit the POI to not appear in the forest biome because grass isn't likely to look okay for this idea, though you could try it. Then, have part of the runway fully asphalt and then start to fill in parts of it with snow, sand, or wasteland debris blocks instead of asphalt (I believe they change automatically by biome placement). Randomly add in the snow, sand, or debris so it appears as if it is covering parts of the runway. Slowly increase the amount of this as you get further until there is no asphalt left. You can even add a few individual asphalt blocks as if it is showing through in a few places at the end. Obviously players can't decide to clear the runway other than to replace blocks with asphalt, but it gives the look of a full runway that just got covered up without needing so much space. You then set it to only appear on the outskirts so it doesn't look like other POI buildings are on the runway. I am not certain if you can get the RWG to put something on the edge of town, so this might require custom maps. I'd say to put it in the wilderness, but then it could be easy too far from a town to make sense.
  17. Depends on the bug. 😁 They do this already to some extent. I'm always having a dozen zombies coming inside after I start a quest. Bad enough when it is zombies, but when the bears start coming up multiple floors to visit, it is rather strange. Lol.
  18. I want to add my own suggestions regarding the limited paint textures available while we are taking about it. I would really like to see textures and color as two separate options. If I want a yellow wood house versus a blue versus a red, we don't need multiple textures. The same for painted concrete or stucco or similar textures currently available. We'd just use one texture with a color applied to it. This gives us many more options for how things look without taking up tons of texture space. Yes, it requires another byte of space for each block, but this can be reduced by only adding the color bit to blocks that are allowed to be "painted". That removes all ground blocks and water blocks and air blocks as well as many other block types that cannot be painted. Yes, it increases space, but I think the amount is reasonable. It may also be that it is possible to do this with the current number of bytes being used for textures with a little creative work. I'd even give up some textures if need to make this possible.
  19. I had a bad region file due to a corrupted save. Might be similar for you.
  20. I think we're are using different definitions if edgy. It sounds like you're using the definition meaning tense, while I'm using it as being basically at the front of change it new ideas. The way I was meaning it, death, blood, gore, murder, suicide are so common as to not be edgy. Now that I see how you mean the word, yes, most horror would be edgy. In terms of controversial, I suppose that can often be true as so many people consider horror aspects controversial. After all, one of the more censored/banned books in the US was written for kids... Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. I read it as a kid around 11 or so and I loved the book. 😁
  21. I keep seeing edgy and controversial in the description of horror. Why? Can those be in horror? Sure. Are they aspects of horror? No. They are just things that some horror uses, mostly due to the world we are living in today as those weren't common among horror decades ago. Back then, if it startled you, it could be considered horror, or if there was murder and it wasn't meant to be realistic or historical, it could be considered horror. It didn't take much. Today, there more kinds of horror than we had back then. Many of them use a spooky theme and they can be edgy or controversial parts, though not always. These are just options for specific kinds of horror, but horror is not limited to such a specific definition. Horror doesn't even have to be dark. That is common, but not a requirement. This game has horror aspects, though I'll agree that horror isn't the first thing I think when I play the game. But that doesn't mean they are wrong to call it survival horror.
  22. Oh, very nice. I might suggest it looking more broken. Something that heavy falling that distance would break apart more. I understand the desire to have it look good and not like rubble and I know there are limitations in the available blocks, so maybe it's better as it is now.
  23. I'll definitely be interested to see this when released. One thought would be to add a few sections of the overpass that is broken or crumbled to the ground. I love it as it is now, but that would fit the world more. I like the subway idea too. I had just recently taken time to go into the underground part of the underpass section where it drops under another road and had a small section to cross from one side to the other. It was small, but it was different and I think a subway idea that expanded on this would work very well. I've only recently started POI editing and it takes a lot of right and work to get looking right. I'm very impressed by those who are doing these large projects.
  24. I was wondering how this works. How is it that you determine if you are attacking through a door versus attacking the door? Just if there is a zombie behind it? Or do only tools break down doors now? Curious to how it will work.
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